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Which is best for T1 Lockdown?

16 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Falminar

Removed the equipment list. Nobody really seems to care anymore.

Bild des Benutzers Dibsville
Tier 1 Lockdown huh?

Tier 1 is pretty much completely and absolutely dead as can be, but if you can get a game going, here:

  • Swords: Hot Edge, Static Edge if you can heat it, 1* Hammer if you have access to it. Maybe Heavy Hatchet?
  • Guns: Zapper if you can heat it, Chilling Duelist for its interruption.
  • Bombs: Proto Bomb for its Stun or Static Flash for its Shock.
  • Helmets: Cyclops Helmet
  • Armors: Fencing Jacket
  • Shields: Shields are irrelevant as they have no effect in Lockdown.

With your stuff I'd heat Static Edge and run with that and Zapper, but as an Alchemer user I'm just used to Zapper's small bullets - you might prefer Chilling Duelist.

Honestly, shouldn't this be in the Coliseum subforum?

Bild des Benutzers Falminar
Oh, right

Removing shield section then...

Bild des Benutzers Falminar

Moved to Coliseum.

Bild des Benutzers Krakob

Hammer is by all means the best sword around for T1 LD. The ASI H Heavy Hatchet you can get is pretty nice too. Zapper, Super Stun Gun, and Chilling Duelist are the best guns. All the status bombs are somewhat viable.

Bild des Benutzers Spring-At-Peace

I have some sets that I use in T1 that I tend to get an average of 4-6k dmg when I'm a striker and using mostly swords (not bragging... I literally do get that much.) Along with that, I wear 2 1* heart pendants with them.

I have 5 sets to pick from:

Helm: Tri-Guard lvl 10
Armor: Tri-Guard lvl 10
Weapons: Bolted Blade ASI med lvl 10, Heavy Hatchet ASI high lvl 10, Prototype Rocket Hammer lvl 10, Chilling Duelist lvl 10

Helm: Cyclops Cap lvl 10
Armor: Tri-Guard lvl 10
Weapons: Cold Snap CTR med lvl 10, Proto Bomb ctr high lvl 10, Zapper ASI high lvl 10, Pummel Gun ASI high lvl 10

Helm: Tri-Guard lvl 10
Armor: Fencing Jacket lvl 10
Weapons: Heavy Hatchet ASI high lvl 10, Hot Edge CTR med lvl 10, Bolted Blade ASI med lvl 10, Prototype Rocket Hammer lvl 10

Helm: Tri-Guard lvl 10
Armor: Tri-Guard lvl 10
Weapons: Heavy Hatchet ASI high lvl 10, Prototype Rocket Hammer lvl 10, Cold Snap CTR med lvl 10, Proto Bomb Ctr high lvl 10

Helm: Cyclops Helm lvl 10
Armor: Emberbreak elemental med lvl 7
Weapons: Frost Gun ASI high lvl 10, Chilling Duelist lvl 10, Zapper ASI high lvl 10, Pummel Gun ASI high lvl 10

You don't have to exactly copy these, though if you ever want to take these sets out for a spin, go ahead. I'm also leveling up still with my 0/1* items, so I'll have more variety.

Bild des Benutzers Falminar
@Spring (5. > Armor)

You mean Emberbreak, right? Blazebreak would result in a T2 match.

Bild des Benutzers Spring-At-Peace
@ Vana

Yeah emberbreak, sorry. I just need to heat up a lot of things in general, especially T2 gear. It's pretty much my favorite tier to play in since that I get to practice a lot in it. Sadly, I'll just have to fool around in T3 wearing my wolver set until it pops up again at the right time of the day. xD

Bild des Benutzers Morigh

I like Tier 1 lockdown so much! I use:

1:Static Edge asi low
2:Heavy Hatchet asi high
3:Prototype Rocket Hammer
4:Zapper asi high
5:Perfect Mask Of Seerus
6:Fencing Jacket
7:Heart Pendant x2
all heat 10 :D

Bild des Benutzers Falminar

...Fractured mask, not perfect.

Bild des Benutzers Frozane

All proto, if you can win it means your a BA.
Oh and if your an old player your original color and type proto looks cooler :P

Bild des Benutzers Rodent-Queen
Wait, can you choose which

Wait, can you choose which Tier you play in?? This would be perfect to try out my low star weps!

Bild des Benutzers Jenovasforumchar
choose your tier

if you have no item with 2 stars or higher neither epquipped nor in a set marked as *PvP*, then you start in T1 lockdown.

if you have at least one item at 2 stars but no items with 4 stars epquipped or in the pvp loadouts, then you start in T2 lockdown.

if you got any item epquiped or inside a pvp loadout with 4 or 5 stars, then you end up in T3 lockdown.

Side note to Vanaduke-destroyer:
Could you please remove the Topic reference from the Noobies Forum section? It keeps claiming the first spot and thus you don't see in the Forum overview if there are actually new questions in that Topic since all what you see is this Topic for a month or so now.

Bild des Benutzers Erikcat
The best loadout for t1

All loadouts have 2 1* health trinkets.


Weapon 1: Static Edge, CTR VH, ASI VH
Weapon 2: Prototype Rocket Hammer, ASI VH
Weapon 3: Chilling Duelist, ASI VH
Weapon 4: Zapper, ASI VH

Helm: Cyclopes Hat
Armor: Fencing Jacket


Weapon 1: Zapper, ASI VH
Weapon 2: Spitfire, ASI VH
Weapon 3: Static Flash, CTR VH
Weapon 4: Chilling Duelist, ASI VH

Helm: Cyclopes Hat
Armor: Padded Armor


Weapon 1: Prototype Rocket Hammer, ASI VH
Weapon 2: Zapper, ASI VH
Weapon 3: Static Flash, CTR VH
Weapon 4: Hot Edge, CTR VH, ASI VH

Helm: Tri-Guard Helm
Armor: Fencing Jacket

Bild des Benutzers Flowchart

no normal max/elemental max on armor? That makes you almost unkillable in T1.

Bild des Benutzers Yellow-Royal
best pummeler yee

dual pummels, Cyclops cap, that padded armor

Bild des Benutzers Klipik-Forum

Guardian, any gear, standing on a heal pad.