Knightmare, Once again under new management.
Hello, I am Chuckkles.
I am the current acting Guildmaster as our previous ones have taken a long term break.
I am here to tell you that we are currently recruiting people who have atleast a set of 4* items and the willingness to learn.
We are looking to get a GvG team together along with multiple high quality PvE runners.
We have a pretty nice guild hall and some excelent people.
We have a Heritage of mild trollery and tom foolery to uphold, but that doesn't mean you have to be a jerk to people.
We are a very chill group of people helping people be people who help people do things with people.
Our Rank advancements are based on a personal trustworthiness and will be explained more fully once you have been invited.
If you are interested in joining a guild that has no problems with swearing, being silly, and playing well shoot me or Seithennin a Mail with your best gear and a little bit about yourself and we'll respond accordingly.
Best wishes,
Around what day did you start playing Spiral Knights (or how long ago)?:
I started playing when you needed minerals for gates for about a day, and then I started playing again maybe about a month ago.
About how many hours do you play per day on average?:
I play anywhere between 2 and 8 hour a day and sometimes not at all. I have to generally time when I am playing around when I am working and sometimes I do indeed play other games. I will be unable to access spiral knights from the 5th of August to the 29th of August due to business abroad.
About how many hours do you play per week on average?:
I play for between 6 and 18 hours per week. It all depends what is going on.
What are your normal play hours (GMT):
Anytime between 9/10 EST and 21/22 EST
What tiers do you have experience with? (1,2,3+ shadow lairs?):
I have lots of experience with tiers one and two and I am on the verge of accessing 3.
Which of the regular bosses (if not all) have you killed?/Are you able to solo all content minus shadow lairs and danger rooms?:
I have soloed everything in tiers 1 and 2 as a swordsman on elite. Not very relevant though to being able to do shadow lairs or Vanaduke
What shadow Lair bosses have you killed?:
None, but I plan on doing Shadow Snarb twice in order to have my first set of 5 star armor/helm be snarbolax. I am fairly confident that I will be able to do it with a group with 5 star weapons and 4 star armor since I tend to dodge and maneuver more than I try to block attacks.
How you acquire energy?:
I buy energy off of the market to speed up advancing gear in terms of getting orbs but that is about it.
Please list your current and strongest set(s) of gear:
Ash Tail Coat, Dusker Cap(almost Ash Tail), Fireburst Brandish, Swift Flourish(soon to be replaced by Dark Thorn Blade), Faust(lvl 5), and Dark Thorn Shield(lvl 2).
Have you been in any guilds previously? If so, which ones?:
Nothing Noteworthy
Are you active in Blastnetwork? Lockdown?:
Why should we accept you into our guild over the other applicants we get?:
I am willing to learn, I can take joke, if need be I can be serious, and I know how to have my Knight Dance :p.