True Story.
Let me tell you about my guild before I became a strider, a person without a guild. Oh, I was one of the first people to join the guild, my GM Sckaar apparently had a bad recruiting system, sending random invites to everyone, and she does not promote anyone past member just because they did not donate enough. So, as long you donate, you get promoted. Not only that, she puts two energy wells in the Lobby just for the lols. She literally whines about donations, and some players hate her for it. She has kicked out some already, including me, and many, many left themselves. She has a bad temper, due to her hormones and her guild has no fun, only making pranks on people that make other people angry. She laughs at everything but can't have what she wants. It eventually builds up to the point where there was a mutiny. She kicked me out because of her mood swings. Her guild is Falling Stars. Anyone know her? Tell her she was fooled. I have been planning to leave the guild for a long time. The only reason I stood there for a long time is because I was looting info off the guild, acting dangerously as a double agent. I really don't care I've been kicked out. What a laugh!
Is this true? Oh well. just another example of SK's fine community. 'Double agents' and mood swings.