I've got some pixel data on several shields used in FSC.
I haven't figured out how to take screenshots in-game on my Macbook Air faster than the shield can recharge, so these will be estimates with an error of about +/- 2 pixels (except for the shield bar length, which I could measure in peace)
Omega Shell, UV Normal Medium
vs. zombie swipe: 118
vs. zombie leap: 91
vs. zombie breath: 60
vs. shadow fire: 116 light hit, 173 heavy hit
vs. elemental grates: 108
vs. spikes traps: 108
vs. spike wheels: 60 pixels
Crest of Almire UV Elemental Low:
vs. zombie swipe: 91
vs. zombie leap: 122
vs. shadow fire: 142
vs. elemental grates: 132
vs. spike traps: 135
vs. spike wheels: 85
Dread Skelly UV Elemental Medium:
vs. zombie swipe: 99
vs. zombie breath: 87
vs. zombie leap: 63
vs. shadow fire: 139 light hit, 211 heavy hit
vs. elemental grates: 245
vs. spike traps: 225
vs. spike wheels: 93
Grey Owlite Shield UV Pierce Low:
vs. zombie swipe: 196
vs. zombie leap: 120
vs. shadow fire: 81
vs. elemental grates: 72
vs. spike traps: 132
vs. spike wheels: 93
Shield bar lengths:
Omega Shell bar: 360px
Aegis shield bar: 360px
Blackened Crest bar: 300px
Swiftstrike Buckler bar: 240px
[imaginary 2* shield] bar: 180px?
Green Ward bar: 120px
Proto Shield bar: 60px
Can some of you guys get data on non-UV'd shields?