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Gunner Gear Suggestions?

13 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]

Decided to make a gunner set since it looks fun. The only thing is, the only shield seeming to have any affect on guns is the Swiftstrike Buckler (SSB). Imo that shield is ugly and has terrible defense properties... and the bonuses it does give are hardly worth it. Is there any other shield options for a gunner?

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
yes, all

Yes, SSB is the only shield that gives an offensive bonus to gunners. Yes, it's ugly and offers terrible defense. However, the bonus is pretty huge. It's up to you, to decide whether the bonus is worth the drawbacks. Many advanced players in this game seem to think so. Consider using it in easy levels, to help you clear those levels more quickly.

Other than SSB (and BTS, if you have any swords in your loadout), you're choosing your shield based purely on defense. Because of how shields absorb damage and status, the most important defense is an inherent (not UVed) status resistance on the shield. Extra health (Omega Shell) is nice too. Damage protection is less important.

So I end up recommending Grey Owlite for fire and shock, Dread Skelly for freeze and poison, maybe Omega Shell, maybe Volcanic Plate Shield if you're really into FSC, and maybe a tortodrone shield, if you want to try out the enhanced bash.

Bild des Benutzers Smalltownguy
Nothing wrong with SSB

True, many gunners use a Swifty. And they dodge a lot.

Grey Owlite and Volcanic Plate may be the next most common. Whatever blocks Normal plus a relevant status.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

Get Omega shell and use it everywhere you can't afford to heat more than one shield anyway.

Bild des Benutzers Jenovasforumchar
offensive shields for gunners

SSB isn't ugly; I agree with your other points though. The weapon types that you will mostly notice the attack Speed are slow weapons like Autoguns.

Aside from SSB, you can pick Tortoshields for stun spreading. Actually using this has less drawback on guns since pushed enemies can still get hit easily with our long ranged guns - and that fast large area stun is a nice addition to dodgy enemies like kats and devilities.

Well and if you look for 'just any' shield, then go for the defense ones. Saying this I can recommend like everything aside BTS - given that you only use guns.

And if you still say you want to have a desperately need for a status upgrade, then there is still Scarlet shield, too ;) (though I would only recommend this one for certain bombing styls, not for gunning)

I would recommend grey

I would recommend grey owlite, and if you farm vana or intend to CoA. Since a lot of ranged attacks (most likely to hit gunners) are elemental, its best to have elemental shield. Despite what Bopp said I feel like defense resists are still very important, as for example a ice puppy hitting a grey owlite shield (no freeze but elemental defense) is a big difference between it hitting a BTS (no freeze or elemental).

But personally if you don't want SSB just go with the shield that fits the level best thats all there is to it, if only one shield or your first, I would recommend CoA or GO.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
better question

for example a ice puppy hitting a grey owlite shield (no freeze but elemental defense) is a big difference between it hitting a BTS (no freeze or elemental).

Yes, Grey Owlite will defend against elemental-freeze better than BTS will. But the better question is Grey Owlite Shield vs. Dread Skelly Shield. And I think that the freeze is more important than the elemental, so you'd rather have Dread Skelly.

Bild des Benutzers Holy-Nightmare

For the widest range of coverage at the lowest total cost....

I'd suggest the Dragon Scale shield and the Dread Skelly shield (or Gorgomega or Crest of Almire)

With just these two shields you can have all 4 damage resists as well as 3 (4 if you get Gorgomega) good status resists. These two should offer a good starting pair which you can use to help get CR and expand your armory

Bild des Benutzers Corporal-Shade
I'm a Wizard

Hey guys, i'm gunning too. I got a Magnus and I don't know whether I should upgrade it to an Iron Slug or a Callahan.
Magnus is my only piercing gun. I heard Iron Slug is popular but why is it so special?

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
it's not

I heard Iron Slug is popular but why is it so special?

It's not special. It's the opposite of special: normal damage with no status.

The thing is that a magnus-style charge can kill almost anything, even against a neutrally resistant target. So Iron Slug kills almost everything. Get lots of CTR (Chaos armor) and spam it around.

I'm not sure whether to recommend Iron Slug or Callahan. They're similar and great. Winter Grave is less great, because of the freeze, although even that can kill almost everything (except fiends and undead) if you aim well.

Bild des Benutzers Vohtarak-Forum
no, bopp

It has stun, they just didnt update the description to match
Id recommend slug, more all around usage and you can expand your arsenal later

Bild des Benutzers Jenovasforumchar
Winter Grave is OP

Winter Grave just prevents an enemy to get each single hit. This however is not even necessary. If you aim good enough that your bullet reches the Maximum distance at the place of where the Monster stands, then you will barely notice a difference to a iron slug Charge at Point blank range, that gets at least the max range-tick not counted.

Additional to damage, Winter Grave and its previos guns of the line have an almost 100% freeze rate. Just shoot a charge inside one of the Monsters that you definielly do not want to move anymore like lumbers, giant lichens or - and exspecially - Tortodrones and it will be frozen and is completely defenseless against your next shot. A next shot that will freeze again. (In my opinion, the Winter Grave actually deserve the Name 'Permafroster', not that Pulsar) This does also work with Groups of Monsters.

Back to your question:
I recommend Iron slug over Callahan for two reasons:
1. These enemies that you will most likely fight with a piercing gun are very dodgy. Though it has a very relieable flinch and even knock-down against those - if you miss 2 shots, you are stuck in a reload time. Gun switching helps here.

2. Iron slug is a strong weapon that deals - even if normal damage type - enough damage to kill most enemies with 1 single Charge. This does shine exspecially useful in Groups of enemies. There is that one jelly room with a turret where 9 Monsters spawn. A perfect aimed Iron slug Charge combined with a vortex bomb is able to kill all 9 of them with one shot. Therefore you can just use a vortex+Iron Slug as a generel loadout in almost each place.

Bild des Benutzers Bopp
oh, thanks

It has stun, they just didnt update the description to match

Oh, thanks for correcting me, Vohtarak-Forum. I don't have it, although I've seen it used many times.

If you aim good enough that your bullet reches the Maximum distance at the place of where the Monster stands...

Yep, that's what I meant by "aim well" in post #9. But aiming these magnus-style charges already requires a bit of care (waiting for the monster to face you). So the Winter Grave charge is fussy in two ways, so I'm not a fan.

I agree with most of the rest of Jenovasforumchar's post.

Bild des Benutzers Vohtarak-Forum

Accounting for freeze, winter grave is really just a matter of personal preference, testing the 3* is rather easy and can give people a good feel for if they want it or not