guns for Vanaduke

11 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Fehzor

While my normal approach to combat is to tank everything and smash whatever is in front of me (as well as detach my head and have it spam fireballs everywhere as it floats about), the knights always seem to dodge and I fear I'm becoming something of a joke. Even the ceiling collapses I cause fail to trap knights..but the biggest issue is something called blitz needle, which does so much damage to me that I just can't tank it.

What sort of guns would you suggest I craft to take on those pesky wolves I mean knights? I've currently got my eye on polaris, which would broaden my arsenal into shock (as well as fire), but permafroster seems like a good option as well.

Imagen de Bopp
some ideas

Spiral Knights is primarily a game of dodging rather than tanking. Emulate the erratic dodging of gorgomegas and devilites. You can find videos of them on YouTube.

Meanwhile, successful strategies for offense include ranged attacks (rocket puppies, devilites), homing attacks (rocket puppies, gorgomegas), area attacks (some battlepods, mecha knights, Seerus), and freakishly fast movement (greavers, unfortunately hampered by ASI-6). So, yeah, some guns are a good idea. Shock really irritates knights, so consider Storm Driver, Polaris, or Overcharged Mixmaster. Skip the antigua-line guns, which are tedious to use, mediocre in damage, and poor in status.

At the risk of breaking my anonymity, I can say that I've played with you a few times. Your fire-tentacles attack could use some damage bonus or something. That thing works like 1% of the time. Also, try to aim your ceiling collapse to trap knights. If they're solo, then they're dead. Even if they're in a party, their friends are probably too oblivious to free them (e.g. microwaving a burrito in the middle of the fight).

Finally, Spiral Knights is much more fun when you play in a party. Those slag guards don't count; they're riding your coat tails. The Roarmulus Twins have been partying since they joined. Even the Snarbolax sometimes plays in a party. Don't be such a lone wolf.

Imagen de Fehzor

Thanks for the good advice Bopp! I think I'll switch my fire tentacles to rocket puppy rockets and show up alongside the Roarmulus Twins! I tried Storm Driver but my hand was too large. Rocket puppy rockets I think I can handle though, especially if I shoot three of them at a time. They also deal fire, which is to my liking as fire is just flat out the best and I use it with everything.

I'll try to have my head use some of the smaller guns, like overcharged mixmaster (I can easily afford one, since I'm basically the federal reserve for F2Ps as it is) but I have doubts as to whether I'll be able to pull triggers with my teeth, and whether the gun will burn up as my head tends to be rather fiery. It is nice watching TV in one room while my body goes to get drinks though.

If there aren't at least twenty threads about how much harder I am mid-twins fight with rockets I'll try getting rid of those stupid water fountains, even if I do end up getting kind of dehydrated and have to bring bottled water.

Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

I think instead of getting rid of the fountains you should drop ceiling traps on top of them so that they're inaccessible. It just seems more evil.

Have you considered bombs? I know from experience that if you drop a lot of ash of agni, voltaic tempest, and venom veiler all over the place, those pesky knights will consider you not worth the effort and go bother someone else.

spam AT combos

You should turn on AT and combo them

Imagen de Bopp

I think instead of getting rid of the fountains you should drop ceiling traps on top of them so that they're inaccessible. It just seems more evil.

Blocking the fountains with shadow fire is a great strategy. Remember when the OP was a newbie, and he used to get stuck on the wall near the fountains? He's come a long way. But he still dies almost every time in FSC depth 28.

Have you considered bombs? I know from experience that if you drop a lot of ash of agni, voltaic tempest, and venom veiler all over the place, those pesky knights will consider you not worth the effort and go bother someone else.

A lot of knights are going to have fire resistance. I recommend switching out Ash of Agni for Stagger Storm. It would really irritate those knights. Of course, the OP would have to play some PvP.

P.S. Try to lengthen your opening tirade about wolves and Almire. The lore knights will go crazy, and the other knights will go crazy in a different way.

Imagen de Fehzor

My hefty size and slow nature make it rather hard to place bombs as they often get lost under me, and by the time I've walked 6 steps over the bomb's effect is over.. So I stick with my one bomb, the ceiling trap.. Which is highly effective but also uncontrollable- it just sort of falls.

Imagen de Fight-Beetle

your fighting them physically but not mentally
improve your chanses in the battle by insulting their mothers
if they dont have them
insult their genetic breeding pool operator for breeding sucha defective super predator

Imagen de Crazee-Pi-Forum
Remember, don't shoot food.

I would suggest you don't remove the fire blocking them from getting to you when they push the party button, and just go up to them and smash them instead of talking.

If that somehow doesn't work then try getting a shield for your free hand to use like a Trojan and put another shield on your back to use like a Darkfang Thwacker. While you're at it get some silkwings or menders for healing.

EDIT: When I think about it, one thing I would definitely recommend would be to get freeze resist, so that you aren't stuck in one place whenever someone starts shivermisting you. From what I know, your bro Darkfire Vanaduke has this down so try asking him for ways to get freeze resist.

Try getting a battle sprite as well. I would recommend Drakon since you like fire so much. For the ultimates I would probably get Concussive Firebolt, Backfire Barrier (don't get the other ultimate because you already have better) and Frenzied Firestorm.

I might also recommend you bring some remedy pills, just in case.

Imagen de Sipsy

You guys are awesome

Imagen de Neueragon

your real problem is your speed. I know that your fancy armor looks great and has amazing health boosts, but is it really worth the ASD max^3?
if you do decide to stick with it, you might also want to change your tactics. I know you like to single out specific knights if they annoy you too much, but that isnt the best way to go about it. take any chance you can get to hit anyone. it doesnt even matter if you dont hit, the fire tiles will be good enough.
also, ditch the slags. I know you are rather fond of them, but even you know they arent earning their pay. fire them and instead file some paperwork for devilites. trust me, they are much better workers. and the more you have, the easier things get.
lastly, you might want to reconsider gear. grab a swiftstrike buckler and glue it to the outside of you boulder-sized fists for a faster attack. maybe also nail a couple dozen vog cub coats onto your armor. and definitely grab some trinket slots and quick strike modules.

Imagen de Vohtarak-Forum
dont forget

You should probably take away those wells, they might look nice but the knights only use the water to put out fire, maybe replace them with some (respawning) gun puppies like you have in the rest of your kingdom, more guns, less knights