Guild From The Darkness

1 Réponse [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Darkhuby

Guild From The Darkness <3
Here in forest
Dark and deep,
I offer you
Eternal sleep…

About darkness

Guild from the darkness is almost unknown active guild with loyal members and sweet community. We stand with each other as a team and hitting to reach maximum level of fun. Our guild history is full of whales (-____________-) and cookie raids.

We were founded in summer of 2014 by Zan-Euro, Bloodymonster, and myself overtime we managed to spread darkness through Haven in little energy hearts of knights who joined the dark side for enjoyment and huge power bounded in darkness. In winter time of 2015 we got fellows from guild Sixty-nine who showed us how to do things in their way <69. Together we made somehow many new knights who creeps for darkness <3

As a guild we care more about personality and not your gear or your skill in this game. Unlike most guilds that desire amazing players, or view is simple the best player in this game is one you can have a friendly conversation with. Remember, power is in good relations inside a team with hand of darkness.

To become the most awesome guild, a guild needs some rules. You probably know already! We have some important rules! It may seem like much but if you just act normally and use commonsense it will be fine:

1. Don’t be rude or make fun of someone! Don't offend them! Be respectful! A guild is for making friends, not for making enemies!

2. Swearing is allowed. We want you to be the person who you really are, and not someone who has to behave differently because you can't say the things you'd like to. BUT!!! We have few rules about this. You can swear, as long as you DON'T hurt someone or make fun of them. If you’re cursing is aimed at a person (or holy object) we will be forced to take action. I think the consequences are fairly clear…

3. If you become Veteran or Officer, DON'T buy or move any furniture without permission of a Guild Master. Most of the Guild Masters want to save up for a special piece of furniture.

4. Don't ask unnecessary questions about promotions. I wrote a whole paragraph about it and you better read it before asking something about it! ;)

5. I hate to say that, I really do, but we have weekly fee… Don't leave already please! It's not that much. 1500 crowns in one week should be perfectly doable! The reason behind this is that we are still growing, and we are in desperate of some crowns! Every little bit counts! If you forget about it once or twice, that’s all right. Just remember that if you donate frequently, the chance of being promoted will rise ;)

6. We like to have very active guild. So, we will remove anyone who hasn't been online for over a month. If you will be away for a longer period of time please let us know. This way we don't have to worry about you being run over by a truck or something! :D

7. If you have access to any of the storages within guild, make sure you repay for anything you take out of there. It's a bank for sharing, not for taking.

8. If you leave the guild without a valid reason, you won't be able to rejoin our guild. This way we only have the most loyal guildies. If there is special reason for you to leave, let me know! We will figure something out.

9. And last of all (and most important of all), have fun! It's game after all!

We hope you will follow our rules. If so, we will have an amazing time together! If you encounter someone who doesn't follow rules or just isn't nice to people, send Guild master a mail and we will send that person a warning. If you get 3 warnings, this will result in permanent ban. We are always ready to help those in need. Just ask in guild chat and I’m sure there will be someone who is ready to help you out. All for one, and one for all!

To create good team we need players who are firstly honest, adapt with others, do their work as it should be and help teammates. So we choose to give each rank some responsibilities that makes them worth and important part of excellent working as a guild. Soo, we have distinct promotion system. Most of it relies on feeling and emotional bonds rather than rules or prestige. The list of ranks with their corresponding perks:

RECRUIT: Recruits are (together with Members) the foundation of the guild. We can't do without them! Recruits don't really have any rights, except being able to donate (always appreciated), checking the guild record (very handily) and leaving the guild (never appreciated). They can also visit the Guild hall.
To become recruit you don't have to do anything at all! Isn't that nice? :3

MEMBER: Members are (together with recruits) the foundation of the guild. We can't do without them! Members have exactly the same rights as the Recruits do, except for one thing. Members can access the member storage. This is bank for items that other people put in. You can add items to this storage or take them away. Just pay attention to rule #7.
To become Member you will have to do a little bit more… If you keep up with your weekly donations, help others out, be nice in general and have a frequent playtime, you will have your member rank within a week. If you don’t, it will take a little longer to become member.

VETERAN: Veterans are important for the guild. We give these tittles to the members that are very loyal to us. They deserve some respect! Veterans have a few more rights compared to members. Veterans can access Veteran storage (rule #7) and can go in design mode (rule #3). As a veteran you cannot publish the guild hall. You can't save the changes you've made, so it's relatively safe.
To become Veteran, the same rules apply as for becoming member. The only difference is the time period. Instead of 1 week, this will become 1 month. Of course, if you are not that helpful, it could take longer.

OFFICER: Officers are the Demi-gods of the guild. They have a certain authority in the guild and are the most loyal members the guild has (except for Guild Masters of course ☺). As the result, they have lot more rights AND responsibilities. Officers can access the Officer storage (rule #7), invite other players into guild, promote and demote members of the guild, make and SAVE changes in design mode and can talk in strictly private Officer chat (Weird things are being said there). It takes a lot of responsibility.
It’s difficult to become an officer. You will have to be manually chosen by one of the Guild Masters.

GUILD MASTER: These sexy guys are the Grandest of the Grand Gods. They have all the perks that are available and have to be treated with respect at all times. If a Guild Master makes decision, you HAVE TO obey this.
It's nearly impossible to become Guild Master. Only if a position opens and you are VERY loyal to the guild and are willing to give everything you have to the guild, they you are suitable for Guild Master

We are organizing guild parties (trolling in haven/guild hall, quizzes, arcade/event runs, cookie raids in clockworks, GvG games and more), setting insane guild messages and keeps whale family to cum and spread darkness everywhere – sounds nasty xD

Thanks for reading everything and u are free to feedback us with some awesome ideas to create even better guild. Hopefully you will choose to join our army of darkness and help us spread the spirit through clockworks.

Your awesome guild masters DarkHuby, Geometrical, Dark-Picka, Delabuxx, Shadyxv, Tove-Lo, Kzel, Zan-Euro, Kungfunight, Bloodymonster, Liranar, Topma-One <3


I finally found I good guild to join! Yaaaay. I'm guessing I message you in SK for you to send me an invite?

"cum and spread darkness everywhere – sounds nasty xD"