Clockwork Wolves (looking for members and allies)

6 replies [Last post]

Welcome to Clockwork Wolves!

We are looking for active members who have a lot of enthusiasm and are willing to keep the guild active.

We are also looking for staff members for the guild. Only members can apply for staff positions.

Currently we have East Wing 1F and West Wing 1F and 2F. We also have guild storage.

We currently very knew, our members range from apprentices to elite knights. We have many spaces available.

If you are a more experienced player looking to help people, or are a new player looking for a guild that'll happily take you on, then look no further.

Our plan is to teach and help new players, while gradually upgrading the guild and eventually have advanced players.

We are also willing to build alliances with other guilds, and provide mutual help when required.

Your IGN:
How long have you been playing?:
Your rank: (Apprentice/Soldier/Knight etc.)

For guilds interested in becoming allies: Message vampiricchild in-game and we can discuss it.

Negumiko's picture
Guild Alliance

For certain reasons I had to put my guild in lock down in early February. I will be returning to the game in early September to revive my guild the HyruleKnights. My Knight Negumiko has 5 star gear and I think is a Defender Elite. Let me know if you are interested in a alliance in the future. I also play the game through steam so I can use voice chat if needed and I am happy to help new players in the clockworks.

That sounds like a promising

That sounds like a promising alliance. I play the game through steam as well. If you want to discuss it further, we can discuss it in-game.

Negumiko's picture

I don't check Spiral Knights very much right now. When I return to the game I will be playing almost daily. Just added you as a friend on Steam if you want to discuss it more. When I play I do arcade mode most of the time so I can help any new players get crowns and materials.

All Aboard

IGN: Xxydot
How long have you been playing?: 1 Day 12 hours game time
Your rank: Knight Elite

Just started playing again and really want to play with players of the same skill set.

Pearjack's picture

IGN: Pearjack
Playtime: 17 hours with another char, 4 hours with this one :P
Rank: Squire right now, but by the end of the day it'll probably be higher lol.

I wanna start getting into this game a lot, so I'll be able to spend a lot more time in it :)

Mariomonsteryoshi's picture
I'll Join

IGN: Mariomonsteryoshi
How long have i been playing? 3 Years and my playtime is 68 days