It's been a few months since the forge arrived, along with the so long awaited battle sprites and the bane of the elevator fees (good riddance!). However, the forge has brought a problem or two.
First, you cannot level up multiple times at once with just heat anymore. That's doesn't look too bothersome at 1st glance when you're leveling up gear, but when you're heating low tier/leveled gear on higher tiers or arenas for example, you'll notice that by the time the gear gets ready to level up, you'll still have like 2/3 of collected heat unused, throwing it to waste.
And second, while this is normally not a problem, you cannot level up stuff on boss runs! Why? Because there's no arsenal stations after the 1st level and because of that, once all your stuff is ready to level up, all the immense heat you'll gather will be a waste.
A reason why I did FSC runs was because of how easy it was to heat my arsenal. By the time I finished puncturing or cooling Vanaduck's butt cheeks, my newly acquired weapon was almost fully leveled already! And now that's not possible because of those two reasons.
Not to mention the heat amps are even more useless now! What's the point of spending a lot of energy on it when you still have to grind the crystals out? Especially the 5* ones, god knows why OOO thought it would be a good idea to make those crystals drop at depth 28 or shadow lairs only?...
The current forge is annoying, only serving to be a grindwall and apparently a way to milk the fanbase (doing it wrong btw, look at the obscene prices of the crystals, no sane knight will ever buy them). It would actually be welcoming and useful if it could be used as a way to help level up stuff faster, rather than getting in the way.
In that case the solution is very simple: Make the forge optional only!.
It's simple, you get to heat and level stuff up like you always did previously. The forge is just a way to level up earlier than you would normally with heat alone.
For example, imagine you're heating a 4* helm, and it's heated at like 50% for the next level, being itself at lvl 6 or something. You could simply do more runs, or you could immediately level it up with the forge. The use itself doesn't change much (you can still get the bonuses), only now you get to use it as an option to level up earlier, rather than being a requirement to do it. That way, champions and vanguards don't have to constantly strive for radiant crystals or anyone else for that matter.
However, considering how fairly fast is to heat stuff up, it would maybe be a good idea for OOO making leveling up a bit harder, by making it like 2 or 3 times longer than before, but not much longer so it doesn't get far too cumbersome, so that the forge and maybe the heat amps get some actual usefulness. Of course I won't blame you for not agreeing on this part, I do understand that, it's just something I thought to balance things out.
I'm sure some people have come up with some suggestions already and I'm kinda late for the party, but I'd like to give mine as well. And so I finish this post by thanking you for reading this wall.
First, you cannot level up multiple times at once with just heat anymore. That's doesn't look too bothersome at 1st glance when you're leveling up gear, but when you're heating low tier/leveled gear on higher tiers or arenas for example, you'll notice that by the time the gear gets ready to level up, you'll still have like 2/3 of collected heat unused, throwing it to waste.
That's to balance Mist Energy's removal. There's no fee to do a level now, unlike before.
And second, while this is normally not a problem, you cannot level up stuff on boss runs! Why? Because there's no arsenal stations after the 1st level and because of that, once all your stuff is ready to level up, all the immense heat you'll gather will be a waste.
So quit the level and come back after forging/sprite feeding. I'm pretty sure OOO didn't want people to grind FSC all day; Orbs can testify to that. And besides, grinding boss runs is rather boring. How bout this fancy place called the Arcade?
In that case the solution is very simple: Make the forge optional only!.
How about no.
Not to mention the heat amps are even more useless now!
I heard that they double Sprite appetite replenishing rate. Possibly a fake though.
The current forge is annoying, only serving to be a grindwall and apparently a way to milk the fanbase (doing it wrong btw, look at the obscene prices of the crystals, no sane knight will ever buy them). It would actually be welcoming and useful if it could be used as a way to help level up stuff faster, rather than getting in the way.
Mist Energy got in the way. Mist Energy served to be a grindwall. Mist energy was "apparently a way to milk the fanbase". Sane? Who's sane? Me? Hahahahahahahahahahano.
However, considering how fairly fast is to heat stuff up, it would maybe be a good idea for OOO making leveling up a bit harder, by making it like 2 or 3 times longer than before, but not much longer so it doesn't get far too cumbersome, so that the forge and maybe the heat amps get some actual usefulness. Of course I won't blame you for not agreeing on this part, I do understand that, it's just something I thought to balance things out.
Pretty sure OOO won't consider it unless it's at least 4 times more, and even then, I still think it's too easy.