[SELLING] Black Rose Regalia and White Rose Regalia Tabards and Chapeaus
3k in CE for black? Thats pretty much 10 bucks american... Is that really what they go for? I bit steep dont ya think?
People are paying that and more for them. I've seen people buying them for 2k a piece often.
Please note that it would be 6k CE For the Black set and 5k CE for each of the White Sets.
Black seems to be high in demand, so that is why it falls this way.
In addition the sale of those regalia pieces is coming to an end, so the only way you could find it is through players re-selling, slightly lower than OOO's price seems more than reasonable to me - and you know what piece you are getting.
It seems like a seller ditched me, so I'm once again looking to buy a black tabard. I'll buy it for your asking price.
Great message me when you are online.
Inventory has changed slightly - 1 Tabard is reserved for hdragon
Still looking for takers on White Rose Sets and Black Rose Chapeau
Inventory changed again now have 2 full black sets and 1 full white set. also price changed - this does not affect the sale I had set up with Hdragon already, if it is still happening.
Am interested in the White Set, if you're still selling it!
Are any of these sales still active? I'm interested in purchasing a full black regalia set.
I am greatly interested in a black rose regalia set and can offer a negotiable amount of CE for the black set. I can pay up to 16,000 CE!
Im interested in just the helm. Will offer 1.5K CE and 20K CR if interested
Old old old thread, thanks for bumping.
I have two black tabards and one white tabard. Will sell each for no less than 15k CE. Thank you.
death9-this thread is dead, i have a black chap tho. ign:subversion
Ill trade you a red set for a black set?