Check out my story here, The World of Praetorius: (Note: Look for other chapters in comments)
The Beta Team is the second most skilled group of knights in the land, second only to the Alpha Team. They all bear a special mark of a roman beta on their shoulder to distinguish them. The team consists of:
Anton Arcwell, the Leader:
Anton Arcwell has been one of the most skilled warriors fighting during Operation Crimson Hammer, and took down the Red Roarmulus Twins with his team. He is a man who can inspire has troops, and as a Master Sergeant he was respected by his superiors and his troops showed loyalty to him. Soon Feron inducted him into the Beta Team for his skill and valor. After Avalyn Soran died in the field of battle, Anton became colder, and much more ruthless. He would attack with the ferocity of a landslide, and his enemies wilted before him. His teammates began to feel uneasy about their formerly great leader.
He wears a suit of specially designed armor, commissioned by Lieutenant Feron. That set of armor is the Legionnaire Set, traits and looks similar to the Heavenly Iron set, but with a twist. Using Black-Box tech, Feron made the armor make someone go faster, more stamina, and enhanced their abilities. He wields a Combuster and a Blitz Needle. His shield is an Exalted Honor Guard, granted to him by the high powers in the spiral order. His color is red.
Avalyn Soran, the Sharpshooter (Deceased):
Avalyn Soran was a brave, selfless knight who would put herself in danger to keep others safe. She was good with a gun, like nobody else was. Avalyn and Anton had a relationship, and when she died Anton became ruthless and cold in his sorrow and despair. When she was alive, she wore a modified version of the Ice Queen set, although it had no ego/personality related effects on her. She wielded an Argent Peacemaker and a Final Flourish, her shield was a Grey Owlite Shield. Her color is indigo/violet-ish.
Ryus Vindictorus, The Heavy:
Ryus Vindictus is a tough guy with a heart of a lion. He'll be the first to charge into the fray, sending enemies flying. Ryus can block a Trojan's strike with his bare hands. He wears the Ironmight Plate set, shield, armor, and helm. His weapons are a Sudaruska and a Callahan. His color is dark green.
Quest LeWitt, the Doctor:
Quest LeWitt was a top-notch war doctor during wars on Isora, his patients were almost always ready for battle in an hour after getting injured, and some wounds weren't pretty. Doc's seen his fair share of fighting too. He prefers a gun, but uses a gun when he was to. He wears an an Azure Guardian set, shield is a Heater Shield. His color is white, and wields a Biohazard and a Voltedge.
Aekuryi, I'm sorry, but your advice didn't work. If you would be so kind, please read this. Thank you.