New Guild Master, therefore New Thread, when he makes one
Yes, we still have an epic Guild Hall with a Dance Floor and Lazy Snipes!!!! Join now!!! (PM Derp-Glerp)
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This Guild is allied with another great guild, Sunshine Guild. Sunshine Guild is new, but it will have a lot of people, a lot of LD matches, and you can get help from experienced players (Really experienced!). The Guild Master is a great friend of mine, and I daresay the nicest player in Spiral Knights (Not joking, I've never seen him unfriendly ever, and he gladly helps me when I'm dying :P). To join, mail Soriwan or Alxid! Join now before you log out of Spiral Knights!
Hmm... Similar to my Guild, Schizophrenia
We Host Killer Parties, Play Lockdown, Have a Forum Post, Wiki, and Steam Group, Plus we're all about having fun, and enjoying the game, only thing is we have a Hall =P
--Gm of Schizophrenia