in the first missions theres a mission that made me say "the humanity"
its "The Ancient Generator" which there you come to a new world, destroy someone belogings and take his power
after that you take a artifact that he probably workd hard to get it and run
is it sound that the spiral hq did a good thing??
spiral hq is evil
Whatever, he deserved it. Self defense.
He never tries to reason with you. He only yells something like "damn you, ugly knight! die!".
We are not naturally evil, he pushes us to that point.
Jaunce, we broke into his facility. Don't act like he was in the wrong any more then us.
This is also his planet, his home. Why should him or any gremlin,slime, or devilite be fimorced to help us get 1 stupid ship that for all we know didn't actually crash.
Sky what mission was that? To build weapons to defend him self and other gremlins from the space invaders? How evil.
Can you blame Spiral HQ for sending teams down through the clockworks, attacking things that attack us on sight? It's not like we came here and destroyed everything we laid our hands on - all the enemies attack us without anyone getting a chance to talk. Maybe if they gave us a chance, we could have gotten our ship working by now...
Perhaps the Monsters made the Knights crash onto Cradle and so we swore revenge. ;D
But we don't know who did that... or at least, HQ hasn't told us. Last time I checked we didn't get orders to kill everything on sight, either.
What if HQ made the ship "crash" land to start harvesting the resources, tech, and energy of the planet.
And if they wanted to just take everything, they wouldn't have misled all of the soldiers.
triple post. and yes spiral hq is evil because we kilked some poor bosses for recon modules (excpet for the twins that was built to dedtroy us)
Kip thats sort of what they are doing at this point.
Nah, they're just taking all the minerals. And dumping them into gates trying to use science to open the core. And failing miserably.
when you say that the "enemies" attck as on sight
maybe its because we come with bombs swords and guns?
and i dont think that if someone come into your house with guns it means he is a good guy
if someone was doing the same for me i will attck him too
A friggin spaceship crashed. They could have come and say hi.
It's not like we went into their houses unnanounced. Besides the 'door' was open.
Take haven strangers for example. Why aren't they attacking us too?
maybe because we asked them first and didnt jumped to the aciton (killing spree)
Well, most monsters aren't even sentient. it is unknown if wolvers, or any other beasts are intelligent. Constructs follow the will of the gremlins (Most of the time) The undead attack everyone. As they are dead. The only one's I see attacking us are Gremlins and Devilites. Oh, and the slimes. They are obviously sentient as they have founded a monarchy.
I bet slimes built the Core by implanting cores in gremlins to control them.
Okay, now I feel like I stood up for a bad government ordering knights around. Lol, Waffle, just sayin'... Also, Razwog is the reason I hate Rhendon. So, kudos, Woggy.
Speaking of woggy, I'm suprised he gasn't done more razwog art with how much of a hearton for him.
Also during the mission involving Razwog, Rhendon had a chance to reason with the grem the whole time but chose not to.
Also during the mission involving Razwog, Rhendon had a chance to reason with the grem the whole time but chose not to.
That's why I hate Rhendon. I kept yelling the next level, "RHENDON IS STUPID."
I had a similar experiance when I replayed the new tutorial but it was more, "Why in the name of nipples are we breaking into a factory and stealing stuff?!"
Thats like saying that since tigers, elephants and other animals will attack we should kill them all just because they do that. We would have a lot less animals in the real world if we did that lol
After you create your character you go and kill everything with your Proto weapons. There's no arsenal stantion so you can't unequip your gear and say Hi to the monsters... We are invaders and that's why almost everything attacks us. Notice that you can't sell your Proto gear, you can't take it off. We are made and sent to kill everything and steal the planet's resources.
Think about Vanaduke. It's true he is mad but why should we mess with his own kingdom? He didn't attack us. But Spiral HQ tells us to kill Vana and reach the Core. To clean the way to the Core. Notice how monsters from ALL families DEFEND the citadel... Why?
i think i know who controll the spiral hq
pure evil
Mini-Monsters (dust bunnies, scarabs and glop drops) attack to the gremlins, there is a scenario room in Compound levels where you can see some defeated gremlins with open cages (it is possible that Gremlins were studying the behavior of the mini monsters)
According to the wiki, that artifact from Razwog is a back-up generator from Skylark, meaning it belonged to the knights.
Of course, someone unclear on the story could've just placed fake info there. I don't know.
Someone go into the lab and talk to the NPCs. We can at least get the Knights' side of the story.
Even if the artifact was part of the skylark that doesn't exscuse Rehndon's lack of comunication with Razwog. Rehdon could have just told this to Razwog and change the out come of that fight or even avoided it completely.
The spiral Order obviously had military intentions when coming to Cradle. The feel of the game is that the Skylark was like a colony ship or something, but if that were true, then why do they have over a million soldiers, and a comparative handful of geo knights, technicians, and the like? It seems to me that from the personæ de navi, the only thing the Order set out to do was conquer.
I don't know about the other denizens of the clockworks, but gremlins are obviously intelligent. They terraformed their own planet for crying out loud! some other indications of sentience might include the ability to build and operate complex machinery, their own language (though as yet undeciphered by SK linguists), and their social structure, to name a few.
As I see it, the knights saw a planet. They detected an energy source they could use. They decided to use it. Oops, the planet is inhabited. They decide to wipe out anyone who gets in the way of acquiring what they, through some misplaced sense of entitlement, see as theirs, and boom, we have a war.
To draw a parallel, If aliens detected our nuclear power plants, or even, perhaps the energy at the core of our planet. Then they decided that we didn't deserve such things and that they were entitled to owning all of it. Next, we put up a fight, against them landing (or crashing) on our territory, would we be in the wrong.
One of the "evil" things that gremlins do is logging operations. On the planet that they built! If the aforementioned aliens came down and started murdering all of our lumberjacks, how would we react?
Velixar: If the aforementioned aliens came down and started murdering all of our lumberjacks, how would we react?
Kill 'em and see where they fit on the restaurant menus.
As for Spiral HQ killing everything for stuffs... don't we already do that IRL? Anyway, the Gremlins are ghastards, the Undead hate everything that's alive, beasts are just that, Slimes are squidgey, constructs are under orders of the Gremlins who made them, and Fiends throw suitcases, rotten food and snowballs at us, corrupt people who then turn on us, and are generally ghastards themselves.
Why wouldn't we kill them?
Haha, I kind of has the same philosophy in one of the fanfics I have on hold atm
WARNING: The following post contains; The author's own silly theories; Stuff that is TOTALLY not self-advertising for the author's own stories; lots of lore that the author made up himself; random carp; the author talking about the author in third person for the warning that the author is writing; stuff that sorta has nothing to do with the topic of this thread; etc etc.
Personally, I feel that SHQ is sorta evil, but not like evil kind of evil.
Lemme explain (this'll take a while). And kudos to anyone who counts how many times I used the word 'stuff' in this post.
The way I see it, before the skylark crashed, the Isorans were involved in a war of some kind. In one or two of missions, Kora talks about 'The Liberation of Ilsola' and 'Morai' and 'Typhoon Fire Cannons.' Now, Typhoon Fire Cannons are obviously some type of weaponry. Typhoon fire may be some kind of substance that the weaponry is based off of, similar to how many of the Isorans' weapons are energy-based. Typhoon Fire sounds like some kind of plasma to me. Liquidy fire stuff. Maybe sorta like the stuff stars seem to be made of, even though stars are made of gas. WHATEVER ANYWAY The Liberation of Ilsola was some kind of battle against the Morai over some kind of city or maybe even planet that the Isorans were trying to free from Morain rule.
The Morai are most likely some kind of alien species, since Kora said something along the lines of 'The Morai's typhoon fire cannons during the liberation of Ilsola' during a mission where she tells you about the Alpha Squad. If not aliens, then they may be a faction of Isoran insurgents rebelling against the Spiral Order, since the Order seem to have a very military-based society and stuff that the Morai may have disapproved of. At any rate, they are enemies of the Spiral Order.
The Skylark was some kind of space cruiser of the Isoran space fleet (hey, if they have 1 space ship, they gotta have others, right? And if they have an entire fleet, then it's a plausible theory that they may have been involved in some kind of galatic/intergalactic war with the Morai and other alien species). The SKylark may have even been the flagship, since it held tons and tons and tons of soldiers one it. Also, STUFF.
ANYWAY, to the main topic of this thread.
So, after the Skylark crashed on Cradle (I like to think that the engine that exploded was due to some kind of sabotage from the Morai or other aliens that the SK may have been fighting). They were probably scouting out the planet for just whatever. It may have been a completely unknown planet, perhaps one that the Skylark simply stumbled upon minutes before crashing. It makes sense cause if it was like a known planet, then the dues who still reside on Isora could have sent some kind of rescue to bring back the crew of the Skylark, since they knew their whereabouts and all that. Since that hasn't happened yet, it is plausible to assume that Cradle and maybe even the entire system/galaxy it was in was a very new discovery that no one else knew about yet.
Now, since they were soldiers and were in the middle of a war, when they crashed the Isorans prolly began to kill anything that was a threat to them cause like war instinct and, as Velixar said, some kind of screwed up sense of entitlement that since they discovered the planet it belonged to them, and stuff (Reminds me of the Americans taking away land from the Native Americans. Not nice stuff, to say the least.) Not very logical, but hey, they were confused, scared, didn't know what anything on the planet was, etc. Anyway, some of them must have begun to kill the natives, before people with clearer and wiser heads could step in and try to get help from them instead. This spread through the ranks of survivors until everyone was just killing the Gremlins and dudes. When the Spiral Order was established, they just let everyone go on with what they were already doing, cause, don't worry, we're only killing the native wildlife and jelly things and stuff :O
Then the stuff with razwog happened. Having not created a new knight to do the new razwog stuff myself, I don't really know what's going on with that, but I can tell that Barrus seeems to be a jerk according to you guys. So, things got more screwed up and more and more new species started to get killed.
After discovering a massive bunch of energy down at the Core that they could use to fix and power up the Skylark again, they began to journey down into the Clockworks. The Gremlins and other sentient and intelligent creatures, having had the Spiral Knights already kill members of their kind, mount defenses and fight back. The Spiral knights ripped through them, wanting to get to the Core at any cost. The only species they left alone were the Strangers and snipes, since the Strangers may have helped some of the Knights so they became trusted and weren't killed, and the snipes cause they were way too cute to die or something.
Gremlins began to manufacture massive armies of Constructs, adding to the ones they already had. Why would they already have constructs? Well, here's something about the Gremlins; Their weaponry resemble tools of construction; Thwack hammers and hammer, Wrench wands and wrenches, those flamethrower things are welding torches, bombs are demolition tools, etc. Catalyzers were created specifically to help them mine, before the Spiral Knights got a hold of them and used them against the Gremlins. The point is; their tools that they used to build and destroy and fix the Clockworks were able to be used at weapons at a split second's notice. They needed them to defend themselves with. But defend themselves from what? It is probable that they already had such tools before the SK arrived, so they were already facing some kind of threat. Most likely not the other creatures who inhabited the CW with them (explained really soon). The Swarm, perhaps? This would also explain why they had constructs that were specifically built to fight; they were meant to defends their masters from whatever threat they already faced. So, when the Spiral knights invaded, large portions of the already available construct army were used to fight back against the Spiral knights.
The creatures of the Clockworks may have had some kind of alliance. Ask yourself this; why do Wolvers not eat Gremlins? Why do Constructs not try to destroy jellies? In general, why do different species not attack each other when they appear on the same Depth? It is likely that they were all working towards a common goal, or had a common enemies (other than the Spiral Knights). This points to my theory that before the arrival of the Isorans, the clockworks were already threatened by the Swarm. So when the SK came, they continued their alliance to fight back against the new threat. As Kamishi said, pretty much monsters from all the families defended the FSC (Gremlins included, cause The Gauntlet was also one of FSC's defenses). He may have been the leader of the entire alliance, which is why everyone was defending him. It may also be because he's the last thing keeping the Spiral Knights from the Core, which holds something that they do not want the Spiral Knights to get to.
The Spiral Knights eventually reach the Core. However, the Alpha Squad reached there first, and stuff happened. Anyway, if you read the recon module at the Core, Parma says something about shadows coming alive and attacking and stuff. Obviously, the Swarm. Now, after that happened, stuff got screwed up by the Alpha Squad and Spiral Knights, and the Swarm began to wreak havoc. It infected many of the creatures in the Clockworks, leading to the creation of the Shadow Lair, the areas where the Swarm had taken over and done stuff. The Snarby twins (I call cloning machines. There was obviously past civilizations, as ruins can be found in the Clockworks. Some may belong to the 2 opposing kingdoms that Almire faced back in her day, but some must belong to other civilizations. One may have been technologically advanced and created cloning machines before the entire place got obliterated by stuff. Totally not self-advertising my stories and theories. and cloning machines got used by the Snarby somehow and carp happened) and dudes in the Gloaming Wildwoods got rabies due to their swarm infection. The Gremlins got manipulated into building even more horrific things of destruction, the Red Roary Twins. Swarm destroyed the Jelly King and the Ice Queen was returned to power. The swarm took control over the FSC and turned everything into cursed stuff and whatevs.
Which led to all the present day problems that plague Cradle. ALL because Spiral HQ couldn't keep control over its own soldiers after their ship crashed and decided to just go along with what they were doing. So, sorta evil, but blargh.
So, now that you've read that all, I'm sure that you can all tell that I'm full of utter baloney ._. A lot (not all) of this stuff is lore and carp and stuff that I use/plan to use in my stories, so this is in a way unintentional yet blatant self-advertising kind of stuff. But I need to SHARE this stuff with people ;_; I can't keep it all bottled up in my mind. It gets lonely in there.
But yeah, I have tons more lore, but not all of it is relevant to this thread. It's all a story for another day. Also, pun not intended.
We already know that Bechamel is evil. He does secret accessory deals with Slime Cubes and turns them into Impostocubes. We figured it all out here:
Me = Peter (Dad)
Bechamel = Chris (Teenager)
(Gremlins included, cause The Gauntlet was also one of FSC's defenses).
Forgot about that. I'll edit my post.
Also, I think you said "stuff" 21 times. CTL + F works wonders. Go on people: try it.
Some good thoughts...
The only thing I think I disagree with was "He may have been the leader of the entire alliance".
I think Tinkinzar is probably the alliance leader. Vana was protected by the alliance, ok, but think about how much more protected Tinkinzar is- we still haven't found him.
Lol @lord-hood
King tinkzar is a red hairring, a wild goose chase,a distraction, and lie to get the spiral order to waste time and resources trying to find. I honestly think the Crimson Order works more like a senate where each member has a vote over big issues while smaller ones are handled by who ever in the CO is best for the job.
Seerus probably controles the weapon development funding while Razwog works on mutation of slimes and maybe chemical work.
what you said kinda remind me the army in full metal alchemist
and there something else i thougt about
what if WE are controlled by the gremilns?
think about it
we got neon eyes that can be changed
are attecks are always the same and everyone do the same
when we check something we are looking in the hand(maybe a monitor)
and we have kinda a battry (was) inside us
could it be that the spiral hq is gremilns who fight for there own seake and to crack the secrat of the core?
We are super space marines in colorful power armor silly.
1. You don't go to a new world when you do "The Ancient Generator." It's basically a Clockworks-type level.
2. Razwog said it himself, he was a schemer. An engineer. An engineer of destruction. Gremlins, they are knight-sized furred beasts who can kill you in seconds if you don't have Elemental Resistance Armor or basically weaker.
3. Spiral HQ got an energy signal from below, and Razwog was hogging it all for an evil mission.