Lower saturation as HP lowers

5 replies [Last post]
Autofire's picture

Simple. The current proposed effect for low HP is a red border effect all around the screen. While this is very noticeable (so I know exactly when to start really being careful), it really doesn't help me live longer. It pretty much covers a good deal of the screen.

Instead, what if the screen starts loosing its saturation? Like, starts to get more monochrome. When you die, the colors would be (almost) completely gone. If it is like this, it would be very noticeable but at the same time wouldn't cover the screen.

Shotjeer's picture

this is new update testing. Isnt it?

Testing Feedback.

Thunder-The-Bright's picture

the thing in the test server is that the screen has red borders when health<10%. not exactly this.
btwm how would vitapods work? make the game more colorful?

Iam-Darkness's picture
Issues with blending in?

Might this cause some enemies/traps to blend in with everything else? If it would that might also decrease one's chance of survival.

Klipik-Forum's picture
Concerns...and something else...

As Josh said, any kind of low life indicator is designed to be attention-grabbing, which in turn takes your attention away from staying alive. Better to leave one out entirely.

P.S: This wouldn't be a problem if the health bar was in the middle of the screen where we could actually see it all the time, like practically every other good isometric - perspective game ever made.

Ghret's picture

The only idea I have for this is for the application of shaders which make the enemies and traps and their ilk appear brighter than their surroundings when the screen is desaturated. Probably a terrible idea due to the high chance that your screen will become filled with just pure shining white...