No, I do not mean an apple fight, or a food battle. Currently, the suggestions is filled with threads about apps. There are fights in those threads, and it must stop right now.
The main question is: "Does it actually work between Spiral knights and apps?"
Nobody knows 100%. The main thing that everyone is doing is fighting with their own opinion. Eventually, it gets ugly. Some people even go too far and go beyond negative. Something like "dude ur opinion sucks java works on everything u stupid [GM censor example]! it works on evertin. u dunt hav 2 run sk wit java. u just put username and u r logged in". That is what reminds me of those threads.
I really get paranoid for the fact that I go there, say it's impossible and that is my opinion, and then people start saying "dud ur argument is invalid gtfo". What? It's just opinions. We are just saying our own facts.
Now, don't get me wrong here. The only way to stop it is to follow what Oatmonster usually says in his posts which is "Google or GTFO!". Honestly, I find it really funny and at the same time, it's seriously true. Another way is to just say "It's only my fact and opinion. Don't get me wrong here". People cannot just say "Dude your fact was 100% stupid" because again, it's just an opinion and fact.
So tell me, can you please share your own facts and opinions without any rage? Discuss about how apps can and cannot work. If you say it works on everything, give a reason. Do not just come here and say "Invalid, Invalid, INVALID!!". No, you are going to have to give back up reasons and the next person discusses and so on.
Btw, this is not a game. Just a discussion.