Upgrading Homecoming (Honor) Gear?
As a long time player of Spiral Knights, I happened to be around in 2012 for the event where we received one of the Honor series weapons and shields. At the time, I was coming back from Hiatus and was not Vanguard yet, and I received the 4* variant of the set. Now, being a better player with better gear, oftentimes the blade and shield just sit in my inventory and never come to use. Now that GH is taking over, perhaps this can receive a way to get an upgrade to 5*? I'm sure other players feel this way too, and it would definitely become one of my main weapons (despite the fact I'm a Gunner/Bomber mix mainly). Plus, the Lionheart Honor Blade looks AWESOME.
TL:DR: Way to upgrade Honor blade and shield series?
I saw many of the old posts, and hopefully with this new change maybe Grey Havens is willing to approach SK from a different view point. I don't want to ask for a free upgrade either, as nice as that might be, I'd like to work a little for it but know that it'll be obtainable at the end of the day.
Thank you for your input though, Midnight!

I'm going to go ahead and disagree. The entire Homecoming event was just to celebrate the guild hall update, and the weapons, shields and stands were meant to be a memento of your place in the ranks at the time. Making them upgradeable devalues the sentiment behind them and serves no practical purpose other than "ooh, shiny" considering the equipment is just a reskin and works just as well as their normal counterparts.
If you say "but people who weren't there at the time won't have X!" then well... yes. That's kind of the point. They're not meant to be upgraded. They're meant to be a reminder of "oh yeah, I was that rank when this happened. Cool."
Yeah, it kind of blows for those that didn't get the 5*, but that's the premise behind ranked versions of them.

I think they should let them be upgraded in some manner, but that they shouldn't change in terms of appearance. So you could have a 5* honor blade that looks like the 3* honor blade. It'd also be kind of neat to have another homecoming event to mark player progress and value the dedication players have put in, especially since we're at the end of an era.

At the end of the day it's still just an aegis and a levi. They are not terrible items, but for the most part players who have them will still choose other swords and shields.
Plus there are like 14 other levi skins.
There isn't, as far as I know, they will remain that way forever, think of them as mile stones and nothing more, OOO weren't know for giving free stuff away for nothing. But with a new company taking over, you may be able to suggest this idea.