Notes can be found at
Discussion thread for October 25th release

It took few hours to get enough tokens for all three weapons, so i think that we need something else for that tokens.
4 tokens from one soul on elite.

"Unlimited death in the dark abyss for all" With all those changes of coarse there is going to be more death, it is going to be a massive spark sink now (not like it was before mind you).

I knew you'd lower the count of sigils. Don't matter, I just need 150 more!
Feel sorry for the rest of the community that will be screwed over (poor t2 players)
Anyway, thanks for the patch

There is no mention of the fire Crystal glitch in this...
Welp, I can sure GET the new weapons, but they're still gonna be stuck at level 1. T_T

"- You can now revive early in Coliseum games using Sparks of Life"
At the moment you can only revive using 25 Energy, not Sparks of Life.
Is this intended (and the above is a typo), or is this a mistake?
I'm glad the Obsidian Carbine deals shadow damage, thanks for the quick fix.
However, if you do by chance answer me, I have one more question..
About Shining fire crystals instead of Radiant from D24-D29, is this intended, or a bug?
If it's intended, it's going to be nearly impossible to get a large amount of Radiant fire crystals besides from the Supply Depot (which costs a lot).
If it's a bug, could you please fix it?

"Ah yes, the long-awaited Acheron buff is finally here."
"Every patch that's not an Acheron nerf is the worst patch."
Oh Zeddy, you so silly. But in all seriousness it does need to be slightly nerfed, just above the Obsidian Edge but below GF.

Other than balancing issues, this fix is really helpful. The auction house being accessory-less was rather frustrating, and now I can use my carbine to its full potential!
Thanks for the update, but could you consider lowering the power of the entire brandish line? (Lowering its base normal damage would be great) At least the Acheron? Being able to two-hit-kill elite darkfang thwackers doesn't feel right without any damage bonus.

Why can I agree with Zeddy?
Anywho, is this a new GM we're seeing here? Hello!
Nice update.

Grimranger - There is a known bug with Sparks in the Coliseum. Right now it's defaulting to the cost of not having a Spark. We'll be fixing it in a future patch.
Please say there's a ninja patch for the radiant fire crystal drop rate.

What about the 2nd half of this question?
"About Shining fire crystals instead of Radiant from D24-D29, is this intended, or a bug?
If it's intended, it's going to be nearly impossible to get a large amount of Radiant fire crystals besides from the Supply Depot (which costs a lot).
If it's a bug, could you please fix it?"
We are ALL curious-er than a Mewkat.

This is the patch or horror.
Good thing I got all the tokens I need before this abomination happened...
Excluding the bug fixes.

Why couldn't they just make the apocrea mission like a rank mission? Allow you to get the mission reward the first time only per day, rather than remove the reward completely?

You get the 50 Sigil Reward once. You can only host it once. But you can join a friends party throughout the day.
...or you can return to haven before finishing and do it again and again (unless fixed, not sure)

The sad part is; The most Sigil I was able to get in a run was about 150, not counting the mission reward. Now I will probably get 50... dang. That means I will have to do around 20 more runs to get the 1470 required to craft the Carbine. What can you do with too many Sigil anyway? Craft 10 Carbines? That's a lot of time and effort for not much reward.
150 in a run seems reasonable. That's still 10 runs to get 1 reward.
I just got a lot less excited to go farming tonight... I might just skip it and go find candy instead. I think I will. I'll get the carbine in another year or so.
Anyone up for some candy farming? IGN: Yvanblo, I'll be on around midnight tonight USA, Pacific time.

150 on a run? Did you skip the whole level? pre-nerf my team got around 600-700.

It was possible to get all the tokens you needed in one run. That's just silly.

How....Even only doing the grasping plateau as the last floor missing all above it we could still get up to 700 at a time provided you knew what you were doing and didn't let souls get away, dodging the apocrean is rather easy once you figure it out, having another player around to distract it just makes everything even easier.

But I got all the stuff I needed to craft the crusher, so HA HA HA. /clap well played.

Awwwwww come on the mission was scary enough before this patch ;-;

I'm sure some people were able to rack up pretty crazy amounts of Sigils per level, but I didn't get anywhere near those numbers myself. I think the most I found in 3 or 4 attempts with random parties was about 250 or so on Elite, and that was with all of us dying a few times each. Getting away from the Apocrean isn't a terribly difficult thing by itself, but the problem is that it's never in isolation: it always seems to show up when you're trying to kill some Souls, or deal with a bunch of Scarabs, and then you basically have to run halfway across the level and abandon what you're doing. The Scarabs were already giving me grief, since it seems like they came out of every single tombstone I broke, and they're annoying to deal with even in the best of circumstances...and with the sheer number of them spawning across the level, my game starts to lag up something fierce. (And this is with effects all turned down to low, which I've griped about elsewhere.) The Souls themselves are a pain in the rear to kill individually given their wonky dodging methods, plus they always seem to scatter in all directions as soon as you're focusing on one. Honestly most of the time my parties have just cut our losses at some point during the level, because it frankly becomes too exhausting or costly to continue.
So let's recap here: we now get fewer Sigils per Soul killed, those Souls despawn faster, the level spawns even more of those rage-inducing Scarabs, the Apocrean's h@x beam does even more damage now (and as a party found to our chagrin last night, the evil thing can even nail you when you're standing in the "safe" zone by the elevator), and we lose the easy 50 Sigils for completing the mission, with the only consolation being that we can replay the thing and go through the whole mess again. Nick, I'm sure that the uber-1337 players out there were able to rack up some ridiculous totals in just a day or two, but please give some thought to the rest of us: this mission was already quite difficult, and now it seems like an absolute nightmare.

If not to your emotions, at least to your wallet. For some time now, I feel like Three Rings has been desperately working to make legitimately frightening content, and candlestick keeps didn't do that. This new mission is genuinely creepy, and I love it. For once, the game is giving rewards for playing on elite while introducing new, difficult levels. The puzzles are genius, however their payout really shouldn't have been lowered, as now there's less motive to solve them, at least for myself.
I think the materials dropped from puzzles should not be bound so they become more valuable. Otherwise, this patch has made the new content much more balanced.
Now if only they applied the same balance to weapons...

Keep in mind that the level is supposed to be very hard, i.e. for end-game players. If you feel it's too hard for you, could you try for some candy instead? xD
~A plea from the Punkin King, who's neglect is astonishing.

G'day Endymion and welcome to the English Forums, where a lot of things happen that shouldn't...
But back to the topic, oh and
@Autofire Its not a new GM just one from the German servers. Came in the First crash landing also!
How come I haven't seen you before, (well i don't speak german or anything... xD
Now I seen the DP (profile pic) of Endy, I want it too! I'm jelly now >:|
Back back to the patch,
- making it able to play infinitely, ok
- decrease spawning and blarg blarg blarg D:
Oh well what can i do
And thx for Unlimited play!

Honestly, I'm not sure why I didn't get very many... maybe because I was on normal??? Normal: 75x2=150 . Elite: 75x8=600... so perhaps if I had been on elite?
The first 2 times I played, I got my face melted all the time. But after that I was able to dodge pretty well, and 2 of 3 Apocrean levels I didn't get caught at all. 3 runs were with a team, 3 were solo, 6 times total visiting a graveyard.
I have even read up on how to get more Sigil on the these forums... but I must just suck. If you are wanting to teach me how, I'll be on later today at around midnight pacific time zone.
I think I'll just go farm for candy now... the event update is bumming me out.

"A plea from the Punkin King, who's neglect is astonishing."
This. All of this.

"Keep in mind that the level is supposed to be very hard, i.e. for end-game players."
>:l then why is it available to T2 players?
Gah, it was hard enough, now it will be impossible ;_;

^Silly noob, T2 is for kids!
Also, Radiant crystal tix needs to happen. 6300 energy to heat a 5* item is straight garbage.

@Wavara The Shroud of Apocrea is supposed to be for older T3 players who are wanting a challenge, and may have already reaped the rewards of the Dark Harvest. The younger players can go trick or treating. To make it fair, I think they added the possibility of T2 players being able to play it if they REALLY wanted to.
Nick said that the event will return in the future, like the Kataclysm. So by the time the next event comes you will probably be strong enough to tackle it.

The thing of this missions is to be a nightmare.

Why is it that you guys in the patch mail said that you only changed things a little,right now in a perfect run you get 150 tokens.IT WAS 700,And not only that but it takes so much longer to do.Me and a few friends where playing for 3 hours and in the end only eared 88 tokens.You can go for hours before anything will spawn.Like i said this is the worst patch ever,also its the stupidest one yet.It is a big drain of money and the mission now takes in roughly 1/6 of what it used to be and it takes a lot longer to get it.I am incredibly disappointed

Join me for some candy farming instead? I'm pretty much done with the Apocrea... I'm too disappointed to continue farming to get a carbine. Bummer though, as I had a level 10 blackhawk just sitting in my backpack... a shame really. In a few years I'll be able to get the carbine.

It's very simple, when I got this all my friends laughed.
...........ok let's not taking that serious please, even could be true though.
Players in this game for 2+ yrs and still active, read the info delivered immediately. They farmed like crazy near the last minute before this patching update countdown.
Back to the patch.
All changes are fine, except the puzzle rewards should carry on at same amount.
We cannot deny your hard work inputs, and we appreciated. Players deserves the same. This is a warning.
I always play solo. Now this mission is incredibly harder for me. (If I want to collect certain amount of tokens, of cause.) And since the tokens is the only reason for playing, and new weapons aren't very unique, I guess now the price isn't worth the fight.
P.S. Not even mentioned the shining-radiant mess again. Happy enrichment, Nick!

Neongolett: "So by the time the next event comes you will probably be strong enough to tackle it."
I already did, I have enough to make one Obsidian weapon if I wanted. The Apocrea is easy, you only need to run away when you see it and you will be fine.
I said "impossible" because is a very, VERY long mission. I felt the rewards were OK as I had to play with no breaks (there're no "safe spots" except the arena levels). Now the rewards are not worth my time.
Rezzler: I'm not a noob, I've been playing since June 2011. I'm a 4* Defender because I want, not because I can't.

>- The number of Apocrean Sigils dropped by each lost soul and from puzzle events has been reduced.
>- If not freed, lost souls will despawn slightly faster than before.
>- The damage inflicted by the Apocrean gaze has been increased.
>- The total health of an Apocrean has been increased.
>- The chance for lost souls to spawn from gravestones has been slightly decreased.
>- The chance for monsters to spawn from gravestones has been slightly increased.
Oh, Three Rings, you're such a bunch of sadistic bastards...
... And I love you all the more for it.

I'm saying it:
Stupid move OOO.
I have to say this...
I made 2000+ sigils in one run... and people were averaging 1k-1.5k in 4 man elite 100% completion runs...
Yes you farm less in Normal and doing alone will take you more time, while when you go in a 4 man squad, only 1 can occupy the boss while the rest hunt for souls... 8 sigil per soul... 3 soul per tombs... 40 souls per puzzle...
It was extremely generous and obviously flawed... Anybody who waited to farm em is the stupid one chainguy...
End game player are already done with obsidian event anyway... it took 2 and half run and I was done... I have 600+ sigils laying around for absolutely nothing (I have all 3 weapons)

Now that all of the elite people who play a lot have quickly mashed through the levels, they have been made harder for the less skillful and equipped people who may not play as often, who also now don't have as many of the first group around to help. -_- And with the simultaneous Punkin King, now even less time to try to get rewards. Not very helpful to base decisions on how the best/highest geared/most play time players get stuff done to your large population of casual players.
At least increase the time before souls despawn or how fast they move, they are too hard to catch and kill while being chased.

Not very helpful to base decisions on how the best/highest geared/most play time players get stuff done to your large population of casual players.
The intent was that only higher skill players could get items within one event. Not everyone was meant to get everything they needed out of the event the first time around.

I'd like to get at least one item. All the PUGs seem to be made of people who don't know how to properly play Plateau now (one with aggro runs, but stays nearby the others, other 3 systematically go through tombs one at a time while killing scarabs and souls). Takes a lot more SoLs now too, plus lowered drop rate.

I got the update just yesterday. Now I'll never get enough sigils.
I'd like to get at least one item. All the PUGs seem to be made of people who don't know how to properly play Plateau now (one with aggro runs, but stays nearby the others, other 3 systematically go through tombs one at a time while killing scarabs and souls).
You don't have any friends to play with? I have 130 + on my friend list and keeps getting invite for Apo runs even though I don't want -_-
The intent was that only higher skill players could get items within one event. Not everyone was meant to get everything they needed out of the event the first time around.
Boom right here...
If you are 3-4* and you have all 3 5* then there is obviously something wrong... if you just hit 5* then don't expect to get them all either. Gathering sigils is one thing, go upgrade an antigua or a brandish to 4* lvl 10 on your own...
If you are 5* and have 1+ m cr laying around, you will get one or two at least... XD

If you are 5* and have 1+ m cr laying around, you will get one or two at least... XD
Why would you need that much money? The biggest expense is getting the recipes that right now you'll likely get price gouged for. At most you'd fork maybe 100k.

Why do you need the recipes? The obsidian items don't require a recipe! You quite literally need just the several thousand crowns, some eternal orbs and some odd 3000 sigils for all three items.

The pre-reqs?
Many of us already have sentenzas and acherons so we're good on that front, but graviton bombs? Lol. I got the 3* version from the T2 OCH lobby, but you have to get the 4* from basil, and I ain't got time fo' dat!
No mention of bug fixes to the people having problems playing the game since you released this patch? We must have been overlooked since we are the minority. Missions are unplayable so since you released the update myself and others can not even play. Now you make it harder to get the sigils while it is still unplayable for us. Thanks. Every time you release a patch the game ends up broken for people and now I am one of the unlucky ones that gets to experience that.