
I tried this once... I gave up after the first story. xD
Gl hf.

Hehe shhhhh ;3
I have to head off to, I'll edit the post when I'm even partially done reading xD

LoN, I must say, this is pretteh epic so far. :D

I liked the old Table of Contents. xD

I love this, and will try to look at this page regularly. As a sidenote, the start of my fan-fic does it's own way of describing the lore. As I'm looking for followers, I'd appreciate it if you guys checked it out.

I still love this, please, please keep going!
I know you can't get on as often as you might like but please.

Come on, more! More! More!!!!!!!
Or, if you want, you could stop...
Still loving it.

Because even though you're my brother, and it is most unfortunate, I must admit...this is good stuff. Mini J.R.R. Tolkien right here. (Tolkien is his hero, btw).

I have many heroes... but Tolkien's my author hero!
High five LoN!

you are amazing. Also Lorodnecromancers.
Tolkien was brilliant.
Even David Tennant says your brilliant.

David Tennant is AWESOME! Favorite Doctor right there.

You... just figured that out?
I knew that on my second day of being on the forums...

I always thought the Skolver was one of the only wolvers that deal stun and ice at the same time. Wait, name the Snarbolax, Vog and the Skolver the Legendary Three. That sounds better. Also explain how some weapons summon the entities of these creatures...like the Wild Hunting Blade, which summons the Skolver, and the Barbarous Thorn Blade, which summons the Snarbolax.

*edit: Also, Lordofnecromancers think he found more members of the Crimson Order with full info. :P We'll see if he is right.

Lol... its LoN's story, stop takin' controooolll!
I've always enjoyed reading your lore. Sadly, due to school, I haven't had much time on my hands but I look forward to reading whatever I have the time to read :) Anyways, looks like you have a lot of work on your hands but I'm sure it'll all turn out great.