I know a lot of players have swag outfits that haven’t appeared in my Fashion Appreciation thread, or are just players with a lot of time and crowns on their hands who are looking for a chance to show off their voguish style and pick up some prize money in the process.
So here's a contest while we wait for the gunner update and look forward to Valentine's Day.
The final decisions will be made by little ole me, but I’ll be soliciting opinions from a few player/friends with a proven sense of style.
I’ll be looking at colors, creativity, and coolness. A great matching weapon and shield can add to the beauty of your outfit just as those with clashing colors can detract from it, but neither are required.
Categories (You can post up to 2 entries for each category, but only win once)
Make use of anything the game provides to come up with a great-looking outfit.
The major portion of your look must be made from one special event or re-skinned gear like polar, hallow, surge, etc. This includes armor, helms, and accessories, but not weapons and shields.
Simply Adorable
In this category you can have a maximum of two accessories. I’m looking for a simple appearance that just looks fabulous.
There will be a first, second, and third place for each category. First place will receive 100,000 crowns, second place will receive 50,000 crowns, and third place will receive 25,000 crowns. Honorable mentions will be honorably mentioned.
To enter the contest, post 2 in-game pictures of your character for each in entry. The images must be taken while your inspect is turned on and your cursor is positioned over first your helm while facing front and then your armor while showing your backside so that we can see exactly what you are wearing.
I'm trying to avoid people posing with gear or accessories that they don't actually possess, but I'll allow you to preview a different personal color while you are taking your screenshot.
You can do this by bring your character up on the screen and pushing your F12 button. Then save the image to a website like Flickr or Imgur and posting the link in your post.
Entry Deadline
Please post all you entries before February 11th so that I'll have sufficient time to judge all the entries.
Awards Ceremony
The winners will be announced and the prizes distributed in the Lionheart guild hall on February 15th at 6:00 pm Saturday night by California Time. You do not have to be present to win. Winning entries will then be announced here in this post and prizes mailed out to those who won but were not at the awards ceremony.
Lionheart guild members are not eligible to win prizes, but we’ll have an in-guild contest on our website. ( http://lionheart-sk.forumjap.com)
If I’m forgetting anything, I’ll edit it into this post later.
I just have a quick question: If I have an outfit that looks better with a Personal Color thats not what I'm currently using, can I use Preview mode?
edit: Thanks for the answers ^_^
still looking into if i want to enter a 2nd in Open or Simply adorable :P
Divine Dusker
Front: Link
Back: Link
Frosty Puppy
Front: Link
Back: Link
Hallowed Humbug
Front: Link
Back: Link
Simply Adorable:
Perfectly Prismatic
Front: Link
Back: Link