does the testing server do stuff like

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Vengance-Ichigo's picture

Does the testingsrver re-wriite your knight? Ex. I am a vanguard but when I opened the test server it starts you from the top so will it make me a noob forever and not let me keep my items and my vanguard rank?

Dutch-Oven's picture

It doesn't effect your knight on the live server. It's essentially a separate account using your same login details.

Vengance-Ichigo's picture

Thanks allot!

Vengance-Ichigo's picture
also do you have to pay for

also do you have to pay for the ce/cr you use in the game? Ex. i used 3500 ce do i have to pay for it later?

Becketta's picture
you have unlimited energy

the test server give you unlimited energy, so that you can buy and try out anything you want while you are on it

Vengance-Ichigo's picture
Are there any specific times

Are there any specific times the testing server is on?

Becketta's picture

the test server is on when ever you get a mail in game saying it is.

it was open from 4/25/2014 through 4/27/2014 (
and now, from 5/9/2014 through 5/12/2014 (

i'm guessing on the end date, because there is no date specified, it just says this weekend