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If there was a weapon that summoned a turret pickup would you use it?

10 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Imagine a bomb that charges at the same rate as gran faust, and creates a turret pickup, would you use it?

Bild des Benutzers Dibsville
Bild des Benutzers Flowchart

Of course. How else would I be able to complain about how bad it would be on the forum?

Assuming, of course, that it could be easily obtained.

Bild des Benutzers Krakob

Depends on how long it would last. Would it last shortly and do decent damage? Would it last over a longer time and do lower damage? I'm thinking that although it would be cool, it'd be better to just throw an AoA for greater coverage if it didn't have a distinct niche.

Bild des Benutzers Falminar
Oh yeah, I would

If they're exactly the same as the turret pickups.

/makes a wall of turrets

Bild des Benutzers Traevelliath

I would say yes, because having an extra body in play can really help some of the more crowded areas.

Even if it doesn't do much damage (although ideally it should...), it'd be useful as a decoy.

Bild des Benutzers Holy-Nightmare

Would cause soooooooooooo much hate in LD.

Imagine teams of turret layers setting up camp outside your base. Basically just putting LD into a hole so deep it could never recover (not that LD isn't already a cancerous, pus laden community.......

Bild des Benutzers Kneeanderthal
^100% agree with this

^100% agree with this post

With regards to the bomb, definitely would use. Would bring a much different strategy for PvE imo (that strategy being place as many turrets everywhere as possible) which would be very fun.

I would

I'd love if they put this weapon in the next box! perhaps the construct themed box?

Bild des Benutzers Umbra-Lunatis
Turret spawn limits?

Reminiscient of the Team Fortress 2 Engineer. I like it.
However, restrictions would need to be applied to make this thing not-overpowered-as-all-hell.

What I'm thinking of is:
1) The bomb places down a single Turret that lasts for roughly half the time of a normal Kit, but despawns and respawns in another location when the bomb is placed again
2) For damage multiplication, a limit of five to seven softer-hitting Turrets could be placed, but putting down more than one would exponentially increase bomb charge time until one or multiple Turrets die or expire.


Bild des Benutzers Fight-Beetle
@waterbeat forums

that is a terrible idea. all new weapons have to be obtained with gameplay, otherwise players will get frustrated. this would be just like the overcharged mixmaster thing but worse.