the original plan was to not post this till the Gunner update was out. then I decided against that because screw it, I don't want to wait till I die, or till the game dies, cause then the forums will be 5 people and I won't get any solid opinions on this.
If you want the date of writing, it’s 17/08/14(dd/mm/yy, cause europe time managing is bettar) . It’s "a bit" of a wall of text. You have been warned.
I’ve been thinking about this for some days, since I heard guys pondering why OOO took almost a year to make the gunner update and wondering what it was in it other than that. Well, that reminded me of a story, let me tell you about it.
Once upon a time it was 2006. SEGA wanted a great game for the Sonic’s 15th anniversary, and commissioned the game that would have been known as Sonic ’06. To me it would have been a great 16th anniversary title, but that’s for another day. Point is, it didn’t work out because one year of development was a bit too little for everything Sonic Team/ SEGA wanted to put into that. And pretty much everyone knows what happened next. That was Sonic’s rock bottom. The problems of Sonic ’06 didn’t finish with the little time period given to developers to finish the game though, but also because to finish all the things that they wanted to put in they would have taken 3 years, which would have been too much for everyone, both SEGA and the fans.
OOO has made errors like Sonic ’06 development in some occasions, but they could fix those in time, even if it caused the radiant drought. But with this update OOO has made the other error. To take so much time to implement all of this produced a lose-lose situation for them. If they decided to concentrate on the gunner update and release that first, they would have been bashed for not releasing the other things they worked on and for taking that much time, and now they will be bashed for taking so long and not telling what they were working on other than the gunner update, leaving us to speculations.
The fans got loud, too loud for pretty much everyone. This year of stagnation has caused more trouble to the community and to OOO that everything else they’ve done in my opinion. No matter how many promos they have released, this update has caused more fans to spread out and become pretty much haters of this game and of OOO, effectively causing a loss, economic for OOO and in “fame” for the game.
So I would like to say to OOO to learn from their and other’s mistakes. Make only one update at a time, tell us what they are really working on, don’t make too many things at a time. You choose what to do, but please don’t repeat this situation. One year of stagnation is too much for a game, no matter what changes are done after it.
OOO, I know I may sound redundant, that you may have already tried this, but my suggestion is to plan your route with a bit of pessimism, and for “a bit” I mean “take worst case scenarios and plan on that”. Saying “when it’s ready” may seem great in theory, but you can see that you are making yourself a Valve time situation. They can pull it off because, well, it’s Valve, they have fame and money on their side. As much optimistic as I can be, you don’t have that. Say “we may take 3/5 months - 1/1.5 years.” The best thing to do would be hiring someone who can replace Nick, someone that can say us at what point you are in development knowing what he’s talking about. Without Nick we actually lost a connection more than a lead developer, and we had that connection since the game started. I’m sounding a bit nostalgic and generic right now, but it’s what we need right now, especially after this. Consider making a GM take some programming lessons, it could soften some hurdles.
There, I think that’s all. Just putting it out there so that others can see and discuss. Ladies and gentlemen, make of it whatever you wish.
And then, later down the road, I stopped caring. It wasn’t the promos though. It was OOO’s great idea of binding whiskers. You see, with that move, OOO cut half of the new stuff they put into the Kataclism from player who didn’t want to fight Magrel 6 times before making a single piece of equipment, and also cut the potential profits from selling whiskers from the guys who didn’t want them. Group effort? Tsk, we don’t need that, we just have to be extremely lucky and have 3 good friends to bring to a fight six times.
OOO need to revise their strategy about the game. Around the time I wrote this there was an energy market crash, in which the top 5 prices went from 9k to 80k in the span of two offers. Oh it fixed itself all right, but it’s a sign. It can mean two things: someone has hoarded so much ce to actually be able to control the market, or energy in the market is running out and everyone is selling right now. Either way, it’s not a good sign. OOO needs to go back to casuals. Just put on the depot something that casuals want and that can be sold at a reasonable price. Back to the “learning from SEGA” topic from before, you do not need a long game to sell well. If your game is good enough, players will straight up want to do something for it. Spiral Knights has the potential to do that. You just need to know what to do.
And now the forums are dying out.
I can see it in new recruits, and in the arsenal. Discussions in the first pages are from a couple of days to a month old. And that makes me sa- not really. It just makes me think. Less discussions means less people, and less people in the forums means less people in-game, right? I hope I am, cause that could be a great wake up call. No, not for OOO. For us players that keep the criticism up. Don’t get me wrong, criticism is a good thing, but the amount we’ve seen is crippling us out. Now, how can we put this to our advantage. Well, we could try to keep them from making a lot of fuss, but that’s not going to work and we’ve all seen that crap all over the forums. So, defending OOO isn’t the solution. How about we make OOO defend itself. Yeah, I’ve said it. Accept the charges and say that you can’t defend OOO every single time. It’s evil, it’s cruel against OOO and probably will effect the game negatively, but I don’t really care. Do you want SK to be a better game? All the power to you. I’m focusing on making OOO make better games in general right now. That’s all I can ask. So, how’s the evil plan in my nefarious scheme? Well, sooner or later they’ll have to say something, stand up for the thing they have been working on for years to say that it’s not all bad, it’s not half bad either. If they don’t well, at least I’ve tried.
This is becoming less and less a thread and ore of a diary. Mmm. Might even post it on the forums before the time originally intended. Screw it, I’ll post it now.
this is the only thread for this that hasn't just repeated old ones, I fully support this
and I have also noticed the forum activity going down