Whenever I do a run in FSC to get radiant crystals, I keep getting shiny crystals. What's with that? I need radiant crystals. The GMs haven't given very good answers from people I know that have asked about it. We need to get this fixed or this game will be dead.
Crystal malfunction

ever since the first update today FSC started dropping just shining crystals it's not just me this has happened to.


dude shut up you're ruining the game for everyone people will quit because of this!

I highly doubt people are going to quit over being unable to obtain crystals in a single level. I got radiant from it even after the update(s) so I don't understand what you're going on about.

It's not just Vana. It's like impossible to find them and 3 friends of mine said they wont play because of this the management is terrible.

I don't really know how to respond to that, other than they're overreacting a bit.

i totally agree with hour on this, i got ticked over the elevator costs back when the game first became public, and now i cant even level up my 5 star crap cuz i cant find radiants anywhere
why should i continue to play a game that doesnt understand how to run itself, and half the players are greedy and try to expose this cuz theyre too lazy to go farm in cold blood for shinings?
this needs fixed, or spiral knights is on a steady path to death

Even if it's a bug, one thing breaks and you all hop on this "THE END IS NEAR" bandwagon, much like the people you see standing on street corners wearing cardboard signs with cyrptic messages about the end of the world. If it's a bug, it will get noticed and fixed in time. Can you really not wait this out and instead start criticising their ability to run the place? Be patient.

ive patiently waited 2 years for this game to get better, and they finally took out elevator costs not too long ago, making it a very fun and addicting game, i spent more than 256 hours playing this game in the last month because it was such an improvement, but not much later, they decide to eff up the whole system by making it impossible to level your items
whats more, the gms wont give straight answers about it:
they told my friend that: this is a serverside glitch, it will fix itself in time
and they told me: its on purpose, and its never going back
dear lord, i dont like to rage, but im gettin tired of this crap k?
ive been playing this game since it was first made public (the beta phases) and i want to see actual growth for once, because this game has amazing potential
so please please, help make the gms aware of this and egg them to fix it

ya, i had enough to level up my supernova once, and now im plain off screwed
they at least need to make a way for us to craft radiant crystals if this is permanent

Should be a glitch. If it was perm, would've been in the patch notes. Even though I agree that OOO could give more attention to the community, this isn't the worst thing they've done. Just wait a few days at most.

They still drop. At depth 28. Maybe they're adding a new tier or something.

there is probably only shining in FSC and a bit of radiant because new levels may be added later on in the game like the rumoured tier 4.

I got 500 or so radiants from vana on my runs but 0 shiny
I want shiny
You seem to just have bad luck, I've always gotten Radiant. I don't think it's ever given me a Shining crystal.