do recons generally use guns or bombs


Move this to Coliseum I think. But there are different types of recons. Some use swords to sneak up and hit hard. Some recons use bombs to capture control points. There are some gunner recons that use double switching guns to deal lot's of damage at midrange. A lot of recons use a Storm driver to shock an enemy so they can get hit's in with another weapon. Recons are a class where almost any weapon is viable.

I haven't played Lockdown in forever, so my advice is probably outdated...
Usually I'd use a heavy weapon like a GF/Hammer to surprise enemies on caps, doing as much damage as possible in the initial surprise. Ideally you want them to panic, so you can feint and go for a counter attack with a few well timed cloaks. I'd then use an Antigua for chip damage and to mess up Guardians/bombers trying to charge. Finally, I'd bring a VT or Stagger for general area denial.
Although it's always fun to troll around with a GF+Stagger+Shiver+VT. Sneak onto a point and claim it for yourself :D
Recons attack slower with swords, attack faster with guns, and charge faster with bombs.
They also have charge time reduction for all types of weapons, including swords (the charge bonus for bombs and global charge bonus stack).