I noticed something in this official wallpaper and also on the patcher:
What's with the golden globe-holder-thingamajig?
It's never been mentioned anywhere in-game. Also, there seems to be some kind of construction 1/3 of the way down that may be a city.
Any ideas?
Strange construction around Cradle
I'm pretty sure the "construction" is Haven, in fact after looking at it like that several months ago I've always thought that.
Have you ever wondered why we're safe up in haven?
The Cradle, being an artificial planet, at least to a large extent, was constructed by bringing pieces of other planets to it. I assume that the main construction of the clockwork mechanisms and infrastructure was complete by this point. That construction 1/3 the way down is quite possibly an air shaft, silo, or exhaust vent. That, or I'm crazy, blind, or a combination of the two. As for the golden globe-holder-thingamajig, I believe that's simply there for an artistic look more than anything else, or it possibly factors into the clockworks system.
Yeah, it's probably looks like it's more for artistic effect.
It looks like a slider you'd find on a globe holder to determine the latitude somewhere lies on a globe.
It's connected to Cradle at it's "poles", and displays the planet's rotational axis. It's possible that the brace is then rotated by internal motors, the inertia of which allows the rotation of Cradle to be artificially simulated.
You. can't. see. it. because. there. is. no. option. to. look. up.
It's an earthbound throwback. Cradle is the resting place for the Core, which is a person, and the worlds around the clockworks represent a mobile above the crib of the baby. Basically, it's all 2deep4u symbolism.
It's all artificial, none of it is natural. Everything surrounding the Core is a fable created by it. Dreams and nightmares are what we're playing in. It was a dream all along...again!
LOL JK, this is the kind of game that is SHOW but don't TELL. You can't have that kind of story in a free mmo...can you?
(yes, mabinogi pulled it off pretty well)
The cradle could also be the resting place for the nights. It could be named what it is for a number of reasons.
It's probably some sort of pole going thru slots to keep it together, like some sort of stake. Quite common. Also, the "cities" are the gears which hold the game maps. Look halfway thru the background of this site, and you can see the gears with the same yellow-ish lights.
I asked for this years ago but nobody answered xD And I think it may be a main gear in Cradle's Clockworks rotation... or even where Great Colony is located - who says they are in a sphere? Maybe we got to climb that next instead of going further in.
I thought it was an artificial sun that slides back and forth along the given axis while cradle rotates. This would simulate the natural movement of a sun across the sky, and when this "sun" reaches the end of its daily run, it changes its color and brightness to become the moon and start its path in the opposite direction back across crade. Then its just simple rinse and repeat.
I don't know, that theory makes more sense to me then any of the others.
That or its an A.I construct charged with observing the cradle inhabitants and making changes to the clockworks (In real time) in order to prevent whatever is sealed within the core from escaping. That would work as well.
But then how was Cradle built? The only logical explination is that debris from decaying planets collided with it, made a spherical form, was later inhabited by gremlins, they finished it, and built the CW's.
It is specifically stated in the Sanctuary Echo Stones that the clockworks were built to contain the Core, either to protect or imprison it. Worlds were then drawn in and added seemingly at random. It's not immediately clear if gremlins were the original architects, but I sincerely doubt it. Their larger creations are more simplistic, and put bluntly, stupid. Take the Roarmulus Twins for instance. Designed by Seerus to destroy Haven, they were built facing each other and switches and barriers conveniently added. Also, the Crimson Order and perhaps the entire Gremlin infrastructure is fractured. Seerus thought that we, the knights, were sent by Herex, another Crimson Order member that focused on creating biological weapons, to kill him. This indicates a large degree of mistrust between the gremlins and may reflect their race as a whole. Being able to cooperate long enough to make something as large and complex as the clockworks seems to be above them.
I think the wiki should stop linking me to Tinkizar when I click on "The Architect".