It's a little confusing why this isn't already an option, but I would like to be able to bind displaying the Gate Map in dungeons to a key instead of having to unlock my UI and click my way to it. It's not a big deal, but I doubt that I'd be the only one to use such an option.
Gate Map Key Bind
With a key binding for almost everything in the game it struck me as very odd that there was no binding for the Gate Map feature. I use it often enough for it to get annoying to go to the menu everytime I would like to access it.
Definitely been wanting this since preview
+ support
I agree. This would be a great addition.
For as often as I check the gate map, a kind bind would be exceedingly useful. +1 for this, please!
Already signed a thread about this, but I just sign this one too..

I've signed a very similar thread, but this one seems to have seen a lot more traffic.

Was just coming into this forum to make an identical thread.
My suggestion: "G" for Gatemap.
Full support!
You can look at the mate map from within a gate? o.O
How do you do that?
One of the options in the menu (which is accessed by clicking the gear icon in the upper left of the screen) is the gate map, but this is only accessible while in a gate.
Bump. I'm baffled that binding the Gate Map isn't yet an option.
Would love to see this feature.
I've supported like 3 threads on this, and I'll do it again. +9001
I definitely agree. I'm CONSTANTLY checking the Gate Map.
I have no clue why this hasn't been given its own key.
I always check the gatemap so I know what I'm going up against. Please have this at some point SK. You hear me devs?
Bump. So many patches and this issue still isn't addressed. Unbelievable.

Yes please! Gate map key would be great.
A gate map key bind would make the game perfect. A perfect game is impossible.
The devs are not allowed to make a gate map key bind by the laws of the universe. They have tried countless times, but then steam users can't connect.
Really? Can't be that hard... I mean, it's like accessing your inventory or something. Hotkey.
Lol rezzed an old thread.

I though the 'The devs are not allowed to make a gate map key bind by the laws of the universe.' was the sarcasm. I thought you were serious after that. My bad.
Btw, Valk is me :D

(Actually I would like it, but I would hate people waiting for boring levels with lotsa crowns even moar.)
Yes, please.