Oh well... If you have time, read it.
*You are an idiot if you think damage is more important than captures or defends in LD.
*You are an idiot if you think capturing is more important than damage or defends in LD.
*You are an idiot if you think that results shows you exactly how skilled you are.
*You are an idiot if you think it's easy to get high damage with Clone Gear.
*You are an idiot if you think it's easy to handle the Warmaster Hammer.
*You are an idiot if you think it's easy to use the Polaris effectively.
*You are an idiot if you think bombing is spamming.
*You are an idiot if you think using Polaris only is spamming.
*You are an idiot if you think that gear plays the biggest role in someone's performance in LD.
*You are an idiot if you think that connection doesn't matter in LD.
*You are an idiot if you think that Recon is weaker than Striker.
*You are an idiot if you think Guardian is stronger than Recon.
*You are an idiot if you think that Dash made Guardians OP.
*You are an idiot if you think getting 50k for once, twice or thrice shows you are skilled.
*You are an idiot if you think getting a constant 20k doesn't show a degree of skill in combat.
*You are an idiot if you say that anyone can get 20k all the time with spamming GF/DA.
*You are an idiot if you think that combo-spamming is skill.
*You are an idiot if you don't think that getting high damage is rather conditional, and only few, if none, can surpass that.
*You are an idiot if you want OOO to remove AT.
*You are an idiot if you call AT, AA.
*You are an idiot if you don't know how does AT work.
*You are an idiot if you think that all people that use AT are newbies and combospammers.
*You are an idiot if you think that AT gives you range.
*You are an idiot if you think that you can only dominate with Clone Gear.
*You are an idiot if you think that LD has no viable strategies.
*You are an idiot if you think that LD is filled only with hateful and toxic people.
*You are an idiot if you think that LD isn't competitive all the time.
*You are an idiot if you think that UVs are what break the balance, not trinkets.
*You are an idiot if you think that anyone that has asi VH will kick your ass.
*You are an idiot if you think high captures and mediocre damage is skill.
*You are an idiot if you think that all people that get high damage with low caps are damage hogs.
*You are an idiot if you think that all people that have a lot of captures are teamplayers or carrying the team or even helping it.
*If you find this thread offensive for "idiot" mentioning, you need to go and read all LD-related threads and see how many times you will facedesk yourself.
*These are only my opinions, therefore, they don't have to be all correct. I just think I should've posted this thread from a long time, since I've been playing LD for a while, and I know what I am speaking about.
*I will be waiting for Feller to post this: "Why do you think your opinion is important? You suck, you are a nooob bla bla bla ja ja ja ja ja ja." If he does this, you can either burn him with another long argument or just ignore him. Free to choose.
Well, Auto Target kinda-sorta-ish give you "longer" reach/range/whatever-you-prefer in the sense that it adjusts your aim to strike directly towards the opponent allowing you to make use of the weapon's maximum length, which otherwise is more difficult to utilize consistently.