The Kat Claw Tribe Hero, Scraith

What would any of you think Scraiths weapons would be? I can imagine him with a Dread Venom Striker and that's kind of it, only because of how the Cowl and Raiment gives the bonuses of Attack Speed and Damage Bonus, though I'm sure he would have the Swift Strike Buckler too.

Glad I opened your mind up to the ancient history of the Kat Tribes, though I recently have had an interest into the Kat Claw set, so I plan to make it because I find it interesting how there was a legendary swordsman, and we don't usually get stuff like that in this game. Besides not many talk about the Kat Tribes or the Owlights of the High Academy of Magicks these days.

Since he existed in ancient times when they were still around, I'm certain Torair used Sun Shards. They would work well with his gear, too.

What would happen if there was a new dlc that gave you the old sunshards as a reward? How much would you like that?

I remember the old Sun Shards...

I feel in the future there may be some expansions or the Katiclysm event may expand besides having the Cowls and Raiments but also have ancient 3*-5* weapons that are exclusive to the sets of each of the 4. Although Margels would probably be unknown.
Kat Claw = sword = Scraith
Kat Eye = handgun = Preowa
Kat Hiss = bomb = Torair
Scraith? Scraith?! We should be talking about Torair.
P.S. Writing this post required significant new research for me, as I had no idea what you were talking about.