So about the new danger rooms
Fr, 06/13/2014 - 08:39

Why haven't they been released yet? They seem finished.
Sorry if this should not be posted here but it's content that was on the testing server so I posted this here.
Sa, 06/14/2014 - 18:46

I didn't know danger rooms involved those...
Sa, 06/14/2014 - 18:56

For all we know the coding for danger rooms might require those, since the Magnus can do that weird OHKO thing on the new Battlepods, which might not be possible on the current ones.
So, 06/15/2014 - 05:27

And here is a prime example of figurative tunnel vision; looking too narrowly into things to miss the big picture.
Sa, 06/21/2014 - 05:57

I think it would be nice if they just released one new danger room per week. Or maybe month if that's too much.
Oh sure, it's finished. Except for:
1) Magnus lines' piercing on the charge is incredibly buggy. Its behavior is inconsistent with "impenetrable" shields, such as Trojan's, Mecha Knights, and Dreadnaughts. The knockback knocks the enemies backwards relative to the direction they are facing, rather than backwards from the source of the damage.
2) Catalyzers are bloody worthless in Lockdown. Save for that, the constant screenshaking when you detonate the orbitals is too much.
3) Alchemers still have buggy hitboxes, able to travel farther than what they're actually able to hit. Also, internal bouncing shots are still a thing.
4) No new levels yet.
5) OOO said there would be another testing phase.