2014 Pumpkin Carving Contest Entry Thread!

16 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Aphrodite
Community Manager

Post your entries for the 2014 Spiral Knights Pumpkin Carving Contest right here in this thread! If you have questions, please post them in the contest announcement thread. Thank you!


Publica tu participación para el Concurso de Talla de Calabazas Spiral Knights 2014 ¡en este mismos hilo! Si tienes preguntas, por favor hazlas en el anuncio del concurso. ¡Gracias!


Postet eure Beiträge für den Spiral-Knights-Wettbewerb im Kürbis-Schnitzen 2014 hier in diesem Thread! Solltet ihr Fragen haben, postet sie bitte im Event-Thread. Danke!


Postez vos soumissions pour le concours Sculpture de citrouilles Spiral Knights 2014 ici dans cette discussion ! Si vous avez des questions, veuillez les poser dans la l'annonce de concours. Merci !

Bild des Benutzers Fighting-Polygon
Fire Fists

Knight Name: Fighting-Polygon
This pumpkin is a carving of a corrupted Tortodrone made with one pumpkin and two squashes. The head and arms are attached to the body using bamboo skewers.

Creation Link: http://imgur.com/a/X5ihY
Creation Link: http://imgur.com/a/tchUm
Bonus Link (features all sides of the pumpkin): http://fightingpolygon.deviantart.com/art/Fire-Fists-489524889

Unlit Link: http://i.imgur.com/EVQh0EX.jpg
Lit Link: http://i.imgur.com/Eqi6S7L.jpg

Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm (If other prizes are allowed, a Gun Puppy Drakon Pod would be greatly appreciated)

Bild des Benutzers Toastnaut

Knight Name: Toastnaut
I'm currently in Australia, and they don't seem to really do Halloween here, so proper pumpkins are hard to come by. I decided to get a selection of produce and see what I can do something with.
First up is a Butternut Squash (they do call this a pumpkin here, at least.) I'll see whether, and how many other things I can carve up before the deadline. ^^

Creation Link: http://imgur.com/a/YFxjP#6
Creation Link: http://imgur.com/a/YFxjP#8

Unlit Link: http://imgur.com/a/YFxjP#11
Lit Link: http://imgur.com/a/YFxjP#10

Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm

Bild des Benutzers Paintool
Knight Name: PaintoolI

Knight Name: Paintool
I decided to do a carving of Margrel. He seems to have been cursed into a pumpkin. ^^;

Creation Link: http://i.imgur.com/dtXQZPx.jpg
Creation Link: http://i.imgur.com/WIMwkTc.jpg

Unlit Link: http://i.imgur.com/qdocf4t.jpg
Lit Links: http://i.imgur.com/K4h9rXy.jpg

Prize Preference: Gatecrasher Helm

Bild des Benutzers Pastelette
Knight Name:

Knight Name: Pastelette
It's my very first time carving a pumpkin. :3 (In my life. O_o) The pumpkin is based on Vanaduke's mask. :3

Creation Link: http://imgur.com/sNN8tvd
Creation Link: http://imgur.com/O0S8qCT
Unlit Link: http://imgur.com/m0Mexy3
Lit Link: http://imgur.com/pd2LsKw
BONUS (Lit Link #2) - Closeup of Vanaduke's head (no tag, see the lit link above): http://imgur.com/d6nVte1

Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm

Bild des Benutzers Miomilla

This is my first pumpkin carving experience. I hope you will enjoy it.
I carved Lord Vanduke's sad story in dedication to his soul. The most depressing aspect of his grim story.
Thank you three rings, happy halloween.

Knight Name: Miomilla
Creation Link: http://i.imgur.com/49Vc8Yw.jpg
Creation Link: http://i.imgur.com/XRwhSht.jpg

Concept: http://i.imgur.com/gWJijtW.jpg

Unlit Link: http://i.imgur.com/Bdtw6mw.jpg
Unlit Link: http://i.imgur.com/9HAFhfj.jpg
Unlit Link: http://i.imgur.com/gomw3JV.jpg

Lit Link: http://i.imgur.com/ve4YCct.jpg
Lit Link: http://i.imgur.com/P2r0yKd.jpg
Lit Link: http://i.imgur.com/4eL0yVF.jpg
Lit Link: http://i.imgur.com/p9HM5qz.jpg

Prize preference: Anti-Personnel Spikes or Ghostly Aura

Bild des Benutzers Noobecita
Knight Name: Noobecita I used

Knight Name: Noobecita
I used a pumpkin (green xD) to carve Snarbolax...this is my first pumpkin carving experiencie and it has its bugs, but I hope you like something... n.n

Creation Link: http://imgur.com/xofLDIM
Creation Link: http://imgur.com/8egcTxH
Creation Link: http://imgur.com/BSiqtqT

Unlit Link: http://imgur.com/JQKZOfa
Unlit Link: http://imgur.com/EgFTZ47

Lit Link: http://imgur.com/UXyeolT
Lit Link: http://imgur.com/lFJzx2y
Lit Link: http://imgur.com/YLpX4QS

Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm

Bild des Benutzers Oski-Boski
SK Carving Competition

Knight Name: Oski-Boski
This Pumpkin is supposed to resemble a Gun Puppy. It is made of two squashes.
Creation Link: http://imgur.com/9hFuyus
Creation Link: http://imgur.com/9UqMJQq
Unlit Link: http://imgur.com/yjjvLfR
Lit Link: http://imgur.com/t4vhX6P

Prize Preference: If it is possible I would like to ask for a Blossom Aura, but if not I would love a Gatecrasher Helm.

My entries (2 of them)

Knight Name: Slendy-The-Kid

I did 2 entries, and I put every picture for each entry in 1 picture, to save time for the Admins/Game Masters when they're looking at my entries. :D

In memory of Nick, my first entry is a carving of an Impostocube. http://i.imgur.com/L3ViiYN.jpg (I forgot about the note that I had to do for the first few pictures, but I soon remembered and I took a photo of the Unlit and Lit pictures with the note)

My second entry is a Spookat, because why not? http://imgur.com/PTpJ52b

Prize Preference: Gatecrasher Helm

Spiral knights Punkin' Carving Entry: "Cradlefox"

Knight Name: Maxjc

A parody of firefox icon. Wolver and cradle. An ode to all of cradle.
Thanks to Shigidishwa and Delicious snacks.

Creation Link: http://imgur.com/nBxMgZz,d1gDxhP,GoGhzRC,Fx0kkfz,Vhd72eC#3
Creation Link: http://imgur.com/nBxMgZz,d1gDxhP,GoGhzRC,Fx0kkfz,Vhd72eC#1
Unlit Link: http://imgur.com/nBxMgZz,d1gDxhP,GoGhzRC,Fx0kkfz,Vhd72eC#2
Bright lit link: http://imgur.com/nBxMgZz,d1gDxhP,GoGhzRC,Fx0kkfz,Vhd72eC#4
Green and Red Lit Link: http://imgur.com/nBxMgZz,d1gDxhP,GoGhzRC,Fx0kkfz,Vhd72eC#0

Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm, Ghostly Aura, or Anti-personnel Spikes.(listed in order of Preference)

Inspiration: http://shigidishwa.deviantart.com/art/Cradlewolf-306696943

Thank you for hosting events like these! I really enjoy them and love to see what people do. I hope my contribution makes someone happy. :D

I did a thing

Knight Name: Rbmanatee
Creation Link: http://i.imgur.com/VIT74SU.png
Creation Link: http://i.imgur.com/oaWrOu4.png
Unlit Link: http://i.imgur.com/bkBKzOZ.png
Poorly Lit Link: http://i.imgur.com/j9Fe2eN.png
Brightly Lit Link: http://i.imgur.com/BUoY6v0.png
Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm

Bild des Benutzers Spring-At-Peace
1st to get in, 2nd time I carved for this contest.

Knight Name: Spring-At-Peace

I'm not really a good carver myself when it comes to some designs, though what my plan was to think outside the box a bit; I've decided to try making some Gourdlings, basing their arms/stems/legs on wire/clay instead of using the whole pumpkin itself. I did two of them, one being the Bomb Gourdling and the other the new Maskeraith Punkin reskin, instead of one since I feel like one can't be enough. What I used for the entries: 2 small pumpkins, a small battery operated candle (For the Bomb Gourdling), red lighting (Maskeraith Punkin), a sparkler candle (Bomb G. I wanted to use a normal sparkler, though in my state it's banned here along with other fireworks, so I had to make do with this. And it doesn't flare too much, so it's kind of lame. :S), aluminum wire (Bomb G.), copper wire (Maskeraith P.), and a set of mixed color non air-dry clay (meshing certain colors to get some grey brown clay, then using the orange to shape it out/gain a better base, and green for the end parts/leaves). Also sorry if the photo's don't come out too well; planning to try getting a new camera sometime soon.

(Extra Note) If you do know this though, then you can leave it out; I'm just reminding if you've forgotten: Also make sure to click all the tabs above the photos for the creation links to see more full detail. Some game owners forget to check that out and I sort of have to remind them that there's updates that make pages a little more unknown to them.

Creation link: http://imgur.com/hx194OV,17gHAPB#1
Creation link: http://imgur.com/nbLbFnW,eCUhh92,ehoYPi8,V7a8KId,CTm59da#4
Unlit: http://imgur.com/eUcTR3L
Lit: http://imgur.com/IVT0UOh

Prize preference: If you can try, I'd like to have either the Bloom Aura, Anti-Hazard Spikes or Cosmic/Solar Plasma Wings to be a prize preference for both me and the other contest entering participants this year. Though if you can't, then I can take the Anti-Personnel Spikes or a Shadow Cat Tail if I am one of the 3 winners.

Bild des Benutzers Spiralka-Chan
Grim snipe

Knight Name: Spiralka-Chan
Creation Link: http://i.imgur.com/PuJu8ql.jpg
Creation Link: http://i.imgur.com/E25FMb3.jpg
Lit Link: http://i.imgur.com/aTPgI4Y.jpg
Lit Link: http://i.imgur.com/92voGkj.jpg
Unlit Link: http://i.imgur.com/ocmzem1.jpg
Unlit Link: http://i.imgur.com/aaIRPay.jpg

forgot to put the year >_<
Unlit Link with year tag: http://i.imgur.com/tx17DOI.jpg

Prize preference: one billion Spark of Life (just kidding) ^3^ I dont need the prize. All I need is in-game experience. All I want is to see devs and community in happiness. Happy halloween! <3

Bild des Benutzers Noobecita
Knight Name: Noobecita I used

Knight Name: Noobecita
I used a variant of pumpkin to carve Black Kat. I hope you like it n.n

Creation Link: http://imgur.com/SmCc24y
Creation Link: http://imgur.com/jjOQK6X

Unlit Link: http://imgur.com/z4c3RZD

Lit Link: http://imgur.com/xAX0vPp
Lit Link: http://imgur.com/cE30M5j

Prize preference: Gatecrasher Helm

Bild des Benutzers Moonlight-Traveler
I tried, ok?

Here's my entry for this suprisingly small contest (Sorry for the flash on some pictures)

Knight Name: Magmarce

The pumpkin is based off of a slag walker.

Creation Pic 1: http://imgur.com/f1TaDza,VkUWuXE,dMtNHFv,0aZNdoB
Creation Pic 2: http://imgur.com/f1TaDza,VkUWuXE,dMtNHFv,0aZNdoB#1
Unlit Pic: http://imgur.com/f1TaDza,VkUWuXE,dMtNHFv,0aZNdoB#3
Lit pic: http://imgur.com/f1TaDza,VkUWuXE,dMtNHFv,0aZNdoB#2

Prize Preference: Gatecrasher helm

Bild des Benutzers Wulferson

Howlitzers are cool.

Knight Name: Wulferson

Creation Link: http://imgur.com/BSQvNWM
Creation Link: http://imgur.com/UIxQmpr

Unlit Link: http://imgur.com/nc1WWn6
Unlit Link: http://imgur.com/LuIWn4m

Lit Link: http://imgur.com/08V4ZVv

Prize preference: Anti-Personnel Spikes


Knight Name: Chrisatron

Decided to make a mewkat in all it's kawaii-ness.

Creation Link: http://imgur.com/a/6DdmV#8ihDFwD
Creation Link: http://imgur.com/a/6DdmV#4dny4M6

Unlit Link: http://imgur.com/a/6DdmV#plzGWAO

Lit Link: http://imgur.com/a/6DdmV#7tEw5vg

Prize Preference: Gatecrasher Helm, or if other items are allowed, Hazardous Hedge Coat.

Happy Halloween!