Polaris Spam LD Guide

37 replies [Last post]
Bleyken's picture

Well, I'm making this guide because we need more spammers to make LD funnier, but no noobie spammers like the 99% of pola spammers, we need real spammers (like me).

Basic Tips:

Don't use the 3 shoots of your Pola, use only 1 or 2.
Don't use AT whith Pola, is useless.
Move while you shoot, if you stop moving you will die.
Use Striker.
ASI > Damage
Ignore people who insults you.

Spammer Techniques:

Blue Walls: If you are a good spammer you should be able to create walls with your bullets and stop your enemies. This technique works better with teamwork, with 6 good spammers you can block all the spawn base with your bullets but good spammers can do it well without help.

Blue Walk: This technique consists in shoot while you move without using your boost creating a way between enemies and shocking the enemies who try tp attack you. You can use 1 or 2 bullets while you walk, with 1 you will move faster but with 2 you will have more protection.

Blue Shield: This technique is efective only vs sword users. It consists in shoot 1 or 2 bullets and move to their position with the boost, the stupid strikers will try to attack you and they will receive damage from your expanded bullets.

Random Spam 360: This technique consists in shoot random Pola bullets while you are spinning and moving around with or without the striker boost. It works in team-fights or when you want to troll.

Well, that's all, I hope to see new spammers soon.

Video demonstration (2 RLD with full Pola): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo5jelhI0-w&feature=youtu.be

Krakob's picture

Any advice on switch shooting two Pulsars? I have Polaris and Supernova.

Bleyken's picture

Is better with only Polaris, Supernova dont work very well in LD.

You forgot one point

Doesn't work against AT valiance, argent or alchemers. Those weps have a bigger range and ASI and AT will hit you with random spam.

Reto-Da-Liz's picture

Yay! Thanks Pony!

Krakob's picture

I was thinking you could achieve a higher rate of fire by shooting Polaris twice, then switch shoot a bullet with Supernova and back. Of course, I guess you could just switch shoot with only Polaris. It's a bit harder but I think I could do it with mouse (though not with Wiimote).

Imtn's picture
Don't forget the Blue Cross method

By using the the blue Cross method with the Blue Shield method, you will take care of your health; in fact, healthcare is practically guaranteed with the Blue Cross Blue Shield method.

Deleted-Knight's picture
I also have some advice

I don't use a cursor (no mouse and touchpad sucks) and I still can spam pulsar pretty well. This is for people with no cursor:

1) Use AT. It doesn't help if you can aim, but if you can't it sometimes lets you shoot at crazy angles making predicting your shots harder.

2) Shoot the second bullet where you think the target will be moving to dodge your first. Since you don't have the luxury of tracking them with a cursor you will need to predict which direction they will glide towards to evade bullets that are already on the field.

3) Strafing is key when trying to close off choke points. Also, try to make your shooting pattern irregular so strikers can't time moments to dash through.

4) One advantage to keyboard gunning is the ability to do surprise direction switches. Enemy knights will not be able to see you turn and will be less prepared to dodge the bullet. So prediction is key.

5) When you are mobbed, get them to chase you. most of the time this will gather strikers in a bunch behind you and you can more effectively do a surprise 180 shot.

6) If strikers manage to circumvent your pulsar shots at a chokepoint or if you accidentally fire 3 shots, use the dash dodge *towards* the enemy. Most gunners dash away, so experienced strikers are more likely to predict that.

Krakob's picture

That's silly. AT makes you incredibly predictable and only works with a Pulsar if your opponent stands still or moves and then moves back to where they were, into the bullet.

Deleted-Knight's picture

Don't hate on what you never tried.

Contrary to popular belief:
-AT does not lock on immediately to the closest target. The target has to be within a certain angular range for a brief moment before the crosshair kicks in. A striker boosting past or even running normally past your field of view will not be caught in the crosshair.
-AT only works if the target is within ~40 degree angle of the direction you are facing (20 degree on each side).

Pulsars are in general, incredibly predictable. Their purpose is not to snipe people but to trap them until they eventually get hit (hence spamming). The reason AT is useful *when you can't aim with a cursor* is because it sometimes allows you to shoot in directions that is not one of the standard 8 as restricted by keyboard controls.
Note that if you split 360 into 8 sections, each section is 45 degrees. This translates into a big "gap" in coverage over far distances. If you have AT on, there's a slight chance that it might lock on to an enemy in that gap, effectively firing a bullet where you couldn't have fired before. This wildcard actually would confuse the opponent who is used to your normal "gridlocked" shooting pattern.

Also, as a keyboard gunner, you will be less equipped to target enemies that are close to you since they can drastically change the angle of approach by travelling a small distance to the side. AT helps mitigate that.
Suppose a striker swordsman charges you at ~25 degrees due North. If you have a cursor, simply move it and fire a shot. If you have only keyboard your best bet is to fire north. Without AT, there's a huge chance you will miss since he is travelling towards you and the bullet would not have expanded enough to graze. With AT there's a much better chance since he is moving towards you and therefore staying longer within your AT range, allowing the crosshairs to kick in.


Seriously ??

Icegill's picture

1. AT doesn't work with guns unless you stand completely still, country feller and cradarc r nubs.

2. There are no degree specifications for AT, you must be standing completely still so.. just stop.

3. I see the rage still goes on.

4. Hi country.

Bleyken's picture


Deleted-Knight's picture
Icegill, you've tested?

I'm pretty sure AT with guns have an angular range and work when moving in the clockworks. I have not tested in Lockdown, but I'm assuming it would be the same.

Thank you for all the help mi
Krakob's picture

Since when am I a keyboard gunner? I thought I said I play with a Wiimote. IR for aim, Nunchuk for movement.

Dutch-Oven's picture
great guide! 10 out of 10 snipes!

No, AT doesn't work when moving.
Yes, it does have an "angular range".
No, it's not a good idea to use it with a Polaris. Use your noggin.
Yes, it is a good idea to use AT with an Argent Peacemaker.

Contri you forgot to mention the bestest most OPest spammer technique in the game! Spinning! I seen you use it, I know you know!

Shield cancel

Doesn't count as "moving", that means that with shield cancel/ Boost cancel + random spam of 2 hits with valiance/alchemers/argent will hit you even if the player you're facing is a grandma.

Boost cancel also helps Polaris to spam 1 hit all the time.. Like adouken in street fighter rainbow edition... Damn I'm old...

Msaad's picture

10/10 Best guide ever. Nominated for the best thread of the year award.

Feyi-Feyi's picture

Supernova can be good in Lockdown.
16k damage only supernova right here

Bleyken's picture

But Polaris is better.

360 random spam

If you do a 360 fast enough while you're spaming, bullets will have a strange random effect in their direction. Maybe is just my ping, but still looks cool.

Country my little pony, I'm quite sure you like the word "Direction" since you're a fan of those..1D...

50k cr for the first one who put a pony pic on a 1d poster.

Must say

"We luv Contri and his pony tail"

Krakob's picture

My IGN is "Krakob", just like my forum name.

Holly damn

I'll send it tomorrow morning.

Gotta say is damn cute.


Now I wanna JB riding a pony with Country's head.

Must say

The pony :Oh pleaseeee ride me Bieber....

Bieber : I know you like it Contriponyboy

Krakob's picture

Is it okay if I use Bieber on a horse? I just get MLP stuff when looking for "Bieber on a pony".

Bleyken's picture

I'm gonna kill you all.....

Krakob's picture

Sure! We can synch up for LD!

Na I wanna a pony

Use your paint skillz

And gotta be

A Very femenine JB

Krakob's picture

13 year old Bieber, then? Gotcha. I'll give him some kawaii eyelashes. I'm busy tonight though so I'll make it tomorrow, I guess.

Seranah's picture

I must say, you have some extravagant editing skills Kraky.

Krakob's picture

Why thank you, my dear Seranah!

Edit: thanks, Feller! :D

Good-Spirit's picture

This guid is almost as good as son-of-hades full combo AT flourish technique, except his you can do with your eyes closed.
bump and +1

Jawny's picture

Contri u forgot 360 randomspam technique. Works great in teamfights

Zero-Chill's picture

What a lovely thread...

Boneblinder's picture


Kaosmios's picture

Pola is coming
You know nothin Geo-Senpai.

Zero-Chill's picture

I'm just a poor bomber who's thinking of crafting some pulsars to switch shoot cause noobs who actually follow the wiki's LD guide keep spamming me with pola all the time (seriously that's all the wiki's LD guide says) so I saw this thread and thought it might help a bit and actually I know everything... Sometimes I get targeted by 2-3 guys with pulsars with no means to defend myself and I thought this will likely help some bombers out there (noobs who read this won't be able to even spam properly I can kill noob pulsar spammers easily with bombs lol so I'm not worried about them trying to do this)