I feel as though I am going to get banned for no reason if I continue to post under this one.
I use many sayings that are in common use to-day by reputable sources, and I always make a large effort to keep everything that I post 100% clean in terms of "foul language"... not because I enjoy it, but because I am forced to and respect the community guidelines.
So that being said, I apparently am unable to follow the rules, as I do not know what constitutes "foul language". A thread that I made had a term that I use and see used often, and was graveyarded+locked entirely because of the terminology, as well as had the word removed. I was then sent a notification, and I have a strange feeling that, given enough time, this incident will in fact repeat itself. The thread that I am talking about can be found here: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/82328
Given that (I believe, based on what I've seen from others) after about 3 infractions your account is banned, if I make a single mistake over the course of who knows how long I'll stick around, I will be forum banned for it. And I honestly don't think this is going to end well. So should I-
A.) Accept the fact that I will inevitably break a rule on accident and get banned for whichever small mistake I make next?
B.) Post using an alt account to exempt myself from being banned?
C.) Crave myself out to I guess Eury? To avoid getting banned.
So no, "I do not understand". And no, I'm not disputing a ban or other action. I'm wanting a legitimate discussion over this issue with the forum community.
Just don't say D-O-O D-O-O.