The 2013 Spiral Knights Pumpkin Carving Contest [Winners Announced!]

60 replies [Last post]
Eurydice's picture
Community Manager

It’s time for the annual Spiral Knights Pumpkin Carving Contest, or as we like to call it, Fun with Sharp Implements! Carve a Spiral Knights themed pumpkin and enter it per the instructions below.

Deadline: Sunday, October 27 11:59 PM Game Time

Entry Thread:

Prizes: We’ll pick three (3) winners. These winners will each be able to pick one prize from the following list:

  • Ghostly Aura
  • Shadow cat tail
  • Monster Pockets
  • Anti-Personnel Spikes
  • Jack o' Bombhead Mask

Other prizes may be added depending on participation.

The Rules:

  1. Obtain a real pumpkin. If pumpkins are not available where you live, you can try any type of gourd, squash, etc.
  2. Create a Spiral Knights design for your pumpkin. This can be anything Spiral Knights--a monster, an NPC, your knight, etc.
  3. Carve the design onto your pumpkin.
  4. Take at least two "creation" pictures while you are carving your pumpkin, to prove it's your own work. Include a card with your knight's name and the year in EACH photo (no photoshopping).
  5. Take at least one lit and one unlit photo of your pumpkin, again including your knight's name on a card to show it's your own handiwork.
  6. Host your images on Imgur.
  7. You don't need to make an account--just upload them

  8. Submit your entry with a minimum of four photos per entry (two creation, one lit, and one unlit) in the entry thread in the Treasure Vault along with your knight's name and your prize preference.
  9. Double check your entry to make sure you have four working links to each entry, and that it follows the template below.

Entry Template:

Knight Name:
Creation Link:
Creation Link:
Unlit Link:
Lit Link:
Prize preference:

Judging Criteria:

Judging will be based upon the creativity and cleverness of design, the quality and detail of carving, and the overall effect of the lit pumpkin. Remember, the LIT pumpkin is the photo being used for judging. Take care with regard to shadows, flash, and detail.

Extra Stuff:

You can enter more than once, but only one entry per person can be awarded a prize.

Questions? Ask them here in this thread. Thanks, and good luck to everyone!

Fangel's picture
I don't exactly trust myself with sharp objects

But a contest's a contest! Looks fun! :)

And does the size of the pumpkin affect our chances? Or does a small gourd have the same chance as a monstrous pumpkin?

Arkate's picture

I assume it is the same, but working on a larger "canvas" is easier.

Arkate's picture
Also, another question: Are

Also, another question:

Are we allowed to modify the pumpkin by "adding" to it? Like say I want to smash a cleaver into the mask of seerus, would I be allowed to do that?

Eurydice's picture
Community Manager
If you have a but a tiny

If you have a but a tiny gourd, but you carve it skillfully, it will have an equal chance of winning.

Goldeneman's picture

Could I use an apple and stick things into it?
And how can I light up an apple? Could I put it on safe fire?

Eurydice's picture
Community Manager
@Arkate: We're judging the

@Arkate: We're judging the carving itself, but props like the one you describe are cool if you want to use them for ambiance or to highlight your carving.

Eurydice's picture
Community Manager
@Goldeneman: Sorry, an apple

@Goldeneman: Sorry, an apple is not a gourd/squash/pumpkin.

Fangel's picture

Thanks for the quick response.
Now I need to get my hands on a gourd.

Goldeneman's picture
Dang it

Dang it

Goldeneman's picture
One thing

I almost forgot to say that things like this would be really good. So keep em coming :)

Arkate's picture
Also, for prize

Also, for prize preference...does it have to be one of the options up there? It does say, "Other prizes may be added depending on participation."

Ustrinaferalthorn's picture
Aww yee!

Practicing concept art right now!

Eurydice's picture
Community Manager
@Arkate: If we add prizes,

@Arkate: If we add prizes, it'll probably be stuff like "honorable mention" prizes if we get a huge amount of participation and great entries. So we'll be picking the prizes those folks get. You can treat the main prize list as final.

Ustrinaferalthorn's picture

I think as soon as people see that they could win a Shadow Cat Tail just for gutting the Pumpkin Ki- er, I mean, some pumpkin, I think you'll see a dramatic increase in participants.

Arkate's picture

If they want participation really badly, they could just add some regalia sets...

I'll try...

I'll see if I can!

Mickmane's picture
Sounds like fun. :)

But it'll be a while until I go shopping again, so in the meantime I can ramble on with some comments while waiting for the German thread to explain what's allowed to use (all translations for gourd and squash just say 'Kuerbis', which means 'pumpkin', and no variance. It's something I've never eaten, and possibly not even ever seen.)

Prizes, hm... Only interesting one is the Spikes, but I got one. I guess another would sell well, which brings me to my main point: the range of value is rather huge.

I've lately sold a bunch of Jack o' Bombhead Masks, maybe 4 or 5 for 40kcr plus AH fee, 1 for under 30kcr plus AH fee, 1 for 60kcr plus AH fee. (I now wonder if the Event that got me those will return with the same prizes.)
Spikes, I think I got a good deal buying them for 600kcr from AH.
Pocket Monster price is known to anyone who's talked with Nonna (175kcr, possibly higher if you wait several months and she doesn't come back in the meantime).
I don't know about Ghostly Aura but I guess what with a rare monster possibly dropping one the price went down a bit too (from wherever it was ;P ).
Shadow Cat Tail, I have no idea. I, personally, am not fond of tails at all.

I guess the intention is to give the winner something they want to use themselves. But the price range seems to spoil that a little. And what if there's nothing a participant really wants?

Could you possibly consider adding "Chapeau of your choice" to the prize list?

As Arkate mentioned, Regalia...

(I know, you said "final". Maybe next time? :) )

Hr-Dalp's picture
One question when it comes to designs

Must they be completely original? As in made by hand from a reference or memory as supposed to the likes of my entry last year. My design took some work in photoshop but it was a spiral spy image as supposed to hand drawn( ). I was quite proud of the final product ( ), surprised it didnt win any place, so I blamed it on the origins of the design. Not sure if I'll participate this time as well but I want to know if I should stay clear of using spiral spy for the design(at least in the way I used it).

Sweroy's picture

well I've never carved a pumpkin (once actually) so i feel kinda stuck......................................... BUT! I'll try. Because i never give up. XD. but i'm confused on the imgur part.

Sweroy's picture

imgur? confused (i know what it is though)

Sweroy's picture

two things

1. can ipost it on FB, i am confused with IMGUR.

2. can i add little things to my carved pumpkin?

additional 3! The pumpkin king thing would be easy, i would laugh if someone did think of that

Sweroy's picture

what are the anti peronal spikes? what does it look likje

Isekuube's picture
Derp. :3

Swer, edit your original post if you have multiple questions, but here I go:

You host your images on Imgur, if you know what it is you should have no problem getting your images on there, I personally have not used imgur before, so I have no idea how to work it.

Eury said you need to post on Imgur, not Facebook.

Yes you may.

The thing on their back are the spikes. If you need further reference, go to the Auction House and search up the spikes, and preview them.

And how exactly are you confused with Imgur? Maybe somebody who has used it can help you.

Ustrinaferalthorn's picture
... *facepalm*

Seerusly? Hosting your image just means uploading it. There's nothing special about it. If you're still confused, go to the site yourself and see.

Klipik-Forum's picture

Great! Now all I need is a pumpkin, a knife... and some artistic talent T.T

Ustrinaferalthorn's picture

I don't have that much skill in the arts, but I do, however, have the capability to trace and cut. Make a stencil and watch some videos on youtube for tips.

Xtweeterx's picture

What should I do? Curse eye with purple glow stick? Vanduke Mask? Punkin King face with purple glow stick?? HALP! D:

Writhes's picture

Already posted my entry but I suppose I could share a pic here too.

Scary Kat

Snarby-Lover-Me's picture
Pretend I Ate Something Tasty Here

"Prizes: We’ll pick three (3) winners. These winners will each be able to pick one prize from the following list:

•Ghostly Aura
•Shadow cat tail
•Pocket Monsters
•Anti-Personnel Spikes
•Jack o' Bombhead Mask

Other prizes may be added depending on participation."

"•Pocket Monsters"

Is this planned to be a Pokemon reference? Or did you actually just mean Monster Pockets?

I just felt I had to point it out.

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

"•Pocket Monsters"


Okay, before I wasn't sure I wanted to enter, but now!?

I'm going to get a Pikachu if I can win this thing! xD

Khamsin's picture

"What should I do? Curse eye with purple glow stick? Vanduke Mask? Punkin King face with purple glow stick?? HALP! D:"

Curse eye with a purple candle would look amazing IMO.

Eurydice's picture
Community Manager
The "pocket monsters" thing

The "pocket monsters" thing was a typo--fixed now. Thanks for pointing it out!

Sweroy's picture

coooooooooooooooool then. THX


I have a few questions. I am kind da "noob" in these forum.
Soooo, I done the pumpkin.. It turn out fantastic. I waiting tonight to make it glow.
Question 1:
After that, We need to post on the website Imgur?
Question 2: where do we put in on the "Treasure Vault"? Is there a pacific forum for the event? Or.. i just need to host a new page.
Please help! if anyone know. ^^

Sweroy's picture

so how does spiral knights see my post?

Fangel's picture
Tip: read the rules

Under the "rules" section in Eury's post, it gives instructions on how to submit your work, and where to post it. Check out the thread in the treasure vault for examples if you need them.

Jason-Is-Cool's picture
Jason-Is-Cool do u post stuff do u post stuff on imgur?do u need account?

Sweroy's picture

how can you guys see my pics?

Vesperaldus's picture
@Jason: Eury clearly said you

@Jason: Eury clearly said you don't need an account and to just upload them.

@Sweroy: Go to the entry thread Eury linked and paste the links to your pictures there.

Jason-Is-Cool's picture
How to upload?

How to upload?

How to do it right.

Start with going to

Step 1: Look at the very far right corner. Choose COMPUTER

Step 2: Choose the images you want to upload ( you can mark several )

Step 3: Don't click anything else than the GREEN button that sais "Start Upload"

Step 4: Now you can see your images. Take the link called "Direct Link (email & IM)" on each photo and copy paste.

Step 5: Paste the link you copied into the ENTRY THREAD and voilá! There you go.

Do this to all your images now.

Jason-Is-Cool's picture
Thanks :D

Thanks :D

Sweroy's picture


Sweroy's picture
how though!!!!!!!!!!!

how can Sk see my posts on imgur?

Sweroy's picture
can i

can i post the imgur links here plz?

Sweroy's picture

what are creation pic?

Yvanblo's picture
Oh No!

What are the chances you can extend the deadline for entry? There are so few entries, you could use one or two more, right? I was only able to get my pumpkin last night, and my carving has not been finished. Please allow me to enter the contest.

Thank you for your consideration.


Spring-At-Peace's picture
Same here!

I really would like to enter the contest, yet I couldn't be able to get the right tools to carve in time! I have some designs based on the new NPC mob (Apocrean Harvester) with another monster (if I have enough time to do so) and would really like to enter. I want to test out my pumpkin carving skills, next to other art skills, within my 1st pumpkin contest!

I would really appreciate it if you can try extending it if you can.

Yvanblo's picture
seems a shame to only have 12 contestants...

Two days... just two more days. Please? Pretty please? I seriously thought that the contest ended on Halloween. Probably a dozen more who thought the same.

Spring-At-Peace's picture
@ Yvanblo Oh yeah!

Last week, it actually DID say october 31st before, but I think that admin might've made a typo while fixing it before for showing pics of you doing it! Yet, idk if it was on purpose or not. :S