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Which 5* Wolver coat should I make?

9 Réponses [Dernière contribution]

I currently have both an Ash Tail Wolver Cap and Coat with Elemental defence Maximum. In the long run (when I can afford to have multiple sets of 5* equipment) would I be better off upgrading these to the Vog coat/cap or should I go for one of each of the other 2, or a specific one?

(To anyone wondering the armor is from back when you got 2 free alchemies a day and you could make a profit selling whatever you made).

Portrait de Dibsville
I'm pretty sure this is my opinion but it's not incorrect?

Vog Cub is definitely the best choice here. Throughout the years it has been very clearly shown that regular defense (that is, not status defense) actually has very little affect in PvE. But even if it did have a noticeable effect, why would you be defending against elemental damage in a piercing or shadow area? That's a waste when you could instead go for much more elemental defense in an elemental area. Sure, there's the occasional area where two enemies are mashed together (a Lumber in a Wolver Den? What will you do?!), but overall you're better off maximizing one defense rather than several.

If you happen to care about Lockdown, in Tier 3 you're given 100 base defense and your armor defenses only matter if you surpass this-- even double Ele max Skolver or Snarbolax would have literally no effect on defense (IIRC), making them worthless unless mix-matched with another elemental armor. Just in case you happened to care for PvP.

too lazy; didn't read: use the defense UVs you have with their respective defensive armors. Choose Vog Cub.

Portrait de Traevelliath

Really? Because if anything, I'd say status resist is more valuable than damage resist. Status vulnerabilities can leave you absolutely crippled if you get hit, while status resistances let you waltz around with impunity.

Vog is, consistently, the one wolver set that I never use. My Snarby set, by far, is the wolver set that I use the most. Skolver trails behind, but it still sees action often. If you already have Snarby and Skolver, then Vog would make the most sense. Beyond that, go for the others.

Portrait de Dibsville

"Really? Because if anything, I'd say status resist is more valuable than damage resist."

Sorry, re-reading my post I was a little confusing.

Basically what I was trying to say in a nice way was: defense is worthless, status resistances is all that matters, so if you're using a normal/piercing/elemental/shadow UV, stick it on the armor that already has that defense so you can maximize it, everything else is a waste. In this case, elemental max on the elemental armor.

In other words, yes, what you said was what I was trying to say.

Thank you very much. I wish

Thank you very much. I wish I considered how valuable status effect defence was a couple of years ago, but oh well. I hope you have a wonderful day, both of you.

Portrait de Fehzor

I'd probably go vog with it. Damage ups are much easier to attain with black kat and chaos set, especially ones that come with ice resistance. Stacking elemental on elemental, gaining +2 asi and getting a fire bonus is more useful and interesting.

Portrait de Bopp

I have a detailed sword guide whose Armor section discusses crafting strategy, such as the idea of mixing sets vs. going for a single set immediately.

About your specific UV, I agree with most of the other posters that damage UVs on armor are not very valuable. To be honest, I would lose the UV when upgrading, so that I could have a chance of getting a shock, fire, or freeze UV. Those are what I really want on armor.

Portrait de Dibsville

"To be honest, I would lose the UV when upgrading, so that I could have a chance of getting a shock, fire, or freeze UV. Those are what I really want on armor."

Sell the Ele max Ash Tail and buy a UV'd Wolver Coat. :>

Portrait de Fehzor

Lol, double max is actually a lot of defense. Not as much as statuses provide but still a definite improvement on not having it to the point where it would make a difference, primarily against pure attacks like bullets. Think red roarmulus twins or c42. Status variants would be better but elemental would still make you strangely tanky.

If the op is going to sell it then I'd recommend going for status unique variants on glass cannon armor rather than messing with wolver.

Portrait de Abelisk
