Heating and Leveling Gear
Does anyone know the rate of increase on the amount of fire crystals needed to level up a gear as it levels up? To break it down as you level up a gear for each higher level you need more fire crystals to level it up to the next consecutive level. I'm asking at what rate does the increase of fire crystals happen at as the level of the gear goes up?
If no one really knows then does anyone know what the total amount of radiant fire crystals is needed to level up a 5 star gear from level 1 to 10 presuming the gear never skips a level and I always max out the 100% leveling up chance? I'm sorry if this has been asked before, because I checked and I couldn't find a post or spot on the wiki that addresses this specific issue. Thank you for your help.

Im sorry man, but Spiral Wiki is close to useless nowadays sadly :(
I wish it wasnt the case! It was an awesome help until recently.

Yeah the pics are still broken but at least the info is still there.

The information is all there, but it's a little hidden. You have to hit the "[show]" link on the collapsed table in the Fire Crystals Requirements section.
As always, it's worth noting that medium chances (70%-80%) require 420 Radiants on average, compared to the 453 Radiants of 100% chances. The 100% chances have some other advantages (chance of Forge Prize Box, unknown but possibly higher chances of other Forge bonuses).

We should all make threads every time we need to look up something on the wiki and then find it for each other. It would be glorious.

We already do that. :(
On the other hand, at least we're talking about Spiral Knights.

Not gonna lie, i couldnt find that link until Bopp's post. Its not hidden "a little" in my opinion :D
On the other hand yay, i remembered everything correctly :))
Oh and Bopp, dont forget the moral issues with x2-ing. Not worth if you ask me.
Edit: yeah i meant morale ;)

Oh and Bopp, dont forget the moral issues with x2-ing. Not worth if you ask me.
Which moral issues?

I think he might mean morale issues.
As in, it's really demoralizing.

Yes, it can be demoralizing to fail a forging.
Here's a tip for keeping your spirits up: Remind yourself that if you were forging at 100% chances, then you'd be paying 50% more fire crystals per forging. That's much more expensive than medium chances.
But to each his own.
I'm not entirely sure, what are you asking, but if you x3 heating a 5 star item, you need 453 radiant fire crystals assuming you dont achieve double levelup.
First 3 levels are around 3x10 crystals. ( 9 , 9 , 12 ? )
Mid 3 levels are around 3x45 crystals. ( 42 , 45 , 48 ? )
The last 3 levels need approximately 3x96 rads. ( 90 , 96 , 102 ? )
Of course there should be an exact topic around somewhere, cuz these are only popping out of my head.