800ce for heat amplifier...? LOL

96 replies [Last post]
Tokin's picture

guildmate: So they're adding heat amplifiers which give you 20% more heat for a few hours or something.
me: Oh cool. lol they'll probably be like 500ce.
guildmade: haha I know right? that would be ridiculous.

-goes to by heat amplifier-

800 CE?!?! ROFL

-realizes the entire game is like this now-
-logs off-

Legacy Username
Just keep playing for free on

Just keep playing for free on their wallet, that's what I'm doing while spending my money on Steam sales. First time I've been totally freeloading on a F2P game, shocking.

Eeks's picture
It's probably a mistake. I'm

It's probably a mistake. I'm sure they meant the price to be 80. Typos happen guys

Legacy Username

Definitely a lot more expensive than I would have figured. But, then again, I find the idea that one would even want to bother mildly preposterous. I mean, really? I guess I just view heat as an inevitability, not something I need to work towards. It'll happen in time, when I'm doing runs for fun/money/mats anyways.

Legacy Username
800 CE is absolutely

800 CE is absolutely ridiculous. You'd have to clear 4000 energy worth of clockworks to make the upgrade worth it in terms of energy used for heat. This is by far the worst investment any player could make when leveling an item, unless they want to waste 100s of CE to get their item a tiny bit more quickly. 80 CE is fine. 800 CE is absurd.

Legacy Username
Maybe it's for those people

Maybe it's for those people who have like 80k+CE saved up, but then they have nothing to level anyways.

Makes no sense.

Legacy Username
You are free to buy or not

You are free to buy or not buy it.

Other than that, yeah the price is defenitly rediculous. Why pay if u can get heat for free. It's the most retarted thing i've seen so far and this comes from someone who defended the previous update.

Well anyway, great update all in all.

Nick's picture
The heat amp is a premium

The heat amp is a premium item. Much like experience multipliers in other F2P mmos they are geared toward players who are short on time and wish to advance faster. It is not an item we expect every player to purchase.

Eruzei's picture
The price is irrelevant to

The price is irrelevant to me, since I'd never buy one. I'm sure the same goes for a lot of people. It's expensive, yeah, but there are people around who buy 50$ worth of CE who probably won't mind paying that at all. Good for them. =P

Legacy Username
Wow... That was a quick

Wow... That was a quick response to all the criticism, Nick. Thanks! Would you mind addressing all the criticism on this thread?


Legacy Username
It's still too steep Nick. I

It's still too steep Nick. I mean from the standpoint where the item itself is pretty useless overall. Getting heat isn't all that hard without the amplfier. I don't think it's even worth it for the people who'd like to advance faster.

I hope you apreciate the feedback Nick

Legacy Username
Even if heat were harder to

Even if heat were harder to obtain, 800 CE for a two day benefit is pretty absurd.

Tokin's picture
Please consider the

Please consider the following:

With 800ce you can get TWO extra weapon slots and TWO trinket slots. This allows you to have a weapon for each enemy type, as well as (for me) practically double health, for 30 days no less!

OR you can spend 800ce to get 20% extra heat for a measly 2 days.


Legacy Username

Not worth 20% extra heat.
Maybe if it was 100% the price would make more sense.

They'll probably log sales and adjust the price accordingly later.

Njthug's picture
Heat Amp

800 Ce is worth it to players like myself who just dont have 25+ hours a week to play....I rather spend 800ce and no-life for two days out of the month and get all my gear leveled up.

@Nick its a good price I was thinking either 500 to 1k terms for something like this most games make sure premium items such as these which give the paying customers a huge advantage are not under-priced only because it makes the dis-advatange between players somewhat equal. Great update once again I love that you made the heat amplifier cant wait to use it. Quick question to you though, do they stack? (If I buy 3 and use all three at once do I obtain 60% heat or still 20%)

Madadder's picture
wow... this farce is nearly

wow... this farce is nearly as bad as this

@Njthug, rofl... are you

@Njthug, rofl... are you serious, dude? Do you work for them?

Splinter's picture
Seeing as how a Jelly run is

Seeing as how a Jelly run is a glorified Heat Amplifier, and its an unnecessary addition to the game, its a luxury, you pay the luxury price. 800CE - Aka 40k crowns, not that big of a deal.

Volebamus's picture
QQ more

QQ more

I seriously can't believe people care about this item in the first place. Heat is like 1-3* mats, you just get it doing other things, and it's an afterthought more than anything. It barely takes any effort to actually get something to lvl 10, and it's nowhere near like this item is even necessary. If this was put up for sale for 80 CE, I'd still think it was overpriced because of how easy it is to get heat.

I bet if an item that does nothing was put up for sale for 10k CE, you'd probably complain about that too.

Njthug's picture

Yes I am 100% serious dude.

Sadly no, I do not work for Three Rings only because they would end up paying me in CE and I will be living in a box in a month, or I would most likely hide in the office since it looks very nice....reminds me of pirates of the Caribbean and makes me think the whole clockworks idea came from a lot of the art they had in their office.....but I think it would be hard to shower daily in the bathroom sink, and Nick would most likely kick me out since I would mistakenly attempt to help and pull a Boswick and crash the game somehow, or because I will stink since I could not shower properly due to being broke and the world not accepting Ce is a payment =( . I dont think me working for Three Rings is the greatest idea currently LOL....I did the math =0

Legacy Username
I think the heat amplifier

I think the heat amplifier might be more interesting if it worked for 1 run (costing 300 CE), instead of two days.
It would then be a sort of gamble; if you have the skill and energy to go from level 1 to the Core, you could acquire MASSIVE amounts of heat.

As it is, I think the heat amplifier could do with a slight price reduction, but it really is a luxury item that should have a luxury price. It's essentially for leveling up 4 and 5 star equipment faster than normal----and that's quite a luxury. Heck, even priced as it is, I think it will only contribute to "equipment inflation" as players will be getting their 4/5* equips faster than they should.

Legacy Username
Well, I hope that people know

Well, I hope that people know that if you want to level just one item, you can go from 3*-5* in exactly 3.5 Jelly King runs.. shorter if you go random party and revive some of the more inexperienced players. Or, you can just be totally malicious and let all of them die, and pick them up (providing you have the skill to carry the whole team on little hp). In conclusion, heat is sooooo easy to get even if you don't have a lot of time. Not sure who you're trying to market this to...

Inheritor's picture
Even for the people who would

Even for the people who would use this, I think the 800 price tag is a little too much for the casual gamer..

Legacy Username
Yeah that's what I was trying

Yeah that's what I was trying to say as well. Heat is allready easy to level, why so friggin expensive. I think even if at 200 CE it'd be expensive but 800 is just coming off a bit stupid. I mean guys, seriously... this choice t comse off as if you guys just threw it in with no thought whatsoever. I don't think it'll be hard for you guys to aknowledge this as it's something too obvious. You guys allready built this excellent game so I am sure you are more clever than his.

Legacy Username
All I hear is "wah, a

All I hear is "wah, a company's doing something to pay it's employees for their hard work. Wahhh."

But seriously, if you don't like the high price, then you don't have to buy it. Just grind your way through stages in order to level up your equipment - just like you did before.

I'd understand the whining if they made it so that you had to buy it, but they didn't. You can keep playing exactly as you would have before this item, and the people who want to pay more can play and experience some additional benefits for their money. Stop whining like a broke 13 year old.

Legacy Username

You completely missed the point.

Legacy Username
We're just helping and giving

We're just helping and giving feedback ninjka. I couldn't care less about this amplifier thing.

Legacy Username
money money money

hey OOO u want more money? i bet you do

$3.00 for something as pointless as extra heat which u would get if you use those 800 into going in the clockworks and i bet it would take even less CE plus you would get the extra cr and materials....

premium item? yea you can call it that since no player that spends less that $50 a week would buy this abomination of a rip off

@Njthug so spending over $100 dollars in a video game means u have a life? think about it u pay $3 bucks so u can make the 2 runs worth of heat into 1 ur saving yourself 30 mins of ur wonderful and interesting life good for you!!

hey OOO release an item that gives you movement speed so people with better things to do can run tru the clock works faster!! make it 1 day and worth 10k CE you'll get a lot of rich kids paying your bills

o and btw isnt it the point of a video game to waste time? so why even bother playing if you dont have time to waste? just dont play at all and problem solved!
the argument of " i cant spend 25hours a day playing" makes no sense since no1 is asking you to do so....if you only have time to play 1-3 hours a day then do so!

o and another thing it is my understanding than OOO are making their wonderful updates so that people cant buy their selves into T3 with real cash yet they release items that help the purpose of progressing faster than other players but of course this items are CE the cash currency so in other words the brainless rich kids can still buy their way to T3 but now OOO gets more money out of it and at the same time making F2p players have to grind forever to progress.... this reminds me at ages of nobility when the rich were extremely rich and the poor extremely poor

Inheritor's picture
-sigh- My point still stands.

-sigh- My point still stands. 800 CE for a 48 hour boost is.. ballsy.

Legacy Username
since im a F2P gamer

I think this is incredibly pointless since i make my items 1 at a time while im GRINDING (this game has become full grinding for F2P gamers anyway) to get enough crowns to buy enough energy to craft my next item the item i just crafted gets to lvl 10 quite easily

now i know this is an item intended for P2P gamers but that doesnt make the price less ridiculous. Even if i were to get a stash of money for just going to the bathroom everyday i would feel riped off to buy such item

Legacy Username

I personally think OOO would make a lot more money if it was 7 days for 800 ce or 48 hours for 400 ce or something. I don't care for it because it does encourage purchasing it and then playing the game for 12 hours a day for the next 2 days, which isn't healthy (even if I've been known to do it from time to time.) However, I've no vested interest in OOO's profits and no free or occasional-pay player would want this item.

I don't know why anyone would be bothered by this, honestly. If it's too much for you, don't buy it. It's very much one of those unnecessary items that nonetheless makes OOO money without pressing free and occasional pay players in any way. Anyway, most free players are going to crank out plenty of heat to heat up even 5* items as they save crowns or collect materials for their next crafting, so it's doubly a pay-player only item: Only affordable by them, only useful to them.

TL/DR: The sky is definitely not falling today.

Legacy Username
I understand you need to

I understand you need to create a "cash shop" for those willing to pay, but isn't 800CE A bit... ... ... exploitative?

And the addressed issues of the last patch has yet to be addressed. What we'd love to know is the rationale behind the increase of CE for crafting (apart from the "OH NOES PEOPLE ARE BUYING 5-STAR GEAR" reason, since that one could be easily fixed if the dev group actually took some time to read the suggestions forum), because at this point, you guys are seriously implying that all you want to do is to milk paying players for their money.

And yes, I do understand that it takes time to put together new content. But the issues of the last patch have yet to be addressed.

Negimasonic's picture
It's kind of high but meh,

It's kind of high but meh, its for those who want to use it, it doesn't even affect everyone who doesn't (unlike crafting changes), so I don't actually care what they charge for it.

Pawn's picture
I agree

with the take that it's a luxury item. Don't buy it if you don't want it. Why do people cry about something that is soooo optional. You have lost nothing with this item being added. You have gained the option to use it if you want.

Ultimately, if it works as intended it will stay as it. If it does not we'll see a decrease in price.

Actually, my only real criticism is that it puts a little too much pressure on the purchaser for a marathon session. I think 400 CE for 24 hours would be a much better balance for the item. Busy people who need such an item are much more likely to be able to find 1 long day to marathon session with it. It could be a tougher sell to get the wife to let you throw a whole weekend at it, lol.

I have to admit though, my 1st thought was...HAHAHAHHAAHHAAHA 800 CE for 20% more heat? Partying with noobs is free and it's 30% more heat :D
But after that i thought it was kinda cool they included a luxury item such as this. I just think 1 day @ 400 would allow people to more efficiently use it.

I think luxury items is a good sign for us. It hints in that maybe in the future we can change colors of our knights or may get other options available. Which i'm sure the community will then throw a b****ing fit about.

Legacy Username
Honestly I don't want this to

Honestly I don't want this to be too easy to come by. I accept nick's assertion that if you don't want to put the effort into 800CE worth of runs, this is an alternative.

Legacy Username
"There's a sucker born every minute"

800 CE for a 2 day, 20% bonus? Are you kidding me? Even as a "luxury" item, this is just throwing away your money. It's honestly a bit insulting.

LOL. First Bind 4* and

First Bind 4* and 5*.
Then increase CE to craft.
Now heat Bonus item @ 800ce AHAHAHA.

I see where your going with this.

Next, all stratum heat is reduce by 50%.
O, you are good nick.

I'd just like to note the

I'd just like to note the following:

If this boost is for people who can't play often, then it's terrible. First off, it's just 2 days. This means to get the most of it, they'd have to play for long periods of time in one sitting. Which they can't since they are the target demographic that doesn't play much.

Second, for 800 CE, you can get a bunch of guys to go down to the arena with you and just heat pool (get killed in the spikes , get revived by party member, rinse and repeat), which will get you roughly 50-150% more heat and doesn't take your time and isn't restricted to 2 days.

Legacy Username
Presumably the idea is to

Presumably the idea is to create "extras", which can be packed in to the $19.99 7500CE package purchase.
So by creating this new item (20% heat multiplier) and charging a crazy high price for it (800 CE), they (OOO) have an item which they can toss in with the package deal, to make it appear more valuable, than it really is.

The heat amplifier is :-
20% but probably should be 100% (or 200% depending on terminology), i.e. x2 heat/exp NOT x1.2
Costs 800 CE, probably should be about 80 CE
Lasts 2 days. but should probably last 30 days (to be like other times options, such as slot upgrades)

So 5 (missing % rate) x 10 (CE costing way too much) x 15 (lasts too short a duration) = x750 Error factor!

Let's think about this another way.
The major cost of making a 5* weapon is the 800CE crafting cost, but once made you can keep the 5* weapon forever (until OOO decide to make weapons break automatically, after 30 days, if you think I'm joking, please refer to other threads about other OOO games which already do this).
So, 800 CE just to get 20% more heat for just 2 days on that same 5* weapon, seems way over the top.

1600 CE = $4.99 = $4.99 per 4 days
To buy 20% for an entire 30 day period (you DON'T want to really do this, but it shows how REASONABLE or not the cost is) =
30/4 * $4.99 = $37.425 (exact amount depends on which CE plan you use to buy CE, I've used the 1600 CE = $4.99 one).

For $37.43 you can buy a really good game and own it for life (no further charges), OR buy 20% heat for 30 days.
Let me think, which is better value for money ?

Coatl's picture
My question is: What will

My question is: What will happen to the heat amplifier when it doesn't sell?
More so what will OOO do when it doesn't sell.

Legacy Username
To reply to anyone who says

To reply to anyone who says "So what, if you think it's a complete rip off, just DON'T buy the heat amplifier".

The problem is, that it could indicate that OOO's in the future will bring out similar, but ESSENTIAL items.
E.g. A bit like binding 4/5* weapons, then bringing in an expensive (presumably) unbinding shop.

They bring in 30 day weapon auto destruction, but to solve our fears about it, also bring out repair fluid bottles, at ONLY! 1600 CE a time (one time use only, gives 30 days use for the selected weapon). The problem would then be that the 1600 CE repair fluid bottle (or whatever madcap scheme is introduced, with the usual 30 seconds advanced warning!), would be very hard to dodge.
Therefore, I'm worried about this apparent trend (not too worried really, because I think they have already destroyed the game by the new crazy crafting CE costs and horrible account bindings etc).

Njthug's picture

@Njthug so spending over $100 dollars in a video game means u have a life? think about it u pay $3 bucks so u can make the 2 runs worth of heat into 1 ur saving yourself 30 mins of ur wonderful and interesting life good for you!!


Nope, spending over $100 in a video game means I will unlock the money cane, along with the money sunglasses, money jacket, and the money shield which look very epic indeed. Thinking about it if I pay 3 bucks I can make 5+ Runs worth of heat easily hey I can even farm T1 which will be a breeze for some nice heat. Which will save me pointless hours staying inside leveling up this gear.

Omg, and thanks for noticing my life is so wonderful and interesting it is I am planning on making a movie or tv show on it called: Epic Njthug Movie just waiting for MTV or Warner Brothers to call me back.

@Senshi - Only reason they most likely only left it at 48 Hours is since it would not be a HUGE advantage. Most games have boosts like these lasting only for x amount of hours, and it makes the players who can no-life for one or three days to easily just buy the boost and no-life it up. (And I found your first line funny only because people are calling Three Rings money hungry, but yet...they made something that they will not see many players using Ce on most likely about 10% of the current Ce Buyers will).

@Zoa - It will sit in the shop and collect snipe poop most likely. Most likely Three Rings will keep it there since players like myself would gladly use it.

In my view the heat amplifier is a choice given to the players its like this:

Order a Cheese Burger or Turkey Burger or a Veggie Patty (For the Vegans and such) and the place list the following costs:

1 Slice Cheese: $1.00
2 Slice Cheese: $1.50
Tomato: .75
Onion: .75
Lettuce: .75
Bacon: $1.50
Extra Patty: $5.50
Mayonnaise: .50
Other: .50 - $10.00

^All choices you wish to have on your sandwich some may be more expensive than others, but the choice is yours. You may want an extra patty, but are you willing to pay that much for it? If not then you will not order an extra patty.


Legacy Username
It's amusing how no one in

It's amusing how no one in this thread even mentioned that in the majority of F2P games out there you pay double the amount of what you pay here for only 24 hours.

Starting to wonder if this game just attracts more QQ than pew pew.

Legacy Username
@Njthug (who is NOT

@Njthug (who is NOT affiliated with three rings, even slightly, according to Njthug).

This hyperthetical customer, Mr Rich&Busy plays for 2 days only, and does exactly 60 dungeons = 10 complete passes of tier 1 (no revives and no extras, such as 3 CE gates).

Cost = 10 CE x 60 = 600
ME = 100 at start (as was too busy to play before the 2 day period)
+ 200 ME over the course of the 2 days.

So actual cost in CE = 600 - 300 (ME) = 300 CE

20% of that = 60 CE.

So we would have to pay 800 CE to get 20% more heat on dungeons which would cost 300 CE, this seems a ridiculous mark up (assuming 60 dungeons in 2 days, = very approximately 10 hours play time {1 hour per complete tier 1} over the 2 days).

>>>It's amusing how no one in this thread even mentioned that in the majority of F2P games out there you pay double the amount of what you pay here for only 24 hours.

You seem to be contradicting yourself.
F2P = FREE to Play = NO COST (if the player decides to play this way).

So, 24 hours = FREE (= F2P). {having a daily "time limit", such as ME, complicates things here, but you can buy CE with crowns, and save them, to play for 24 hours, so it is still potentially "free to play"}
Otherwise, calling the game F2P would be false.
If there are EXTRAS which can be bought to improve the gaming experience, then fair enough.

Legacy Username
The posters here already

The posters here already pointed out the inconsistency with what Nick posted about the amp, but I do feel it needs reinforcement. Limiting a player who buys the amp to two days, a player that is already "short on time", doesn't seem to make any sense to me.

Volebamus's picture
QQ more
    The problem is, that it could indicate that OOO's in the future will bring out similar, but ESSENTIAL items.

Sounds like a "sky is falling" post if I ever saw one. All of your "warnings" seem unsubstantiated, and to MOST players (IE people who craft their own things rather than sell to others) the game barely changed for them.

Disclaimer: I myself was a 5* craft-vendor, yet I don't complain so much about these updates. I'm playing a GAME in my leisure time. QQ more.

Legacy Username
@Volebamus >>>and to MOST

>>>and to MOST players (IE people who craft their own things rather than sell to others) the game barely changed for them.

If the game "BARELY CHANGED", then why were there so many 10's if not 100's (?) of forum posters complaining immediately after the update (not even mentioning the significant number of DELETED posts, if other forum users comments about that are to be believed) ?

So 5* crafting, 300 CE suddenly changing to 800 CE, is "BARELY CHANGED" is it ? (NOT IN MY BOOKS!).
Then there is the huge (rumoured, but exact costs not announced yet) unbinding shop charges, if you want to lend the weapon to someone else in your guild etc.

>>>Sounds like a "sky is falling" post if I ever saw one.
I don't have access to the official (internal to OOO's) player figures, but from what I've observed, there seemed to be a huge number of disgruntled players after the update, the number of players in each gate seemed to dramatically fall, and they definitely dropped the disappointing update on us all with ZERO warning.

Anyway, you could be right maybe I'm reading too much into this crazily priced, little benefit, and far too short lasting, heat amp item.
On the other hand, it may indeed be signs of how OOO's are going to treat their customer base in this game, in the future.

The signs are that they (OOO's) are not "PLAYER FRIENDLY", or even listening/responding to major complaints by an apparently large number of players.

Although OOO's need to make a profit, the players need to get fun and value for money from this game, if a satisfactory balance is not reached, then sooner or later, things may go down hill.

Njthug's picture

@Njthug (who is NOT affiliated with three rings, even slightly, according to Njthug) <-- If Three Rings is paying me I wish I knew about it since I havent seen a dime lol.

This hyperthetical customer, Mr Rich&Busy plays for 2 days only, and does exactly 60 dungeons = 10 complete passes of tier 1 (no revives and no extras, such as 3 CE gates).

Cost = 10 CE x 60 = 600
ME = 100 at start (as was too busy to play before the 2 day period)
+ 200 ME over the course of the 2 days.

So actual cost in CE = 600 - 300 (ME) = 300 CE

20% of that = 60 CE.

So we would have to pay 800 CE to get 20% more heat on dungeons which would cost 300 CE, this seems a ridiculous mark up (assuming 60 dungeons in 2 days, = very approximately 10 hours play time {1 hour per complete tier 1} over the 2 days).

^You dont have to pay 800ce to get 20% more heat you either want to and will or wish to, but wont. I level up items pretty fast, I wish to buy this when I do crazy leveling since well it will make my life so much easier to level up gear, so I am fine with paying 800ce, and I think your math is wrong. =)

Tokin's picture
Just to be fair..OOO DID

Just to be fair..OOO DID respond to some of the complaints about the update, albeit very underwhelming. It just wasn't what we wanted to hear. In a way it was actually the opposite.

Volebamus's picture
It is not so different.
    If the game "BARELY CHANGED", then why were there so many 10's if not 100's (?) of forum posters complaining immediately after the update (not even mentioning the significant number of DELETED posts, if other forum users comments about that are to be believed) ?

    So 5* crafting, 300 CE suddenly changing to 800 CE, is "BARELY CHANGED" is it ? (NOT IN MY BOOKS!).
    Then there is the huge (rumoured, but exact costs not announced yet) unbinding shop charges, if you want to lend the weapon to someone else in your guild etc.

For 5*:
1) Increase crafting cost: 500CE
2) Decrease crafting cost: -20,000cr, roughly equal to 400CE
The difference between roughly pre-update (1200CE) to post-update (1300CE) crafting costs for a 5* is indeed barely of a change. Especially as this is the "endgame" and all. Also, I'm talking about for casual players, who never thought of selling their crafts to others for a profit. Hell, pre-update, there wasn't even any real profits aside from sitting-around-peddling-goods until you reached 5*... and the amount of casuals reaching that?

Also, you have to consider forum posters as a minority as well. In many games, casual players don't bother with ancillary means of getting and sharing information, like forums or wikis. And this is a really casual game. If OOO was smart enough, they should've made it Facebook friendly, and they would've been sitting on a goldmine.

Eurydice's picture
Community Manager
The problem is, that it could

The problem is, that it could indicate that OOO's in the future will bring out similar, but ESSENTIAL items.

Nick already covered this, but I'll say it again--this item is there as a convenience for those who wish to have it. That's all. It is not the harbinger of your destruction.