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can my gear get any better?

56 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx

So the gear I have right now is the Sacred Firefly Shade set and my sprite has ctr med for guns. I was wondering if there was any gunning armors other than caos and kat that when paired with my sprite could be any better than the set I have now? I have tried to mix different sets together but I can't find anything that when paired with any sprite bonus is better than my current gear other than caos and kat.

Portrait de Bopp

I have a detailed armor guide. Check out the Handgun section.

The most obvious thing you're missing is Perfect Mask of Seerus. Its offense is comparable to the Padded helmets, but its defense is better. If you want to get more old-school than any of that, check out Shadowsun.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
I have read your guide before

I have read your guide before and it was very useful in my choice to get the Sacred Firefly Shade set.

I have the perfect mask but I am having a hard time finding an armor to go with it that will be better than my current stuff (if there even is anything better than my gear other than kat or caos). Everything I try to match it up with is just shy of being as good as my current set.

I don't really care to much about defense other than status protection, which I would prefer it to be fire.

I think myself a little to reckless to use caos and I don't have kat so those are the reasons I left those out and it is pretty obvious that those are the best armors in the game.

Edit: I am also to poor to get any good UVs otherwise I would not really be asking about the armor (my best UV is fiend high on my blitz)

Portrait de Bopp
yes, status is the point

I don't really care to much about defense other than status protection, which I would prefer it to be fire.

That's the point. Seerus has better status defenses: fire+4 and shock+4. Those are the nastiest statuses.
* In a fire level, it doesn't matter much whether you wear Seerus or Firefly Shade.
* In a shock level, it matters a lot: shock+4 vs. shock-3. So wear Seerus.
* In a freeze level, try wearing the 3-star Black Kat helmet (which anyone can get easily during any Kataclysm).

Consider also switching your sprite perk from gun CTR to gun damage bonus. Somewhat this depends on which guns you use. For example, blasters, antiguas, and pulsars don't benefit much from CTR, but alchemers, autoguns, and magnuses do.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
What I usually end up doing

What I usually end up doing if a shock level comes up is I switch to vog coat and the perfect mask but any other level I use firefly unless I am using an antigua, and since I am so poor in game I am practically always doing vanna, D&N, and danger missions. So unless I am doing ghost in the machine I don't usually come up against shock.

I never thought about changing the perk to damage bonus, but that is probably because I don't have a blaster (trying to get one) or pulsar (I don't really like pulsars). I like gunning but I only use Blitz, Iron slug, and alchemers so that is why I keep it on CTR.

I would use a kat helmet if I had one but I only started last winter and I don't remember there being a Kataclysm event going on while I have been playing.

I might get caos soon and see if I think I can use it without getting killed a lot but Idk.

Portrait de Bopp
sounds good

I am practically always doing vanna, D&N, and danger missions. So unless I am doing ghost in the machine I don't usually come up against shock.

Okay, but eventually you will get bored with those. And you might do shock-heavy levels more often, if you resisted shock better.

I like gunning but I only use Blitz, Iron slug, and alchemers so that is why I keep it on CTR.


I only started last winter and I don't remember there being a Kataclysm

The last one ran in February. Maybe you weren't ready for it. Based on when it has happened in the past, I'd guess that it will happen again in a few months. And then you'll get this ultra-powerful helmet, for free (not counting your time).

I might get caos soon and see if I think I can use it without getting killed a lot but Idk.

Don't get it if you don't want it. Or save up to get it with a fire or shock UV. Even then, don't get the helmet; get the suit, so that you can pair it with Seerus or the Black Kat helmet.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
It does get sorta boring but

It does get sorta boring but right now they are the only levels I can do to get crowns and rads and that is what keeps me wanting to do them.

Dang that was when I just made it to 4*, and I took a 2 month break from the game in January so even if I was 5* I missed it, man that sucks :(

so just to sum it all up consider getting a shock resistant armor to go with the perfect mask, to switch perks depending on what guns I am using, and to get the kat helmet when I can?

Portrait de Bopp
sounds good

so just to sum it all up consider getting a shock resistant armor to go with the perfect mask, to switch perks depending on what guns I am using, and to get the kat helmet when I can?

Your plan sounds good. Enjoy.

Portrait de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Craft more gun if you haven't done so. More gun is nice and your set up is fine for now.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
I know this is a bit off

I know this is a bit off topic for the thread but how much would I have to pay to get a book for the 5* helmet if I am unable to find one during the next event. I am wondering because the 3* doesn't have that high of health bonus, status defense, and physical defense (I know I said physical doesn't matter to much but that is a huge gap between 3* and 5* and I don't like the feeling of being that weak) and I was hoping that maybe I could buy one during the event.

thx for all the help bop :D

Portrait de Bopp
the price of a Book of Dark Rituals

If you really want to know the price of a Book of Dark Rituals, then post in the Bazaar forum.

What I can tell you is that a Book of Dark Rituals presents three kinds of value:
A. The owner of the Book of Dark Rituals gets a Black Kat Cowl.
B. Everyone in the party, including the owner, gets a bound Wicked Whisker. (There is no other way to get one. They can't be unbound.)
C. Everyone in the party, including the owner, gets the fun of fighting Margrel.

I can also tell you that, once you have a Book, three other players will each pay you 400,000-500,000 crowns to be in the party. Let's be conservative and say 400,000. Then the total value of a Book is your BKC + your fun + 1,200,000. For example, if you have 1,200,000 crowns, then you aren't anywhere near rich enough to buy a Book of Dark Rituals.

When the next Kataclysm comes around, farm it enough to get 70 Ancient Pages. Then get the 3-star helmet and see how it plays. The offense is just as good as the 5-star Black Kat armors', and the defense is only slightly worse. So it is a cheap way to try out the armor.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
wow... Petater said that he

wow... Petater said that he thinks they will be worth about 8ke during the event which is manageable for me if I literally save all I make (which would probably come out to 1,000,000 give or take) but if 1,200,000 is nowhere near enough then I will either have to grind until I drop or just give it up and go for the 4* helmet instead.

this was probably a really long shot considering I only have 170k and should have thought of saving earlier when I had 500k but even then if 1,200,000 is nowhere near enough then it is a dream for me to get one of them :(

thx for all the help Bop I really appreciate it :)

Portrait de Bopp
too little I think

8,000 energy = 80 * 100 energy = 80 * 10,000 crowns = 800,000 crowns? If you see that price, then jump at it. Sell slots in your party for 400,000. You will earn 1,200,000 crowns and a BKC and a Wicked Whisker, based on an expenditure of 800,000 crowns, maybe even on the same day. That's some insanely fast and large profit. If that is possible, then the market is WAY out of equilibrium.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
It did seem like a low price

It did seem like a low price because he also said they used to be 20ke and that is a huge drop. But he might have meant that if he finds one he would sell it to me for 8ke. He never actually said why he thinks they would be that low accept that the demand for them has dropped

Do you have any idea what the chances of finding one are?

Portrait de Bopp

We've had lots of threads about this over the years, which you can find by searching Google for something like "book drop rate" (without the quotation marks). For example, here is a pretty good one. About 1 in every 75 spookats spawns as a black kat, and about 1 in 100 black kats drops a book. Keep in mind that there is a lot of uncertainty in those estimates.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
so the going solo strat does

so the going solo strat does that still work or did they patch that?

if it is on average 1 in 75 to get a Bk and then 1 in 100 to get a book how much grinding would that take?

and I just asked Loquane how much he would price a book during the event and he said 10ke which still seems sorta low to me but if they go for that low I ma gonna get one as soon as I can

Portrait de Bopp
so the going solo strat does

so the going solo strat does that still work or did they patch that?

I don't know.

if it is on average 1 in 75 to get a Bk and then 1 in 100 to get a book how much grinding would that take?

The original post in the thread that I linked explains all of that. 20 spookats per Candlestick Keep. And you need 75 * 100 = 7,500 spookats. So 375 Candlestick Keeps, or thereabouts.

Portrait de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

I'd expect about 15-20K CE per book next event. The price per party is about 3.5-4K CE right now which comes out to about 14-16K CE worth of whiskers and whatever the black kat cowl is worth, so naturally books are worth all of that and the added experience of getting to fight Margrel. If Petater can find them for 8K CE I'd be glad to buy for a bit more than that.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
375 Candlestick Keeps is a

375 Candlestick Keeps is a lot :(

I already have one guy that said he might be willing to sell me one if he finds one but if they go for that much I don't think I will have enough to buy one :(

Thank you for all the help guys. If I have any more questions about armors I will post them here.

Portrait de Tiraid

0.00133% chance of getting a book, per kat spawn based on bopps figures. Decided to do the math, probably did it wrong. Odds have never been my forte.

Portrait de Bopp
1 / 7500

1 / 7500 is about 0.00013, which equals 0.013%. Cheers.

Portrait de Nebrium

Use a Combuster. If you don't have one, make one?

Portrait de Bopp

Use a Combuster. If you don't have one, make one?

I think that the original poster is deliberately a gunner, not a sworder or hybrid.

Portrait de Nebrium

It was a joke but the brandish charge is a wave that can be similar to a projectile that only travels underground.

As I play any class in the game. There's nothing wrong with gunners using other utilities game mechanics like knockback when you need to charge to push and bruise the monsters first to get the required space area advantage you need in a tight pinch in a creative way.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
I am a hybrid but I like

I am a hybrid but I like using guns more :)

I do have a Combuster... it is my most used sword

If I was a pure gunner I would still want to have a sword with me to get them off me when they surround me and like Nebrium said when they are to close to do any real gunning without getting hurt

I usually run with 2 guns one sword unless I am doing a level that I prefer swords on (Shadowplay or the apocrean levels) then I will use 2 swords one gun

I have been asking about gunning armor because I use guns the most and gun bonuses are more important to me than sword bonuses since I do vanna a lot, but I still use swords a decent amount

Portrait de Nebrium

It doesn't really matter what you make, but the best sets out there is chaos and black kat sets paired with swiftstrike.

The reason why people find other alternatives is usually the resistance and asi and partial dmg bonuses which is fine, but it still looks like at it a waste of time. Everything about me is speed, damage and mobility. To add further for urges to craft other sets that have helpful status resistance is because players are either failing to improve their evasiveness or their computer or internet is sucks and can't be bothered playing perfect.

I've seen this a lot from players of years of playing. They gun with the crappiest dmg set and almost proves to be useless in T3 Elite with 3-4 members that I end up plowing through everything for them. I get the concept of some just like to do it for fun, but jeez 10 -15 secs on a single target?

Not crafting a Chaos Set the first time around is a rookies mistake. Instead of thinking so harshly about negative resist. Use its set bonus and learn how to not get hit in the process if you really want to save time and progress fast in-game. Especially in a 4 party run... You'd wish you have vh-max dmg/ctr on guns...

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
I know that the best sets are

I know that the best sets are chaos and kat but in my eyes why get a chaos set if in a few months I am just going to be getting a kat set (or at least going to try to) which is way better than chaos, I would just be wasting crowns and energy that I would be using for something better.

I am trying to get better at dodging when I have to, but that is only half of why I don't want chaos. My computer is good enough to run SK on max settings and my internet is pretty good too but for some reason I get lag spikes pretty frequently and I am usually crossing fire traps or fighting a ton of enemies when that happens.

Correct me if I am wrong but what you are saying is that the first thing you want on a weapon is dmg, not asi and not ctr just dmg? I somewhat disagree with that. I know dmg bonus is super useful to all weapons but in some areas I prefer to have ctr and asi over dmg, for instance a blitz and Iron slug needs ctr to do any good dmg and for a blaster asi is super useful.

I don't think it is a mistake at all for not crafting a chaos set right when you can. A new player to t3 in my opinion shouldn't rush into t3 for the first time in chaos, they need to get used to t3 and how to dodge the attacks before they get a chaos set. I personally don't want to get a chaos set because why get the second best glass cannon set if like a month later I will be trying to get the best glass cannon set, it just doesn't seem smart to do that.

Even with my ctr vh, asi med, and dmg med (all for guns) I still end up doing more work than most people in chaos and sometimes people in kat. I am not saying I am pro (nowhere near being pro) but even without chaos I am still doing better than most people in chaos, which proves that dmg is not always better than a mix of ctr and asi as long as you have a good understanding of the game and when to do stuff and when not to do stuff and even then I still think myself to clumsy for chaos but I will still try get kat during the next kat event

Portrait de Bopp

My view is between Nebrium's and Nuclear-Lynx's views.

Nebrium is underestimating how dangerous Chaos is to inexperienced and laggy players. We have a pretty good idea of how MSI, ASI, CTR, and damage bonuses affect performance, and I don't understand why Nebrium has elevated damage bonus so far above the others. ASI and CTR also help damage output, while also helping defense (by helping you interrupt enemies quickly). But he (or she) is right, in that you want to get blanket damage bonuses, not family-specific damage bonuses, and they usually come from your armor.

Nuclear-Lynx is overestimating his (or her) chances of getting high-star Black Kat gear any time soon. He should get Chaos Cloak and leave it at heat level 1 for a while, then heat it to heat level 5 if he finds himself using it. He should get the 3-star Black Kat helmet during the next Kataclysm. No one knows how he's going to play in glass cannon gear, until he tries it. It's not as bad as you might think. And it does help you train your dodging, as Nebrium said.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
I do understand that my

I do understand that my chances to get the 5* kat helmet and then a kat cloak are pretty low but I am confident that I will get one because I will be grinding like mad during the event and I have had 3 people tell me I could have first dibs on buying a book of them if they find one. If for some reason I can't get a book then I will get a 3* hood or keep saving until I can buy one after the event and only if I can't get a book I will get a chaos cloak because if I get one now I will just be lessening the amount of crowns and energy I have and if I am off from getting a book by like 400 energy that is gonna make me super mad, so I don't think it is worth getting chaos until I get or fail at getting a kat set.

I know I may have high hopes and that I may be bashing chaos but I just don't think it is worth getting at this point. I am probably also underestimating the difficulty of finding a book but I do think that I have a decent chance of acquiring a book during the next event

Portrait de Bopp
sounds good

Okay, you seem to have a realistic view of how to get a Book of Dark Rituals.

If you manage to find a Book, then you will get the 5-star Black Kat helmet and the 3-star Black Kat suit. If you trade your party slots with other Book owners, then you will even be able to upgrade to the 4-star suit. Either way, you obviously don't need the 3-star Black Kat helmet. You might still want to get Chaos Cloak, but I don't want to harp on it, so I'll stop talking about that.


Portrait de Nebrium

Yes, you read correctly. Damage damage damage. But you failed to see Chaos+Swiftstrike Buckler provides all DMG/CTR and ASI...

And from a veterans point, it's definitely a mistake to not do research and not go with Chaos if you plan going long term. The proper blueprint for me is to work with the best set that the game provides and I can afford. Then work backwards to inferior junk that I like. And maybe I am underestimating beginners for the connection or machine performance not being there for them, but that doesn't mean they can't explore and recognize how footwork is extremely important.

I hate to break it to you, I think I understand this game well enough to go against anything what the game says lol... I'll head out with unorthodox weapons and gear sets out of boredom and put finesse in the basics of the phrase "don't get hit." Using the strongest aspects in the game that people seem to always skip, footwork, weapon mechanics, switching mechanics and rhythm. If you see my LoA prestige video, it demonstrates just that.

If you're going to wear resistance armor, might as well give up gunning and buy a vog set with a sword and hit and get hit by slags and getting caught on fire... Why do you think guns are ranged weapons... To go close to enemies and get hit while shooting? Gunners with resistance is just as weak as one without. People who make the poor choices often whine later that they should have made something else because they later whine about the expenses and the time crafting new equipment lol...

and Bopp I meant footwork for mobility not MSI. My fault... But yes VH MSI is a treat to have :)

Portrait de Bopp

But you failed to see Chaos+Swiftstrike Buckler provides all DMG/CTR and ASI...

No, I haven't failed to see that. It's all covered in my armor guide, which was linked in post #1 above.

that doesn't mean they can't explore and recognize how footwork is extremely important.

I agree. That's why I advise them to consider glass cannon armors, then class armors, then defensive armors as a last resort.

go with Chaos if you plan going long term

I also take a long-term view. But I worry that many players might get frustrated with glass cannon armor and quit the game prematurely. Have you played with newbies recently? Have you seen how bad they are in the Royal Jelly Palace? Of course you could tell them to get good and wear only Chaos and Black Kat. But the truth is that they can complete the game perfectly well with Skolver or Shadowsun too. Not everyone has to be wearing the same armor all the time.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
I am totally okay with

I am totally okay with everything you tell me Bopp, you are one of the most knowledgeable in the game for armors so fell free to tell me anything you feel I need to know because like I said earlier I am nowhere near being pro and even knowing about armors will help me out a great deal.

He meant the Chaos+Swift for me I think.... and yes I did overlook the swiftstrike the first time I read your comment.

sorry if I am getting annoying with all my questions and stuff

Portrait de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

Glass cannon isn't always best. The general order for gear is as follows-

1. Key immunity- i.e. poison/fire for C42, shock for gitm, etc.
2. The stats you need to power your weapons
3. Defenses etc.

The "Key immunity" factor is pretty vague. Maybe you and your landline connection are impeccable and don't need resistance for C42. Good for you. For a lot of players this isn't the case. A lot of players, especially those still learning, less practiced gaming in general, using cheap wifi, tank hits like you wouldn't believe and end up dead. Those players probably shouldn't be building any loadouts near the word "glass".

What I will say is that the ratio of power to defense is rather skewed towards chaos/seerus. Basically-

Full chaos/black kat with status UVs = godmode
Full chaos = get rekt by shock and fire in one hit GG
Chaos + seerus/class = you have about 4-5 hits and only 8% less damage???
Full volc demo/vog/justifier = you're limited to bombs and you have about 6ish hits. Huge limitations for what you're getting.
Full tank armor i.e. plate = you can tank about 10-15 hits but your weapons are all awful to use and life is bad

If you're the average Joe you're probably going to want to go for half chaos half class armor, and eventually strive for that godmode.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
I might get a chaos cloak and

I might get a chaos cloak and try it out with seerus but that will probably only happen if I am way over my goal for crowns to get the book.

I would love to be able to get those godmode UVs but I make crowns sorta slow and I am saving to get a book... otherwise I would try to get those UVs on a chaos.

Thank you again for all your help :)

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
I might get a chaos cloak and

EDIT: sorry for the double post don't know why it posted 2 of my comment

Portrait de Nebrium

Was talking to Nuclear about the set up, not to you Bopp.

And Nuclear, in short anything you have is fine in my book. Everything is doable, the only difference is time completions. I am only a player that follows whatever is quick and most efficient. We can argue what is the best and what skill a player has. What is already said from people is what it is. The only thing left is to work on fundamentals like kiting, and game mechanics. You don't need to know the entire wiki to get the job done right lol.

And Bopp, I just think newbs are upset because of their connection usually. I am just guessing but this game isn't friendly anymore for how it's currently designed unlike before, and you know what I am talking about lol. simply telling they should go glass first will make it easier for them to get their dream costumes. Thats if the heating and crystal doesn't kill them first...

No-more-light... your key immunity is correct but prestige isn't something that should be heavily looked upon or to consider... It's just prestige, a worthless way to keep veterans out of haven and fsc and to obtain pointless badges... I still feel as though the many who quit because of the toaster servers was their best call. All I remember even people with the best sets for a particular map still gets destroyed at least once every level. I would never count on a 1-2 barrer to do C42 without losing 50 sparks with fire/psn set... So let's be realistic here lol.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
I know that it doesn't matter

I know that it doesn't matter to much what armor I get but I still like to have something that will keep me alive if a lag spike hits or if I am derping, if it wasn't for the lag spikes that I get semi frequently,chaos would have been my second armor set not shade lol.

Portrait de Nebrium

I'd quit and play Gw2. It's too expensive for someone with horrible connection to inherit the best sets for specific levels.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
I don't have the best

I don't have the best connection but I definitely don't have the worst.

and what is Gw2?

sorry it took me a long time to respond.... I am on vacation right now and I do not have internet access that often

Portrait de Nebrium

Guild Wars 2

Portrait de Flowchart

so the going solo strat does that still work or did they patch that?

the post is a few weeks old, but it wasn't answered, I remember it being patched. Or not as effective as it was before. It's probably still faster to just run through things solo though.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
well there goes my plan to

well there goes my plan to get a book during the event lol.

I can't get a book if I am not home lol.

I guess I will be getting chaos when I get home after all :)

My gunning set,

What i use for gunning i end up getting asi max, ctr max, and dmg max.
I weapon swap with 2 alchmeres the nova driver and storm driver wich both have ASI low uvs witch isn't very hard to get.I have a full chaos set equiped and for my shield i use the swiftstrike buckler. on my sprite ill use dmg med and i use the trinket for asi med.
I havent got this set completely but in the end you get the 3 mane bonuses at max wich is what is important.

Portrait de Bopp
not to be a downer, but

That's a great set. The next thing to work for is MSI. You can get up to +3 easily, using the Swift Steps II sprite perk and the 3-star Black Kat helmet. Of course, that will require other changes in your configuration. Cheers.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
So as I said before I would

So as I said before I would post here if I had any further questions about armor :)

So I was thinking of making a new character and I was going to make it a pure bomber and I was wondering what shield and weapons I should prioritize from the get go and also what sprite to get? I already know that I am going to get the mad bomber set and I have a rough idea what weapons to get (DBB, Shiv, and DR) but I just wanted other peoples opinions on what I should get starting out.

Portrait de Tapproot
Pure Bombing Equipment

Unless you just want to be a hipster, don't get Mad Bomber. Many people have posted this before, but Mad Bomber is a direct down-grade from the Chaos set: Mad Bomber has all of the same status weaknesses as Chaos (minus curse, which almost never appears anyway) but its damage bonus and charge time reduction only apply to bombs, unlike Chaos whose buffs effect all weapons. So instead of Mad Bomber I would recommend the Chaos set unless you aren't that good at dodging- if so I would recommend Volcanic Demo, as it doesn't have any status weaknesses and resists fire.

To address your weapon choices, DBB is great and is essential for any pure bomber. Shivermist Buster is a less good choice: it helps make the Vana fight easier, but if I was going to go for any mist bomb I would go for Voltaic Tempest first. The shock deals massive damage to clumped up enemies and does wonders towards crowd control- most people prefer a Voltaic Tempest for crowd control over Shivermist. DR is a great bomb, it pumps out the most DPS out of any other bomb towards constructs and slimes.

Other bombs I would strongly recommend would be the Nitronome, Electron Vortex, and Venom Veiler. The Nitronome deals great damage and its knockback is incredible for regaining control of any situation, but don't use it too often when you are in a party, as the blast is distracting and the knockback can destroy your teammates. The Electron Vortex is excellent for grouping up enemies allowing you or your teammates to deal massive damage to anything sucked up with various other weapons like brandishes, and its shock can keep the enemies grouped together after the explosion and deal massive damage. The Venom Vieler is the definition of a support bomb and makes dealing with menders much easier. The poison prevents enemies from healing and turns the potential heal into damage as well as decreasing their defense and damage.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
I see where you are coming

I see where you are coming from with the suggestion to get chaos rather than mad bomber but as I said in my previous post I want that character to be a pure bomber not a hybrid bomber. So it would be pointless to get chaos if I will be making my character a pure bomber.

You make a good point about the tempest. I will put that on my list of bombs I might go for right away :). I will also consider getting Nitronome and the veiler but there is no way as a bomber that I will be able to get the Electron vortex. would the poison vortex bomb work?

Do you have any idea of what you want in a shield if you are a pure bomber?

Portrait de Tapproot

The Obsidian Vortex is also a good choice instead of the Electron Vortex as the poison is useful, but it really isn't as good as the Electron Vortex. What I did was play Blast Network whenever I saw some people queued to get my krogmo coins. You don't have to do the farming all at once- I spent around 3 months of playing Blast Network every once in a while until I got the bomb recipes, but it is well worth it. Until then the Obsidian Vortex is a good bomb to have (and even after then), and in some occasions like vs gremlins it is even better than the Electron Vortex.

For shields, since there aren't any that specifically buff bombs, you want to look for a shield with strong status defenses. I would start with Grey Owlite as it blocks both shock (which is annoying) and fire (which is prevalent in FSC). Other choices would be the Volcanic Plate Shield, which has an incredible amount of health and fire resist, or the Dread Skelly Shield, which resists the only other two common statuses: Freeze and Poison. What I crafted was the Grey Owlite Shield, and then much later when I had all the other bombs and weapons I cared about I crafted the Dread Skelly Shield to have choices for resisting every common status.

I recommend reading the bomber guide ( and maybe the shieldbearer guide ( If you still have any questions I and I'm sure several other people will be happy to answer.

Portrait de Nuclear-Lynx
ok cool :)

Thank you so much for all your help man I really appreciate it :)

Portrait de Bopp

As Tapproot explained, Mad Bomber's only value is in aesthetics and role-playing a bomber. But okay.

The poison vortex bomb is nearly as well-respected as the shock vortex, but not quite. To learn more, search Google for something like "vortex bomb" (without the quotation marks). You will find many threads.

Bombers choose a shield using the same criteria as everyone else: abilities (ASI, etc.), status resistances, health, damage protection (less important than status resistance, because of how damage is calculated on shields), and maybe enhanced bash (only on the tortodrone shields). So consider Swiftstrike Buckler, to give your bombing animations a little more speed. But otherwise choose your shield to match the status threats you're facing.