More sword resistant enemies.
There are plenty of enemies who are resistant to guns, by dodging or shielding against incoming fire. (Wolvers, Mechaknights, Fiends, Gremlins) I think Spiral Knights could use more (read: any) enemies who are similarly resistant to sword attacks, and which require ranged attacks to more effectively dispatch them. You'd still be able to kill these monsters with a sword, like you can still kill Wolvers by shooting them, it would just take longer, or hold some other incentive to step back and attack from range. Having monsters who were more "sword resistant" would greatly improve guns as a weapon choice without requiring damage tweaking or messing with reloading speeds. I mean more guns or gun tweaks could be great. But I think these type of monsters would add a lot to the the game.
Here's some ideas.
- Enemies that can parry or even counterattack sword swings, to block or even inflict damage upon players who attack too closely.
Example: A Flourish armed Mechaknight that can parry sword attacks, "blocking them" as most Mechaknights block bullets. A Wolver that bites immediately upon being struck.
- Enemies who have permanent status auras, or who flash auras when they take damage.
Example: A type of Zombie that flashes a curse aura upon being struck. A type of Jelly with a permanent Poison Aura. (Which apparently used to exist?)
- Enemies who just teleport close range attacks.
Example: A type of fiend who can just pop out of sword range when being attacked. Be great if it taunted somehow after dodging, like a "nyah nyah." :p
Shore? Why would I repost it there, though? This isn't about equipment, it's about new monster types. It just happens to have an effect on how people would choose gear.

There is nothing "official" about that thread. Philidor is not a developer or GM. Neither the developers nor GMs have endorsed that thread. If they want all suggestions in one thread, the Ringers will create that thread themselves. I suspect that the existence of a forum dedicated to suggestions means that they are happy to have unique suggestions posted in unique threads.
If too many similar suggestions are made, we'll likely get a developer post that starts a new thread for related suggestions, but that will typically be far more narrow than "equipment." Something like achievements would lend itself to a single thread, or suggested costume design, but equipment is far too broad.
The monster strong against guns just make it (a lot) harder to kill them with handguns, but not impossible like would be a monster that can simply dodge or teleport a melee attack. There could be monsters dodging or counter attacking, but in any way that could allow a full sword char to kill them, with some struggle.
By the way, you don't block and attack with a flourish... =]
Have you ever noticed that Wolvers sometimes stop moving, and just bark for a few seconds? You know why they do that? So you can have a chance to shoot them without them dodging. An enemy that could teleport or sidestep melee attacks could easily have the same weakness.
As for a flourish, uh what? Fencing is all about parrying and counterattacking. That's how most sword fighting works, actually. :p

It's called "any enemy standing in spikes".
Well. Thank you for that useful imput.
None of the mobs that are difficult to engage with guns are IMPOSSIBLE to engage with guns, it's just sub-optimal. Proposed mobs would be similar but for swords.
Honestly the best example is a hurt gremlin in a deconstruction level. It can be annoyingly difficult to actually get a sword hit on them.
repost this in the "official equipment suggestion thread"