Hey there, and welcome to the official thread for The Jempire here on Spiral Knights!
We're currently one of the most active and engaged guilds in the game. Our mantra is different from other guilds, though - we don't care whether you're rocking 5-star Vog gear or a 0-star Spiral Sallet. What matters to us, above all else, is your personality and dedication for the future.
That said, we've got an awesome team of end-game peoples who do sport decked-out, max UV five-star gear - so if that's where you'd like to be someday, then you're also in the right place.
Also, we really like PvP. If you're an active PvP player - and you fight your matches instead of afk'ing - then you'll be among friends with us.
We're a guild where you're more than just a number, and your skill in the game is secondary to who you are as a person. We're a guild of friends; not members. : )
As we start to fill our last spots before we hit 100 people, we're accepting applications both here on the forums and in-game. To apply in-game, please message either RubyEclipse, Ruyter, Dothackerduo, or Huntr.
A little more about us...
(This is us: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3141/5851859419_f52656c152_b.jpg)
We've been around now for over 10 years, originally starting in an online game for Dreamcast called Phantasy Star Online. Ten years is a lot of time, and thanks to that, we've got a rich base of friends and experience that is the foundation of our guild.
You can find our official website and forums at: www.jemgaming.net
[ Jempire Awards and Member Recognition ]
Autofire's Race Event
1st Place - Ruby
3rd Place - Plustoic
Spiral Knights PvP Leaderboards
First Place - Week 1-2
First Place - Week 3
Founder Awards (10+ years or more with the guild)
I hate cake.
I also heard that Inheritor guy has some pretty perky pecks, and infinite girlfriends and money.