What if 2# stat orbs in Lockdown

8 replies [Last post]
Chaolin-Drake's picture

What if Defense, Attack damage, and Speed Orbs are put into Lockdown? Will it be OP as vog? or will it be dumb and useless?

Think about it if OOO make a new LD map that has a Orb pad in the middle of the stage that respawns every minute everyone gets a random orb this will be the only map that has this, There will be new orbs added only in that map, here's the list.

-Slowness, slower movement speed and attack speed, or attack speed decrease will be a different orb below.

-Weaken, attack damage decrease, it will be cut by 50%, or it just cut it to 25%, lasts 10 sec.

-Random Status, gives you a random status of 4 types Poison, Shock, Fire, and Stun. I was think about Freeze but that will be OP, and pointless for some reason in my opinion, Random status will last 5 sec. (This idea I found out will not make since, Klipik idea is alot better)

-Slow Swing, attack speed decrease, lasts 10 sec.

-Mini Curse, will curse two of your weapons if have four weapon slots, one if you have two weapons slots, but unlike normal curse it always curse two or one of your weapons regardless of armor and UV's. Think about this you are wearing a Chaos set and pick up the orb instead of all your weapons getting curse but because mini curse is a bit different it will only curse some of your weapons as shown above, and if your wearing a Valkyrie set and pick it up same things happens. and another thing unlike normal curse it will not damage you when you use the weapon instead it is locked for a short time, Mini Curse will last 20 sec.

-Super Charge, this will make your weapons charge up faster by 15% making it useful for bombers, or make it CTR: med for all weapons. only lasts 10 sec.

-Snipe potions, Turns you into a snipe which you are unable to attack or cap at all but cannot be killed as a snipe, lasts 10 sec. (This is for laughs)

What do you think about this? will it be a good idea or a bad idea? say it in the comments,

And what will the map look like? That's for YOU to decide.

What if 1# http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/94838
What if 3# http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/96460 (This one has been graveyard due to spoilers and I haved removed the topic of that thread and it will come back in the future but for now I be skipping that thread and going to what if 4# which is coming soon.)

Man this is a mouth full.

Sonosuke's picture

Slowness - It's already a thing. I think it was added in the Winterfest missions only though, and it applied to just movement speed.

Weakness - No comment

Random Status - If someone gets frozen on that, wouldn't they be the only one able to get the orbs? I think the orbs should randomly spawn around that map, not just be in the middle.

Slow Swing - Sounds reasonable

Mini Curse - So it affects only half of your weapons? Good to know.

Super Charge - No comment

Snipe Potion - Sir (or Mam, whichever you are), you just won the interwebs.

Sandwich-Potato's picture

-1 to slowness. Strikers switch to boost, still super fast.

-1 to weakness. That's called Poison.

-1 to random statuses. Kinda ruins the point of a mist bomber.

No comment on slow swing.

No comment on mini curse.

-1 to super charge. A CTR Max person would dominate the map.

Er what? No comment on snipe potions.

Aplauses's picture

Why must we have negative stat orbs?

Gasguzzler's picture

Maybe they work as a trap for careless players. Happily boost everywhere without a care in the world... then BAM! You're a Snipe. Or worse, get knocked into one by some evil Guardian with a GF or a Suda. It'll be hilarious.

Also, +1, especially the negative item orb things.

Klipik-Forum's picture

What if you added vial spawners?

Sandwich-Potato's picture

What if you added vial spawners?

/e grabs a few curse, stun, freeze, and poison vials and camps at the southernmost area of the map, sneak attacking people as they boost by. Plus, it would be STRONG of the status, which seems to have no resistance level of immunity.

Klipik-Forum's picture

Woah, easy, I never said all the vials would be spawning on every map, easily accessible to all. Think more like the freeze vial spawners in FSC and less like the ATH. They would either be incorporated into existing or new maps, in such a way as to not completely direct the flow of the game but enough to impact it if you play your cards right. Although I do very much like the idea of adding secondary objectives to LD to try and dampen some of the 6-striker-Zerg-rush-the-CP tactics.

Plus, the vials would dissapear when you die. So I think it would be pretty balanced.

Chaolin-Drake's picture
Pig Tail Knight are your friends

@Sonosuke & Gasguzzler: I'm glad you guys liked my Snipe Potion idea, that was a idea of my when I was making this thread.

@Klipik-Forum: Your Vial Spawner is better then my Random Status Orb idea and it makes more since, and the vials would dissapear when you die is also a great idea thanks for your idea. :D

@Aplauses: if I didn't add negative stat orbs the Damage, Speed, and Defense orbs alone will be so overpowered.

@Sandwich-Potato: WHAT!?! YOU DIDN"T LIKE MY SNIPE POTION IDEA!!! me sad now. :( jk