Reconstructing the Silent Legion

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Hello everyone who thought it was a good idea to click on this!
Right now my brother and I are rebooting our old guild, but we need officers.

What we are looking for:
- willing to donate crowns(the upkeep is 5k)
- active(Don't worry I'm not looking for people who log on every single day)
- can recruit(as per normal)
- know how to follow rules
- can handle responsibility
- etc

What we are NOT looking for:
- trolls
- lazy people
- etc

We also have some rules:
- no swearing please!(we aren't the strictest on enforcing this)
- everything is community!(no renting rooms, claiming furniture, etc)
- respect each other
- be nice!
- no harassment
- etc(I will go into more detail if anyone ask)

If anyone has question don't be afraid to ask!
Contact us by mail Tdog-Turbo-Dog or Jcat-Jet-Cat.
