Hmm Why not add a forge machine to the begging of each lvl. It will make forging less hated and easier for players to forge. For example if you are trying to make a 5* weapon in one day u wont have to leave party everytime to forge instead u can forge after every lvl. Keep this in mind for future updates~
Forge machine
if u have a ready to forge weapon at the end of a lvl why cant u just move on and forge at next stop such as vanna it only allows u to use arsenal station once
"Hmm Why not add a forge machine to the begging of each lvl. It will make forging less hated and easier for players to forge. For example if you are trying to make a 5* weapon in one day u wont have to leave party everytime to forge instead u can forge after every lvl. Keep this in mind for future updates~"
Or you could stop wasting your time doing boss runs all day and just do the Arcade, where there's an Arsenal station at the beginning of almost every depth.
You can't make higher star equipment using the forge. You can increase the heat level of a piece of equipment, but in order to make higher star equipment you need a alchemy machine. And besides you have all the time when you go back to Haven.
aint nobody got time for that///what i am saying no one has time to go from vanna to haven after every lvl that would just take too long and why cant we just forge on every lvl?
"aint nobody got time for that"
Are you kidding me? We have free elevators.
aint nobody got time for that
except almost everyone does it right now. well, if you really mean leaving vana to forge. if it's for upgrading, then you should upgrade something before going, not in the meanwhile.
and what dibsville said. quit doing vana and start doing the arcade.
mission depths are just going to a specific depth with unique objectives.
"aint nobody got time for that"
Are you seriously grouping everyone together, as though no one runs arcade anymore?
don't edit comments to answer to something below. post another comment.
we can forge anywhere but boss depths and treasure vaults. up to now, I found that the missing arsenal station in the TVs are more of a pain in the lower back than the ones missing in the boss depths. at least you expect the latter ones.
once again, the answer is stopping doing boss runs. the forge was a way to slow down grinders too.
"what i am saying no one has time to go from vanna to haven after every lvl"
Again, do the Arcade.
Or, you could instead suggest a way to make it faster, not completely change the concept.
One suggestion I really loved was to add an old, rusty forge at the beginning of each boss area, that only works in exchange for all your pills, vials and barriers, as well as your Vitapod. Basically you're returning to Haven... without returning to Haven.
Sigh. Forging is hated because of the crystals, not because of knights not being able to use it. If you want to use the forge at the beginning of a level, use the arsenal station.