Well, we have all heard about the debates of the Final Flourish, Barbarous Thorn Blade, Fearless Rigadoon, and Furious Flamberge. Every time people say that the Final Flourish or Barbarous Thorn Blade are superior. The reason why is because the Rigadoon and Flameberge rarely cause their status effects, making them significantly less powerful.
I personally like using the Fearless Rigadoon the most because it matches my Recon Ranger uniform. Despite the weakness, I use it a lot. But I've been noticing that it stuns monsters a lot more than it should. So much that I can't quite say it's a "slight chance." I think that for every monster I hit with it, I land a stun at least 40% of the time. Now that still isn't too great but it's definitely more than a slight chance!
So, is the Fearless Rigadoon lying to us by saying it only has a slight chance to stun? Like how the Electron Vortex use to say it wouldn't cause shock? (Or at least I'm pretty sure that was the weapon.) Or am I just lucky with it?
As for those of you that are going to get mad at me for asking this (I know there is someone!), please forgive me for asking a burning question I've had for a while. After all, that is a horrible thing to do.
I don't use my Fearless Rigadoon very much, but your "at least 40%" figure is pretty surprising. 40% is a good rate, for such a strong status. But my experience (imperfectly remembered) seems much lower than that.
Can you try to collect some systematic data? If I get a chance, I'll take a stab too.