Need help picking a shield
As the title says, I need help picking a shield. I'm currently going for a "breadwinner" set with the chaos set. I have the weapons I'm going to use, but I need help with my shield. Currently I have the Brute Jelly Shield, but people have told me it's really bad and that I should go with the Owlite shield, but, again, I already have elemental resistance from the chaos set. So I'm going here, the forums, to find out what shield I should use for a breadwinner set.

Currently I have the Brute Jelly Shield, but people have told me it's really bad...
Yes. The Jelly shield line offers no offensive bonuses, some of the worst status resistances, and okay-but-not-astonishing damage protections.
already have elemental resistance from the chaos set
In case you don't know, shields have nothing to do with armor. Your armor's damage protections and status resistances protect you. Your shield's damage protections and status resistances protect *it*, making it able to absorb more attacks before breaking. For more information, read the wiki articles Shield and/or Shieldbearer Guide.
The other important and non-obvious fact is that native (as opposed to UV) status resistances are extremely powerful on shields, and hence more important than damage protection. For example, if I were going into an elemental+freeze level, I would rather have a freeze+shadow shield than an elemental+fire shield.
So here are the considerations in choosing a shield, roughly in order of importance, depending on how experienced/laggy/etc. you are:
1. offensive bonuses (Barbarous Thorn Shield, Swiftstrike Buckler; some others have penalties)
2. status resistances (particularly fire, freeze, and shock)
3. extra health (Omega Shell)
4. damage protections
5. enhanced shield bash (tortodrone shields).
So in the end I recommend that you get Barbarous Thorn Shield (if you use any swords) and Swiftstrike Buckler. Also get Grey Owlite Shield for fire and shock and Dread Skelly Shield for freeze and poison. You might also consider Omega Shell or Volcanic Plate Shield. You might also try a tortodrone shield, for the enhanced bash. That's it.

@Batabii Only in the fact that it has extra piercing defense at the cost of reduced normal defense. In t1 you don't really have to worry about monsters dealing damage types due to the fact that everything deals normal damage, in t2 they deal mixed normal/whatever damage type they deal. So in the case of a wolver level past t1, yes you probably would want jelly over defender, i personally have never used it, but in theory it would be more suited to that.
If you're already going with Chaos then just get a swiftstrike buckler. Or if you want some defense then Barbarous Thorn Shield.