Spiral Knights Census - Discussion

48 replies [Last post]
Krakob's picture


The goddess demands another sacrif- I mean uh, survey. Figured I'd make a thread about it now that I've answered.
I personally am glad to see OOO look at what the players think but I'm kind of disappointed that they did nothing with what was as far as I know the last one, namely that one gear survey.

Whimsicality's picture

I'd like it if they did surveys like this more often., and we saw that feedback reflected in patch notes aside from 'behind the scenes' mumbo jumbo.

Arcknightdelta's picture


Orbwanter's picture

They must have been sitting on parts of that survey for a while, no option for picking the Colossal or Ancient promotions as your favorite. Also suprised that feeding Battle Sprites wasn't one of the options for question 4.

Blazzberry's picture
I have no mouth and I need to scream

Huh, I thought that person named Betty or Stephanie said that they did respond to the last survey with sprite perks, which allowed us to to get a bit more customizable with different perks such as msi and defense.

But all people really use it for is attack and speed buffs. Eh, In the end it makes sense for what happened.

Also nows the time to ask for that bomber balance of better gear and different ui themes. :x

Ironclaw-Mender's picture

It's refusing to send for me.

Edit: NVM, broke some cookies or something.

Krakob's picture

Good point. Could we roughly guess when it was made, perhaps? I looked at http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Promotional_Items but this page is outdated. http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Category:Promotions tells us that the Colossal promo launched Jan 24 this year so it must've been before then.

Hexzyle's picture

They must have been sitting on parts of that survey for a while, no option for picking the Colossal or Ancient promotions as your favorite.

Where does it ask to pick your favorite promotion?

Flowchart's picture
nitpicking over multiple choice questions

you know what he meant.

Poomph's picture
Be careful guys.

Remember, Apocrea buffed Acheron. Never forget.

Skyguarder's picture

Where does it ask to pick your favorite promotion?

Orbwanter probably meant favorite promotional prize box.

Hexzyle's picture

you know what he meant.

Is he talking about the question regarding events? As in, actual ingame playable content? (as all the listed examples there are all examples of events that you play)
Because Colossal Armor and Ancient Armor are not events that you can "play", there were a one-off purchasable item that had nothing to do with anything happening ingame. Proving the same logic, there were no other promotional items on the list for that question, so I don't know where the idea came from that Ancient and Colossal were the only ones missing from that list.

Also, Question 15 explicitly asks which Prize Boxes from 2013 did you find most appealing?, which I assume is because since the survey is titled "2014 Concensus", that it's a once a year thing and it's asking for a summary of what happened 2013, since 2014 hasn't finished yet.

So no, I don't know what he meant.

Vesperaldus's picture
I just finished. I started

I just finished. I started right when I saw the announcement on Steam, which was before Eury put it up here on the forums. I had a bit to write. But I'm surprised they asked if I've spent money for currency in a game other than Spiral Knights.

Seiran's picture

There was one part that was asking about my favorite monster familiars. I'm sure it meant families, but goodness, if we had 'familiars' of all types in this game... @__@

Krakob's picture

Well derp, that's an even better point, Hexzyle. Guess it might as well be made very recently.

Flowchart's picture

So no, I don't know what he meant.

You're trying to sound clever by sounding like a computer that prefers to throw an error because he missed a detail rather than infer from context what he meant. But instead you sound like Batabii when someone mentions "JK" and he replies "What is JK?" Not that you don't know what is meant, rather you're refusing to acknowledge it because it isn't exact.

Hexzyle's picture

Of course I sound like a computer throwing an error. I am a computer throwing an error.
If I just stated "I'm right" no-one believes me at first so I might as well take it the full 9-yards and give a full explanation.

I'm pretty hopeless at getting my point across any other way.

Valorai's picture
Heart of Valor.

Interesting survey. Hope to see more.

Datast's picture

If everyone could put down "Twilight Aura" under items they would buy.. That'd be great.
( Seriously though. Twilight Aura plz)

Dermog's picture
I really liked the survey.

Hope they'll do more in the future.

Cinoa's picture

I said there's too much I would buy, if there was 1 item I could buy.
I don't think I fully understood what they meant about suggestions, because I suggested a new kind of sword :/
I really liked the survey too.

my 2 cents

Survey is nice... although with everything I have a negative comment to do...

Nobody tracks down the Thread we make on the forum... Nobody can convince me after this survey. The forum is existent but non important for OOO. I just can't believe no one is tracking what the playerbase wants. Blizzard have about... 100 times the population of SK if not 1,000 and they don't survey for updates... IDK..

It may just be me, but that's how I feel. Nobody cared about our opinions about events up until... Now! 3 years after launch? 4?

Edit: Also I come to realize, Nick!!!! YOU WERE DOING EVERYTHING!!! COME BAAAAAACCCCKKKKKK *sob*

Poomph's picture
Item you would buy?

Dev Deadzone. OP Defense and OP offense.

Vendexion's picture
Is sad

When it came to suggestions and what I wanted to see put in the game I kept demanding for a PROPER (*cough* not that asian server thats not connected to the main game *cough*) server in the Australia/Asia-Pacific/Southern Hemisphere.
1 square of red connection hurts me inside. We cant play Blast Network, or more importantly LD, with people yelling noobs in our faces because we only have 8k damage while others have like 15k >.> and we let the team down. :/
PvE is just... God, shields just dont work xD
Just... please. I doubt they will set up a new server down here because its expensive. :C
But ah well, for all those who are also suffering, don't give up, keep your hopes up because maybe one day (ETA 5 years if this game is still alive? :< I'm getting even more pessimistic about this. ) our dream server will come true.

I is sad.

And yes, another ERGH GIVE US SERVER DOWN HERE PLX rant. We need to get it out once in a while eh? xD

But all in all, it's nice to see OOO releasing this survey.

/e goes back to her corner.

Untrustful's picture
I asked for 2 extra sprites,

I asked for 2 extra sprites, a food alchemy machine in the team room, and a vendor that lets you trade your untradable/sellable stuff for tokens and junk.

Autofire's picture
You are experiencing a PICNIC ERROR!

I said I would buy a Rocket Snipe pet. I still want one of those things. :3

Klipik-Forum's picture

I said I would buy a machine gun with AP-style movement and a gigantic clip. :D

Whimsicality's picture

The Third Troika!

Ardent-Light's picture

I think OOO is coming up with something to create, and they want our guidelines to help them. I can't keep still, knowing that they are ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING!

Poomph's picture
I just realized

It's not like the entire community reads the forums, perhaps we should do our best to try and spread it around via Trade Chat and Zone Chat? It'd be best if they got the most accurate opinions on this.

Dragneel-Wiki's picture

Can everyone say they want LD lobbies? Please, this couldbe the best chance for it. It would change the game drastically.


Fehzor's picture

Tactical "level editor please" time.

Only NOW do I remember!

Aw shoot. I forgot to suggest a gun that shoots smaller guns.

Personally, I wish they could design multi-layer levels that have parts of the level overlapping (I'm under the assumption it's a camera or engine problem). A single level where the camera shifts and is angled instead of top-down would be awesome.

@ Dragneel-Wiki
What do you mean by "LD lobbies"?

Dragneel-Wiki's picture

Search that up, m8

Milkman's picture

Looks like a butt-load of data for whoever has to analyse it, especially for a team as small as OOO.

Eurydice's picture
Community Manager
> Looks like a butt-load of

> Looks like a butt-load of data for whoever has to analyse it, especially for a team as small as OOO.

Nah, it's cool. You know how the saying goes. "A butt-load of data a day keeps the doctor away."

Theirillusion's picture
Zeddy's picture

I saw question 15 asking me what item I would spend money on, whether in existence or not.

Was pretty torn between saying Jaws of Megalodon and Old Radiant Sun Shards.

Krakob's picture

You're not fooling anyone. We all know what you want the most.

The game does not center around PvP :|

Oskvion's picture
I voted for flippable visors

I voted for flippable visors on helmets like the Cobalt line, level editors and some more stuff for the game. Really glad OOO is doing this, shows that they actually do pay attention to what their playerbase wants.

Jackichain's picture

I voted for fish-like armorsets. Like the Megalodon set would be the 5* version.

Dermog's picture
Oh hey, Zeddy's back.

And apparently no one cares....

Blazzberry's picture
I have no mouth and I need to scream

Aquatic dragon/shark beast t3 boss or nothing.

Dragneel-Wiki's picture

It doesn't, yeah. But when you have a better pvp you probably have a much better game.

at least LD is what kept me here for over a year... Ignoring the fact that LD is a vital part of SK is just foolishness.

Bitsbee's picture

Then I am fool.

Ardent-Light's picture

Correction to Krakob's comment: This game DOES revolve around PvP.

Seiran's picture

nah, it really doesn't, not for the majority of players.

It does, however, provide a reason that can retain a certain group of people who are likely to spend a lot of money on the game.

Shamanalah's picture
my 2 cents

The game doesn't revolve around PvP but having a nice PvP mode is a great addition. BN need better netcode and better power-ups (if you ever played Bomberman you know this is a 90's version of it and a bad one). LD can do so much better with different gamemode but nothing is done there.

The game revolve around PvE, doesn't mean it can't have a good PvP system (btw LD gametype is getting into other games so... why would I stick to an unbalance version of it?)

If we could play a better version of bomberman with no lag, jumping threw maps, throwing bombs, manual detonation bomb, temp speed buff etc. etc. and have more variety of LD and have a LoL lobby to ban certain type of weapons would be awesome but nope.

Krakob's picture

Indeed, PvP is important and has big spenders. But it still is very small. It's not gonna get any bigger unless OOO gives it a bit more thought, though.