Gunner Update changes live on Testing Server! Lockdown Testing! (5/9/2014 through 5/11/2014)

Greetings, knights!
We've made some changes to the Gunner Update based on your feedback. We are running another round of testing this weekend. This time around the focus is on PvP. So grab some gunner gear and sign up for some Lockdown! Please read the instructions from the last round of testing here: This time around we are looking for the same type of feedback.
Please leave us your feedback on the Testing Feedback Forums here:
Preview access instructions and rules can be found here:
Are things balanced? Does the weapon or gear feel too powerful? not powerful enough? Do the stats seem appropriate compared to existing bomb or sword related gear? Do the guns have any animation or particle issues?
The following changes have been made to the Gunner Update on the Testing Server:
- Catalyzer bullets now break blocks
- Catalyzer orbitals can only be triggered by a charged Catalyzer shot
- Certain charged shots should no longer explode immediately if the player is next to a wall.
- Blaster charged shot bullet colors have been fixed.
- Tweaked the attack and chained attack timings across all guns.
- Armor has not changed but will be tweaked for future tests.
We have created specific threads for your feedback about certain parts of the new content. Please post in the according threads: