When fighting greavers, it is essential that any hit I land on them actually lands on them.
At the very least make greavers not get invincitinks
If you hit a greaver perfectly with two shard bombs in a row, the second bomb and any subsequent bombs won't do damage.
This also goes for status barriers and seraphinx' laser.
Sounds more like a problem with the bombs than the Greavers.
Why were you trying to use shard bombs or sprite attacks on greavers to start with?
Final Flourish all the way.
Cause he's Zeddy. And the difference between shard bombs and Final Flourishes is that he can only bring the former on shard-only runs.
True. I suppose I'd care more if it was the retro shards.... but yeah, I guess I was sorta short-sighted there.
And very true, he's Zeddy. That's the only reason we even needed.
Are you sure that it's the greaver and not the bomb/sprite attack ?
I remember a post where Nick said that the laser has a hit limit to stop "a lot of damage"(which doesn't make a lot sense, since stationary attacks deal more damage in trade for movement speed)
blitz, shards have a hit limit of 3 shards. if you hit more than 3 times with the shards, they just stop working. problem is, you can't interrupt anything, so you are rendering shards absolutely useless for, erm, how much time?
> I remember a post where Nick said that the laser has a hit limit to stop "a lot of damage"
So that was intentional. Raaaaage. >_<
Makes beam without Disintegrating Ulti nigh useless, good only for cracking mender bubbles while you're busy.
Invincitinks are a property of the attacks themselves. However, since they're intentional design decisions I am asking for an exception to it against greavers rather than having them removed entirely.
Ideally, they'd be removed entirely, but the limit really has to go vs greavers in order for the attacks to be halfway functional against them.
Are you sure you heard a "tink" sound? Becasue I don't want to have to get a video link.
Trust me. I'm intimately familiar with invincitinks at this point, so I'll recognize one when they happen.
I have had some invicitrinks encounters in the past, it's a purple spark and a tink sound. just find a seraph and go to vana. actually, vana itself has invicitrinks when he moves between phases.
I'm pretty sure that this is perfectly intentional- the idea is to trick perfectly happy players into fighting an enemy- grievers, with a weapon that appears to succeed against them (stun+piercing damage+damage vs fiends: Very High). Then, as the players are having a good time, the game punishes them for being skilled and landing hits.
This is a common "gameplay mechanic" known as regret and is utilized by many "game developers".
If enemies have to become invincible because you played too well, they should at least flinch as normally. Currently, the gem-bombs of SK are outrageously broken; I agree.
just curious, did invicitinks cancel out when you do switch attack shard bomb?
You got me hopeful there for a bit.
Unfortunately, switch-shooting shard bombs get invincitinks too. :<
+1 but OOO does want balance like the rest of us.
There's a problem hitting them? Since when? :l