Hello Everybody. First off I've been playing this game for just over 2,500+ hours now. I love this game to death, and throughout my time playing I've tried to compose a list of some things that I have thought would personally make this game better in some cases. In my suggestions I will explain my reason for why I suggest it, and below show a screenshot of some sort (If possible) showing what could be better fixed with it. I will try to check this forum from time to time. If any of these are a great idea in your opinion let me know what you think.
Updated on ~ 10/30/13
IGN ~ Chaozxelectric
#1 - Prismatic Swiftstrike Bucklers: ~ http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Swiftstrike_Buckler
Now I know what you're all thinking "That sounds odd why would anybody want that!" Well I have a great reason for this idea. I started using spiral-spy recently to fiddle around with the files and i got as close as I could possible to a prismatic one for myself to use with sets that need it for the added appearance. While I may be the only one that can see this, it still suits my currents needs for looks. Not that there is anything wrong with the shield it looks nice and all, but why limit it to one personal color matching it (Chartreuse). Personally I think this idea is great for the fact that this shield is used by many people for that extra kick when playing in the Clockworks, and it is quite nice looking with the right gear. Plus I know it's popularity will sky-rocket with people that wear prismatic sets (soon to be one of them :D)
#2 - Helm-Front Slot on a Crescent Helm ~ http://i.imgur.com/C51kNCu.jpg
I know this isn't the most game-changing sort of suggestion, but I for one love customizing these helmets. I was devastated when I saw that they didn't have a slot for glasses like it's Divine/Volcanic forms. There is much potential for these helmets alone, and this function would be a step in the right direction.
Divine ~ http://i.imgur.com/IEO05J4.jpg
Volcanic ~ http://i.imgur.com/yl5JBK4.jpg
#3 - Steam Workshop Capabilities ~ http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/
Like any MMO it should last for quite a long time, but why not give it that added support. Make a Steam Workshop function for creative minds to add their own monsters, weapons, gears, etc. It could possibly keep this game going for a long time to come. I would absolutely love seeing this for the fact of how creative people have been with the Team Fortress 2 one already. There are already hundreds of designs for new implementations of gear in this game that would possibly make this game greater than it already is. Here are a few that have caught my attention
Greaver Set ~ http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/277/6/1/beryl_greaver_set_by_caic...
New Jelly Sets (Variants) ~ http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/220/a/1/extended_jelly_armor_by_n...
Silkwing Set (By Ian himself) ~ http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/276/7/5/doodle___silkwing_silks_b...
#4 - {Praise OOO's as this has been answered}
#5 - The ability to pause/not be reliant on internet in solo
Yeah! Yeah! I know this is something that most would seem impossible in a game such as this, however that is not the case. Take Warframe for example (if you've played it before). The way it's set up is a simple 4-party system in which the player reaches the ending goal with the objective completed. With it there are multiple types of connection sets that you can choose before you start a party (much like Spiral Knights). Just say I was to choose solo, i'd have the ability to pause, never lose connection, or lag. This could also possibly ease up stress on the server from some players. If you have any questions about this, and an exploit you think would occur let me know, and I'll see if there are ways around it.
Q. What if people want to use hacking programs like Cheat Engine or other Hex editors in Spiral Knights?
A. Why not simply get a anti-cheat engine like Warframe/Other Games. ~ http://puu.sh/53KVr.jpg
#6 - Custom Hud/Ui
Another overused suggestion huh? Well with this when I look at Spiral Knights most recent Hud/Ui update all I see is a cluttered mess of useless information that I have no reason to care for/need to know at all. With this implementation make certain objects on the HUD toggle-able.
Name ~ Why must I know my own in-game name when I'm playing it? Even better what about the players that don't want their names to be too open to the public when they take a screenshot of something funny in game and end up getting begged for items/money because it was shown.
Rank ~ The Mission Tab already shows this to me, why must I know it still?
Image ~ Why must I see a circular portrait of my knight when I can clearly see myself on-screen anyways?
Health/Shield Limits in Haven/Guildhall ~ These are nice to have and all, but they are practically pointless to show to me while in Haven unless the Gremlins actually invade Haven.
#7 - Non-Shared Cr/Heat
The way I see this implementation was more or less a way of getting rid of Alt-dragging once and for all. However it is still possible to do when you have a private party set up. I can understand if this was their intention to begin with, but it clearly did not go as planned. It also succeeded in making Vanaduke Runs more irritating especially on the second floor.
#8 - Bugs, Bugs, and more Bugs (Did I forget to mention about bugs?)
I've been a member of the Spiral Knights community for over 2 and half years now, and I've seen countless bugs in the game. From harmless ones to ones that literally render the game unplayable there are too many to name, so I will just name some well known ones. The best thing i can think of to minimize bugs.errors would be to make the preview server free to access when it goes live as more people can test the update, and get rid of unwanted bugs so that terrible inconveniences no longer happen to the player basis (R.I.P. me during the Apocrean Update).
~ Texture Tearing
- Simple ~ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/560966996842604529/0901965617A3567DF...
- Bad ~ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/846968147900457777/6F39B3B28AAC896B4F9...
- Unplayable ~ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559863135060032859/C680CBCF30C145E2A...
~ Terrible Serverside Lag/ Lag in General (Hand-in-Hand with the solo bit)
- Video ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVfEauNCllg
~ Force Disconnection
- Video ~ A YouTube Video I recorded showing what happens when this occurs
- Recently with the Apocrean update being introduced I have noticed that Blast Cubes as well as Bomb Gourdlings have recently had the capability to force disconnect some players from the server. With this Disconnection they are made to wait for a few good minutes to reconnect, or restart their Java App. When said disconnection occurs they are still in the level, but everything (Traps, Enemies, Projectiles, and Crowns/Heat) are stopped from being picked up/killed.
So much yes to the steam workshop.