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What bombs should I choose?

16 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Quetat

So I would want to know what are the best bombs or the ones you most like for LD and for PVE and SL for my own set. Thanks

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
bombing guide

It's a big question. Have you tried reading the quasi-officlal Bombing Guide on the wiki? That would give you a good start, and then you could ask more specific questions here. Best wishes.

Bild des Benutzers Quetat
thanks for the advice

no i havent read it but i have another question between ash of agni and venom veiler what would you choose.

Bild des Benutzers Holy-Nightmare

I like the nitronome because I'm a jerk

Bild des Benutzers Dibsville

"no i havent read it but i have another question between ash of agni and venom veiler what would you choose."

Since this is a more particular question, I feel like voicing something: I'll just say it depends on your situation. On the one hand, if you don't have a Maskeraith, then Venom Veiler is a solid addition to your arsenal and allows you to swap to a defensive/support play very quickly as well as deal with pesky healers. On the other hand, if you already have a Maskeraith, Ash of Agni allows you to play low key and have a nice source of AoE Crowd Clear, which is more notable for its usefulness in areas with big clumps of enemies such as Compounds or the Jelly Palace. I'm mentioning Maskeraith here because from my personal perspective, Poison is the game-changer here and if you don't have a good source of spreading Poison already, I believe it's better to pick up a Venom Veiler than an Ash of Agni, especially when there are bombs with significantly better damage output that offer better protection at the cost of being slightly less friendly to party-play.

Bild des Benutzers Quetat
venom veiler vs ash of agni

Thanks Dibsville for the advice, very helpfull. I do have a maskeraith so im going for the ash of agni thanks a lot. oh why using nitronome has something to being a jerk? it lags people or what?

Bild des Benutzers Dibsville

Well, Nitronome is most notable for not only its high spamability- as it has one of the shortest charge times in the game- but its huge blast radius and bright cyan blasts, something people like to call the "blue screen of death". Because it's so spammable and so bright and so obnoxious, unless the user has some serious experience using it, the bomb does nothing but hinder party-play by blinding teammates (and the user as well) and just overall being a huge nuisance. For solo play it's an amazing defensive bomb because of its huge knockback and range, and when used properly it's a great group-up bomb for party-play in a manner similar to vortexes in that you can group a bunch of enemies in to one area for your party to take down, but most of the time it's just annoying.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
jerk explained by Bombing Guide

If you read the Bombing Guide's section on Nitronome, it mentions three "potential hazards". The first two can be very disruptive to a party, so you can end up looking like a jerk.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
Ash vs. Venom

If you play solo a lot, then I'd recommend Ash of Agni, because you can inflict lots of damage with it.

If you play in big parties a lot, then I'd recommend Venom Veiler, because it enhances the fighting of all of your teammates.

Bild des Benutzers Quetat
Thanks Bopp and Dibsville

Thanks Bopp and Dibsville your help is aprecciated.

Bild des Benutzers Jenovasforumchar
Choosing your ultimates in combo to AoA

Let me mention something here about the ultimate quills that a Maskeraith can use when it reached (I believe) Level 90.

But first some Basic: After you got enemies enflamed by any fire source (or in this example with a fire mist bomb) and shoot your poision Maskeraith quills into Monsters then each fire tick will also activate one of the quills a Monster got and on this way dealing additional damage to your fire ticks, also additional to poision Status that an enemy recives in that process.

Now to the Ultimates:
There are two Kind of ultimate Versions for quills - 1. one that shoots Special quills that will add a non-Special quill to a randome Monster and 2. one that causes poision-explosions by a certain Chance.

I first choosed the first Version and it had a great effect in Addition to Ash of Agni: once I enflamed an enemy crowd, I did shoot my quills inside and my damage to the whole crowd increased by the quills+fire alone since the poision gets spreaded quickly and even outstanding Monsters get affected. In Addition to AoA I would say it is the best ulti out there.

But the whole Thing had a draw-back. Said quills can not be used in certain situations in whose you do not want to get randome Attention from certain Monsters like gun puppies in a danger room or in a certain room of the Fire citadel. In this case using the quills will most likely get more Attention from more enemies than you can handle.

This was the reason why I fed my maskeraith a reset star and changed only the quill ultimate.

The 2. quill ultimate has a Chance to create a small poisionous Explosion that knocks the enemy a few tiles around and dealing some area effect. Though it is in combination with AoA by far not as useful as the first Kind of quills because the radius of the explosions are simply too small - on the other side you do not shoot randome Monsters far away from the quilled Monsters.

Here is where the vortex bomb does shine - exspecially Electron vortex (and probably that celestial one, which I totally hate for beeing almost unaccessible): A vortex bomb holds Monsters tight together in place and the quill's explosions have too Little knockback to push Monsters out of the vortex by exploding quills. Additional to that, th shock Status of electron vortex has a good Chance to keep Monsters together even after the vortex exploded.

And about other Bombs:
-Dark Reprisal (accessible by beating the DLC you can buy for 3200 energy ingame or with real money) as a bomb to deal a constant damage flow even after bringing yourself out of range
-Dark Briar Barrage: as an instant damage bomb to relieably knocking down Monsters, exspecially wolvers, gorgos, gremlins and greavers
-Big Angry Bomb: for its huge knock-back (as far as I know, no other weapon in the game has a larger knock back than this bomb) and its ability to 1hit-KO all minnies in Tier 2 with heat Level 5 on elite dificulty with a full Team (Since I got only heat 5 myselfe, I cant say if the heat 10 Version 1hits in Tier 3 in the same Situation)

Aside this: it depends highly on your personal playing style. If you give some more Information on how you Play, then it is easier to give a more specific answer.

Bild des Benutzers Quetat
Jenovas thanks for the tips,

Jenovas thanks for the tips, could you tell me what other ultimates I should choose for my Maskeraith?

Bild des Benutzers Jenovasforumchar

Here my pro vs con. I do not remember the names of the skills but I will describe it with words:

There are two hazes as ultimates:
1. one that has a Chance to inflict 'any' randome Status (i believe sleep excluded, not sure) to the Monster either when the haze mark gets applied or when it explodes (not sure when it will)
2. and one that works like the normal haze, but when the haze mark's damage is killing a Monster then a homing Soul gets created that Targets another Monster and deals damage (like a howlitzer turret after death)

Pro for the Status haze:
-you may like additional statuses that your weapons you brought do not cover
-it includes the curse Status, which can only get applied aside this by curse vials, faust and gran faust
Con (and the reason why I did not pick it):
-the Status that will get applied is totally randome
-it can give Monsters a Status that they actually love (fireing oilers, shocking quicksilvers, refreeze melted ice cubes)
-it can created randome 'wall of monsters' by suddenly applying shock or frost to a Monster that stands in your way and Needs to get shield bumped while a large crowd of Monsters chases you.

Pro for the homing haze (Haunted Haze is its Name):
-The homing souls deal additional damage
-the souls can give ticks to things like maskeraith needles that are used by another Player
-currently the only Kind of damage source that has a homing effect
Cons of homing haze:
-That additional damage equals the damage of a 0* or 1* weapon. So in Deapth 1 you may deal about 10 damage which is a great help, but on deapth 28 you still deal about 10 damage. I though hope that they will wix it one day.... hopefully.
-creating homing souls are difficult because the enemy Needs to die by the haze damage and not by another source

The two invisibilities:
1. damage and Speed buff while beeing invisible, that exceeds even after invisibility ended
2. increased defense with a stun wave in the moment when invisibility ends or gets interrupted.

Pros of dmg/speed invisibility ability:
-this improves even the damage of something like shield bashes that you invisibly execute.
-bombs that deal multiple hits after placing benefit greatly by the damage buff (dark Retribution)
-damage and Speed buff least 2 seconds after invisibility ended both, naturally and by taklin damage (which is enough time to Charge a weapon and unleash it with damage buff)
-allows to shoot a Charge 'two times' in one and the same Moment (blitz needle glitch)
-it shortens the time you need to run back once you hit a dead end in a deapth

-it can happen that you activate it and any damage sorce (even a randome shot if you are unlucky) cancels the invisibility and resets the remains time for your 'additional buffs' to about 2 seconds
-when invisibility ends, additional damage and speed orbs that you collected will lose its effect instantly... probably a bug.

I only saw the defensive type once in a video and tell about assumptions, things I saw and logical conclusion, since I never picked this type myselfe - reset stars are too expensive to waste. So if I mix anything up and you know better, correct me please)

Pros of the defensive invisibility ability:
-you gain additional protection to your player's health while beeing invisible
-even if you get somehow an attack while beeing invisible, you counter instantly with a stun AoE similar to a spark of life explosion. The explosion will occur, too when this ability ends naturally or when you end it by yourselfe by attacking
-once in a while it can be used as a quick additional stun attack aside shield bash by going invisible and attack right after that
-(unsure about this) it knocks back enemies back with its stun explosion

-(unsure about this) the stun explosion can knock enemies out of range making you miss an attack
-the defense buff will not make your shield stronger while you hide
-(unsure about this) time of previous collected defense orbs will cancel along with the defense buff of this invisibility ability

It is very probably that Cyphereau is trolling since haze bombs and vortex bombs are very often used while shard bombs and irontech are one of the less used bombs. But I am open for correctures and like to hear a good explanation if you are unexpectedly mean it ;)

Bild des Benutzers Cyphereau

The shard bombs and the Irontech Bombs are your best option.

The worst bombs are Mist bombs and Vortex bombs - DO NOT TOUCH THEM

Bild des Benutzers Traevelliath


I think I'm going to go into a corner and have a little cry now.

Bild des Benutzers Cyphereau

What? My bomb choices are the best choices any bomber can make.

Bild des Benutzers Falminar

I'm pretty sure Cyphereau is joking - Most people think just the opposite...

No real opinions here. I'm just not a bomber. I only have any bombs in my arsenal right now because I like seeing the floor of the Advanced Training Hall light up with shard bombs.