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Gunslinger Armor/Helm

2 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

Okay so I am a Knight Elite and I just returned this week after quitting for 2 years.
I currently have the angelic set (helm 4 star, armor 3 star) and my weapons include a 4 star argent peacemaker, 3 star Acheron, 3 star Blitzneedle, and a 3 star Gran Faust.
I am now wondering about my armor/ helm cuz everyone says that angelic sucks for a gunslinger.
I get that Chaos and BK is OP, so Im working on the Chaos set but I realized that I also need a armor/helm for resisting Piercing Damage and Shadow Damage. BK is a event item so I can't get it now, so Im wondering what armor/helm is good for a gunslinger that resists piercing damage and a armor that resists shadow damage?

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

The game presents armor as being of a certain defensive type first when the reality is that the type of defense matters a lot less than the status resistances and offensive stats the armor provides. So no, you really don't need a piercing resistant armor. If you want one, justifier set, mercurial set, and the various piercing gunner armors work great, though it's really a luxury.

What you do "need" are armors that defend against the various status effects, primarily shock and fire.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp

I have a detailed armor guide for players like you. Check out the Handguns section.

I agree with Six-From-Syrup that status resistances are more important than damage protections. Such concepts are covered in earlier parts of the guide.